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Postby littlelib » Thursday 1 May 2003 1:17:11pm

Ok i know a few people might disagree with me here but i LOVED lockhart in the FILM! He was so funny!!
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Postby Beccaroo » Thursday 1 May 2003 1:27:34pm

I did too!

'i'd like to introduce you to your new defence against the dark arts teacher...me!' TEE HEEE HEEEEE!

i thought the cornish pixies bit was better int he books though, i was expecting it to be much funnier in the films!
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Postby Cougie » Thursday 1 May 2003 2:15:23pm

Anyone noticed the scene after the credits showing Lockhart's new book "Who Am I" - Funny :lol:
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Postby Beccaroo » Thursday 1 May 2003 2:29:36pm

Eh?!? I've never watched past the credits before!

*runs home to watch Harry potter!*
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Postby littlelib » Thursday 1 May 2003 6:18:50pm

Yeah i saw that tee hee :lol:
My fav bit is when he looses his memory and says hello in a really funny way and asks Ron if he lives there. LOL
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Thursday 1 May 2003 8:39:06pm

cool, i'll have to go watch, and he was very funny
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Postby tiggirl » Thursday 1 May 2003 11:58:38pm

I liked Lockheart in the movie, he was just like I imagined him to be. :D
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Postby Mint » Friday 2 May 2003 7:06:11pm

Eh?!? I've never watched past the credits before!

me neither!!! I have to watch it again.

Yeah, I loved him! I wish he would stay there for another year. he was so funny. :lol:

I did feel bad for Harry though :( with his arm and all.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Saturday 3 May 2003 2:07:57am

mint, did you think it was adorable how lockhart tried to mend harry's arm
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Postby choki » Sunday 4 May 2003 8:32:19am

maybe lockhart will be back with more adventures or should i say more destructions :o
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Postby littlelib » Sunday 4 May 2003 5:47:00pm

Tee hee! he was funny. i like the faces ron (sigh) uses at him.
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Postby Mint » Monday 5 May 2003 4:42:41pm

mint, did you think it was adorable how lockhart tried to mend harry's arm

To tell you the truth - when I was watching the movie I imagined for a second if that was done to me - so no. I would be like screaming and panicking!!! :eek:

(yeah, I know as a member of slytherin :evil: I should be happy it happened)

I loooved the actor who played Lockhart - he was perrrfect!

The funniest scene was after the duel, he was so cool - even after Snape's comment - he was so cool about it. :lol:
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Monday 5 May 2003 10:00:19pm

you imagined it was you? you are weirder than i thought
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Postby littlelib » Tuesday 6 May 2003 8:51:36am

The funniest scene was after the duel, he was so cool - even after Snape's comment - he was so cool about it.

Yeah that was funny!

"Of course it was PRETTY obvious what u were going to do and it would only been too easy to block"

lol lol lol :lol:
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 6 May 2003 11:33:46am

Lochart didnt' look quite like I pictured him to look I think, and for about the first 15/20 minutes after I saw him, I think I was a bit disapointed, but then after that, I just thought that he was the best guy for the part!

He was totally hillarious! So self-centered and arrogant, yet totally afraid of anything that would require him to actually do anything!

And I loved the part when they were flying up to the castle with Fawlks!

"It's just like MAGIC!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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