How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Dunno, just read it...
You kidding!!! J.K.R wrote the BEST first sentance!
Total votes : 46

Postby Melonika » Tuesday 12 December 2006 11:18:56pm

A friend of mine told me how great the Harry Potter books were and I didn't want to read it. She tried to convince me a whole summer. I read it just to please her, but couldn't stop after the first few pages...
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Postby Simatra » Wednesday 13 December 2006 8:44:34pm

My sister told me I should read it, but at the time I was still a not very good reader. So when she got the cassette tapes I tried but but the reader was so boring to me. Then I saw the movie! I was hooked after that. My sister started to read them to me, every weeked we started and finshed a book. By the time the 5th book came out I had read the other four by myself several times. (If I to guess, I'd guess 100x? :grin: ) Then we got my mom hooked soon after the 5th book came out.
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Postby Alexandra » Saturday 23 December 2006 12:09:23am

I can't imagine my mum reading Harry Potter books :-?
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Postby Simatra » Wednesday 27 December 2006 7:03:18pm

Actrully, we read them to her! :D
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 29 December 2006 4:38:32pm

My whole family reads them. I found the first one belonging to a neighbor and just started reading them when I was six the summer before first-grade. I started teaching myself to read when I was four because kindergarten was boring. :)
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Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 29 December 2006 5:05:59pm

My best friend was reading the 4th one and told me I should start reading them. So I did and have been hooked on them ever since. :D
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 1 January 2007 2:20:55am

My sister, Ducksaremagical, learned about HP from her friend. I was around 4, so I couldn't read. We checked out HPs 1-4 on tape from the library listed to them on long car rides. I've loved them ever since. :D :) :cool: :lol:
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Postby Jinian_Footseer » Wednesday 3 January 2007 6:40:10pm

Think it was somthing i just was longing to read.. thats way i picked up the first book
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Postby jeckle_freckle » Wednesday 27 June 2007 2:29:12am

one xmas (about 5 years ago i think) we got the first and fourth books and me being the only reader in my family, i claimed them ans started reading them. i thiught they were awesome and decided to buy the second and third books so i could read them in order and finally find about about those things that are mentioned in the fourth book that happened in the second and third. i was completely hooked!!! since then, i've now got all the books (i read hbp in about 7hrs) and i am so excited that its less than a month til the final book comes out!!!

(i also got my boyfriend hooked on the books last year and he can't wait to read the last book too)
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Postby **Tonks » Friday 3 August 2007 10:43:32am

It was the book festival in Edinburgh (where i live) and me and mum went along. I was about 6/7 at the time. My mum said to me that i could get a book and i chose the PS. I read it and really liked it so i read the CoS and PoA. Then i kinda stopped beacuse i started to read some other different type of books and i got kinda sidetracked. I think it was just last year when i thought, i really should read the rest of the other books so i was hooked and couldn't stop! Now i am a huge fan!! :grin:
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Postby the_roof_is_leaking » Friday 3 August 2007 10:15:28pm

The first film was on TV, dad asked me if I wanted to see it and I decided to watch it to see what the fuss was about :)
I wasn't blown away by the film or anything (though I didn't hate it either) so I'm not sure why, but I decided to read the books anyway. I got the first 4 in the box set thing and somewhere along the way of reading them, I was hooked! :)
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Postby sweetnezzincali » Monday 28 January 2008 7:11:38am

I first got into HP while I was, surprisingly, going to school. I was in the 6th grade, and we had an awesome English teacher who decided to read the books in class. We each took turns reading it out loud in class, or listening to it on tape, and from then on I was completely hooked. No one could stop me from buying them and reading them, not even my dad. My mom was cool with it though, so I didn't really have much of a problem since I lived with her most of the time. And now, I got my brother hooked on the books too :]

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Re: How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Postby Liz1989 » Saturday 19 April 2008 5:14:54am

i first got into harry potter when i was in middle school and my friend recommended it. i was always reading fantasy books so i decided to try it. i was instantly hooked.
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Re: How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Postby *Riley* » Saturday 19 April 2008 7:59:02am


But seriously I think.... ummm i've got no idea!
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Re: How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Postby vixy » Saturday 5 July 2008 5:08:45pm

I just loved magical things, I was never into stuff like barbie dolls that time, so I found it in the library and decided to read it :D that was when my obsession started! :D x
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