Despite the fact that my sequel to AP&TSW does not have a name yet, I'm going to start posting it anyway.

If you haven't already, please read Albus Potter and the Secrets Within first, because otherwise, a lot of this one won't make sense.
Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter, I'm just having fun.
Chapter 1: The Phone Call
Albus Severus Potter stared out his bedroom window and watched as an owl flew closer and closer to Grimmauld Place. The sun was just above the horizon and was already shining brightly into Albus's room. Albus ran a hand through his messy black hair as he waited for the owl. True, he didn't really know if the owl was for him or not, but he was eager to see. He was the only one awake at this hour anyway. His brother James was surely sleeping in, as he had been doing all summer. Albus slept in for the first few weeks, but after a while the novelty wore off and he started rising at an earlier hour. Albus watched the owl through his green eyes as it soared towards his window. Albus leaned over and opened the latch, and the owl landed on his desk.
It was a large brown screech owl that Albus immediately recognized as his friend, Matt Eckerton's. It stood proudly on top of Albus's Transfiguration book with its leg sticking out, waiting for Albus to untie its letter. Albus went over to the owl and retrieved the letter. Once he did so, the owl flapped its wings and flew out the window once more. Albus flopped down onto his bed and ripped open the envelope. It had been weeks since he had last seen his friends from Hogwarts and eagerly anticipated their letters. John Brickston and Matt Eckerton had each written him a couple times. Albus unfolded the letter and silently read it.
My parents said yes! I can go to yours and Rose's birthday party!
I really wasn't sure if they'd actually let me, but they've been
talking to your parents a lot and they finally agreed. They've got
it all arranged. I'm going to go to your house a couple days before
the party, in about three weeks, and I can stay a couple days after,
too. But then I'll have to go home, you know why.
We're going to meet up with you in Diagon Alley, since we're not
on the Floo Network. John tells me he's visiting some of his
cousins right before your party, but that he'll be able to stay at
your house after.
I can't wait until the party. Things at my house are dreadfully
boring. And my parents have been kinda depressed. Amy
moved out last week. You probably already know that since
Victoire went with her. But Mum's been crying a lot. She's
talking about how her baby is all grown up.
Anyway, I'll see you in a few weeks!
Your friend,
Albus grinned broadly as he set Matt's letter down next to John's most recent one. He was thrilled that both of his best friends would be able to go to his birthday party. John had said yes right away, but Matt's parents were very protective of him and had to be convinced. Both of his friends would wind up spending about a week with Albus and he couldn't wait. Albus wondered what Mrs. Eckerton would do with herself while her son was at Grimmauld Place. Albus had only met the woman twice, but he got the feeling that she was even more protective of her children than his own grandmother was. He could only imagine what Matt's mum was doing now that her daughter had moved out. Only a week before, Matt's sister Amy and Albus's cousin, Victoire, had moved into a flat in London. The two of them were beginning their Healer training in September.
Albus heard footsteps running down the hall that he recognized immediately as his little sister Lily's. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was nearly nine. His mother must be up, too. Albus got up from the bed and got dressed. He opened the door and went down to the kitchen. When he got there, he saw his mother standing near the fire tending to a cauldron. Lily was sitting at the table in her pajamas, playing with her pet pygmy puff.
Albus sat down next to her and watched her as she fed the small creature Wizard O's.
"Hi, Albus!" she said cheerfully, "Wanna feed Martin?"
"Er, no thanks," Albus told her.
"Hi, Al," Ginny looked up from the cauldron and smiled at him, "I'm cooking some oatmeal."
"Sounds good," Albus said as his stomach growled, "I got a letter from Matt just now. He can come to the party and he's coming a few days early."
"That's wonderful," Ginny smiled and went back to stirring the cauldron.
"Would young master like any pumpkin juice?" Kreacher appeared at Albus's side carrying a flagon of juice and a cup.
"Sure, thanks, Kreacher," Albus told the house elf. Albus liked Kreacher. He was always there to help whenever Albus needed him. Harry had told him that Kreacher was not always this nice, but Albus could hardly imagine it.
Albus took the glass of pumpkin juice and grabbed the copy of the morning Prophet that was laying nearby. He immediately opened it to the Quidditch section. "Ha!" he laughed when he saw the headline, "I wonder if Matt's read this!"
Ginny glanced over at Albus's shout and looked at him quizzically. "The Chudley Cannons just lost another game. Their newest Seeker tripped over his own broom as he was kicking off from the ground and gave himself a black eye," Albus laughed. "Matt supports the Cannons."
"Who supports the Cannons?" James came slowly down the stairs, yawning as he rubbed his eyes.
"Matt does," Albus said and he tossed James the paper, "Read that."
James read the paper silently for a few minutes and then burst out laughing. "They're hopeless."
Albus nodded in agreement as he started eating the oatmeal that Ginny had served him. He discussed Quidditch with James and his mother for the next half hour. All of them agreed that the Cannons had no chance of ever making it to the Cup. When Albus had finished his oatmeal, Harry came stumbling down the stairs in his pajamas.
"There's oatmeal in the cauldron, honey," Ginny smiled warmly at him and got up from the table. She planted a quick kiss on his face as he reached for an empty bowl.
Albus twisted his face up in disgust as James shouted, "Mum! Can't you do that when we're not looking?"
"Someday you'll understand, James," Ginny laughed, "Someday soon, girls won't have cooties anymore."
"That's already happened," James muttered quietly so only Albus could hear him, "It's just I'll never want to see my own parents doing that."
"Do you have to go into work today?" Ginny asked as Harry sat down next to her at the table.
"No, thank Merlin," Harry told her, "First Saturday off in a month. I hadn't realized how far I got behind when I was teaching."
"Have you decided if you're teaching yet next year?" James asked. He and Albus had been asking their father this for the past month, but he had yet to make a decision.
Harry sighed, "I'm still not sure. Professor Kendrick is looking for another teacher, but he hasn't found anyone yet. It would seem as if people think the job's cursed again. If he doesn't find anyone else, I guess I'll do it."
"I hope you do teach, Dad," Albus told him, "I like having you for a teacher."
Harry grinned, "I'm glad you like it. What do you say we have a Wizard's Chess tournament after breakfast?"
"Yeah!" Albus shouted excitedly. "Might actually have a chance at winning since Uncle Ron and Rose aren't here."
The whole Potter family played game after game of chess, until James was declared the champion. By the time lunch rolled around, Albus was sick of the game. "Can we go play Quidditch after lunch?" he asked.
"Maybe," Harry said in between bites. Harry often took them to play Quidditch at Rose's house. Since the Potters lived in London, they really couldn't play Quidditch at their own house. "Rose won't be there, though. They're visiting Aunt Hermione's parents."
"That's all right," Albus said, "Rose doesn't really like Quidditch anyway."
"I'll never understand that," James sighed.
At that moment, Albus heard a high pitched ring coming from the kitchen counter. He looked over and saw the small mobile phone that always sat next on the window sill. The Potters did not have many Muggle devices in their house, but they did have one telephone in case they had to contact any Muggles. Usually the phone was just used when Harry talked to his cousin, Dudley. But James and Albus had given the number to their Muggle born friends. Amanda had called Albus earlier in the summer to tell him that she would be able to go to his party.
Harry glanced at Ginny who shrugged. It was obvious that neither of them were expecting a call. Harry wordlessly got up from the table and answered the phone. "Hello?" he said. He went quiet for a few moments while whoever was on the other end told him something. Harry's eyes widened in shock and a grin spread cross his face. "What? Are you serious? Dudley, that's brilliant!"
Dudley? Albus thought. Normally, Dudley only called around holidays and birthdays. Even then, the conversations tended to be short and not filled with excitement like this one obviously was. Albus was very curious at this point and he glanced at James, who looked just as curious.
Harry's excitement calmed down a bit as he continued the conversation. "Well, you'll have to tell them sometime. Yes, I know they won't be thrilled," he paused, furrowing his brow as he listened. "No, I'm not going to tell them for you."
Harry listened for a few moments as he started to pace alongside the counter. "Hmm, well, if you'd like, we'll take him to Diagon Alley with us when we go. You can come, too, of course."
Harry talked for a few more minutes and then hung up the phone. He started laughing as he sat back down at the table. "Just spoken with Dudley...."
"Yes, I'd guessed that!" Ginny said quickly, "What about?"
"You'll never guess...."
"So tell us!" Ginny replied.
"Kaden is a wizard," Harry grinned.
Albus's mouth fell open. Harry's cousin, Dudley, had two kids. The older one, Kaden, was a little younger than Albus. Dudley had never been a fan of magic and Albus could only imagine what he would think of his own son being a wizard.
"You're kidding!" Ginny shouted.
"Nope, he got his letter this morning," Harry told them, "The owl scared the heck out of Christina, but Dudley says Kaden is thrilled." Christina was Dudley's wife. Dudley had told his wife about magic, but had not gone into great detail and neither of the kids knew anything about it. "He's not looking forward to telling Vernon and Petunia."
"I would think not," Ginny said, "Merlin, they're going to flip."
"Dudley actually asked me if I'd tell them," Harry laughed, "I told them definitely not."
"Good," Ginny agreed, "I wouldn't even want to be in the same room as your aunt and uncle the moment they find out about Kaden."
Harry and Ginny continued to talk about Kaden even after James and Albus left the table. The two of them went up to James's room, where they spent a few minutes discussing it themselves.
"Wonder what house he'll be in," Albus said as he tossed around one of James's practice Snitches.
"I'd guess Hufflepuff," James commented. Albus had to agree with that. He had met his cousin, Kaden, before and he'd seemed the Hufflepuff sort. James had managed to pull quite a few pranks on him over the years and he didn't seem to be the sharpest quill in the box. Albus remembered the last time they'd seen Kaden. It had been a couple years ago. Albus and his family tended to visit the Dursleys every couple of years, but the Dursleys had never been to Grimmauld Place. Albus guessed it was probably because Kaden and his sister didn't know about magic. Well, they do now, Albus thought.
"Think he'll be any good at Quidditch?" Albus asked.
"Who knows?" James shrugged, "He's never been on a broom before, but look at Dad."
"I can't wait to see him eat Bertie Bott's Beans for the first time," Albus grinned mischievously, "The first time Amanda had one of those, she spat it out in John's face."
"I guess he's coming to Diagon Alley with us. Dudley, too, probably," James said, "That'll be interesting."
"Yeah, I can't wait to see what Dudley thinks of the place," Albus laughed.
"Just wait until Kaden asks for his first broom," James grinned.
Albus burst out laughing, thinking of the look on Dudley's face when Kevin announced he was going to play Quidditch, "We'll have to teach him how to play Quidditch!"
"Definitely," James agreed. "This is going to be a great year, I can feel it!"
"That's because you get to go to Hogsmeade this year," Albus reminded him.
"I know," James grinned, "I can't wait!"
"Plus, Washburn's gone," Albus commented, "Wonder who they'll get to replace him?"
"Hopefully someone who's not a Slytherin-loving git."
"Or who wants to steal the Hallows."
"Or who's goal in life is to become the next Voldemort."
"Or who stares at you so menacingly you can't even perform the simplest spells."
"Or who gives you detention every other day."
James and Albus continued to list off Washburn's faults, which quickly turned into insulting the way he looked, until they were both laughing so hard they were in tears. They were still laughing hysterically when Harry came into the room a while later.
"What's so funny?" he asked.
Albus stopped laughing and looked up at him, grinning, "We, er, were talking about Washburn."
"Ever notice how he's kind of got a unibrow?" James asked, laughing.
"I guess," Harry smiled. "Anyway, do you two want to go play Quidditch?"
"Yeah!" the boys shouted at the same time. James grabbed his broom off the top of his desk and found a Quaffle, along with a practice Snitch.
Albus ran out of the room and grabbed one of his mother's old brooms from the nearby cupboard. It was old and started vibrating if you flew too fast, but it worked. He was hoping he would get a new broom if he made it onto the Quidditch team this year. "Ready," he said as he rejoined his dad and brother.
"Are Mum and Lily coming?" James asked.
"No, they've got some shopping to do in Diagon Alley," Harry told them as he left the room, "I think we'll Floo."
Albus followed his dad and James down the stairs and into the drawing room. Harry grabbed a handful of Floo powder, threw it into the fire, and shouted, "Ron and Hermione Weasley's house!" James followed after him, and then Albus.
Albus landed in his Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione's living room. Their house was a small, cozy place in the middle of a field with a forest nearby. It seemed strangely quiet without anyone else in it. Albus, James, and their dad headed out the door and into the field. Albus watched as Harry pulled out his wand and muttered a few spells that would keep the Snitch from roaming too far.
"Let's do some Quaffle drills," Albus suggested as he mounted his broom, "I need to practice for try-outs."
Harry and James agreed and mounted their brooms as well. The two of them were up in the air before Albus was, due to their superior brooms. Albus saw James release the Snitch and wait a few moments before taking off after it. Harry had the Quaffle in his hand and once Albus was in the air, he passed it to him. Whipping out his wand, Harry conjured a large wooden hoop and suspended it in mid-air.
"There you go, Al," Harry grinned, "Try and put the Quaffle through that. I'll Keep."
"You've got to conjure two more, Dad," Albus told him, "Otherwise it's too easy for you."
Harry laughed and conjured a few more hoops. Albus flew around him for a little while before sending the Quaffle into the left most hoop. Harry was too slow and the Quaffle sailed through.
"Good one!" James shouted as he caught the Quaffle on the other side. He tossed it to Harry, who then tossed it back to Albus.
They continued playing for a couple hours, taking short breaks to rest. Albus managed to score a lot of goals, with Harry only blocking a couple. After a while of catching and releasing the Snitch, James joined Albus and the two of them teamed up against Harry. Harry wasn't able to save many goals with both his sons passing the Quaffle back and forth. Eventually, they all got tired and decided to call it a day. Albus flooed back to Grimmauld Place tired, but happy.