800 Word Prequel!

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800 Word Prequel!

Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 30 May 2008 9:23:58pm

:double jump: Jo is writing an 800 word prequel for charity that will focus on James & Sirius, 3 years before Harry is born. I'm so excited! I hope it turns into a more lengthy book. ;)

Details can be read here-



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Re: 800 Word Prequel!

Postby *Riley* » Saturday 31 May 2008 1:16:50am

:double jump: yay! :double jump:

I heard that she said it is written on a piece of paper the size of a postcard.. :eek:

But isn't 800 words only like three pages ?? Maybe we could nag and she would add another 1,000,000!
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Re: 800 Word Prequel!

Postby salemboy » Saturday 31 May 2008 12:42:57pm

:double jump: WOOT!! :double jump:

Go J.K. Rowling!!! She ROCKS!!!

Oh, and just a thought here. Harry Potter has so much wizarding history, that J.K. could make a whole bunch of novels about other wizards and make another fortune off of it, or she could just give it to charity. Either way, that would be awesome.

Still, HP prequel!!! :drums: :drums: :double jump: :double jump: :double jump:
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Re: 800 Word Prequel!

Postby DucksRMagical » Tuesday 17 June 2008 6:33:06pm

The prequel is now online! It is absolutely hilarious and very well detailed! Here's a link. ;)


*Don't look further until you've read it*

What does everyone think? I personally love it, although I would like something a bit longer. It poses a whole new set of questions. Do you think James & Sirius had a lot of run-ins with Muggle police? Were obliviators sent? Did the two of them get in trouble?

I think this wasn't an isolated event, myself. James & Sirius are such trouble makers and probably did this quite a bit. I imagine Lily wasn't pleased. I doubt the Ministry got involved because there were only 2 policemen and if either of them told anyone about it, they'd probably be deemed crazy.
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Re: 800 Word Prequel!

Postby GodrictheGriffon » Monday 21 July 2008 5:21:45pm

I loved it. I bet that the men on broomsticks were DEs coming after them while they were on business for the Order.
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Re: 800 Word Prequel!

Postby Malfoyx14 » Sunday 11 October 2009 2:00:00pm

That was great. I loved it. Seeing James and Sirus together makes me want to read a book about their lives. Haha they're funny.
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Re: 800 Word Prequel!

Postby GryffindorAnimagus » Sunday 6 June 2010 3:36:46pm

Loved teh Prequel. Wish that JK would write more about James and Sirus. I think that would be very funny.
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