Who is your favourite character?

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby Sacred Guardian » Thursday 1 May 2003 1:27:37am

yeah, i like him as a character, but he reminds me too much of my math teacher last year, i hated her
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 1 May 2003 1:46:16am

meanwhile, I think that every single one of my teachers hated me for no reason at all!!! After all, I am a perfect little angel!!! :D :D :D
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Postby Neo » Thursday 1 May 2003 6:02:54am

Of course, anyone can deny it, you are a real angel.
And I think that if it wasn't for Snape Harry would look like a wizard that everybody should love, and like, and be good to (exzcept for Voldemort), so it is better for the series to have another "enemy" that only Lord Voldemort.
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Thursday 1 May 2003 10:39:51pm

I would have to go with either Draco or Snape . I think that of all the characters in the books, theirs are the most open to interpretation as to whether they're good or bad. And also as to what their relationships are to Harry. Like Neo said, I think that the two serve to "bring down: Harry from his role as Saint Potter. But Snape also looks Harry in more occasion than one. As for Draco, his role is similar to the one played by Snape. Other than taunting him, Draco really hasn't done anything bad to Harry. I have a feeling that by the end of the series, both Draco and Snape will end up heling Harry in some defining task whether they do it knowingly or not.

::Is pleased that she was able to describe why Draco is such a great character without once meantioning his prettiness.::
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Postby Neo » Friday 2 May 2003 4:35:39am

prettiness?; in which way he is pretty, he is just the opposite (which is what makes me like him)
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Thursday 12 June 2003 3:16:41pm

There are loads of characters I like and think are great, but if I had to pick my favorite (as a person, but also someone I really enjoy reading about), it would have to be Professor Lupin. :D Maybe it's how he taught his classes, or his relationship with Harry, or how he never seemed fazed by things . . . I can't really describe it. :) Through him, you learn so much more about Harry's father and father's friends. I admire that Lupin, like myself, was different from his classmates and that he took ridicule for that, and how much he valued his friends who truly cared and understood. :D

I'm not sure if it isn't that because of Professor Lupin we learn about so many interesting things (the Marauder's Map, boggarts, etc.) that makes him fascinating, but I think it's more who he is as a person and what he brings to the story. Like the conversations Dumbledore has with Harry, I really enjoy the ones Lupin has with Harry. Perhaps someone else who is a big fan of Lupin can help me out with explaining why he rocks! I will be *totally* crushed if he dies in any of the books!! :cry:
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Postby Neo » Saturday 14 June 2003 5:44:43am

I think he will die in the last one.
I like Lupin, but prefer Sirius. Sirius is just like a great uncle.
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Postby Weasleys_gurl07 » Thursday 2 June 2005 8:33:26pm

my fav characters are:
pig what he's a character too!
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Postby thestral » Friday 3 June 2005 11:32:30am

Lizzt Bennet wrote(about lupin):
[/quote]I will be *totally* crushed if he dies in any of the books!!

crushed in the way my spirit and faith in the HP books deflated when JK so cruelly killed off sirius? yeah that hurts. still can't get over it bitter now and it does take away from my enjoyment of the books now :( . i'm reading on to see if harry gets his vengence, if he doesn't i may do something rash like burn the books. poor sirius. :cry: .
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Postby selene » Saturday 4 June 2005 4:07:42pm

there are loads of great characters so i find it hard to choose
but i really like lupin, tonks and ginny.
i find tonks verry fascinating: she is quite smart but she's a bit clumsy too (and i wanna know what house she was in), i really wan't to know more about her
lupin ofcourse, pretty much for the same reasons as lizzy
ginny has sometthing about her that i find verry interesting, i don't know what it is but it's there

snape isn't really one of my favourite characters but he too intrigues me. he has this attitude, this way with students. but what i would like to know is why did he turn sides?

i'm sorry for my englisch but i'm from belgium so it's probible not perfect
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Saturday 4 June 2005 6:49:45pm

selene wrote:
i'm sorry for my englisch but i'm from belgium so it's probible not perfect

well, i think your english is better than most of my friends :P the thing is, im being serious... :)

I like percy and molly.

Molly is very interesting. She has a way of finding things out, and there is something there that just makes her an interesting character to watch throughout the books.

Perscy is a rebel, and is going for what he wants to do, and what he believes in, and he isn't going to let anyone stop him. He is a lot like me, and he is smart (not a trait I carry) but a very admirable one.
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Postby Paulina » Tuesday 7 June 2005 6:11:10pm

I like Sirius,Remus,Buckbeak,Pig, Nimphadora,Snape and....Fleur,because she is pretty
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 8 June 2005 10:44:19am

Professor McGonagall & Tonks.
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Wednesday 8 June 2005 7:26:11pm

snape is a very intriguing character, but if you judge a character by that, i think that voldie beats them all. why is he like he is? what caused him to hate muggleborns with such passion, even tho he is half-blood? he is at least partially insane, but what caused him to be like that? is it just a thirst for power? i think there is more to him than that, so i would like to learn about him more, mainly his past.

favourite character? hermione. she manages to be clever, yet not a geek. at least, not in the last two books anyway. plus, she is far from perfect, and has a deep-seated fear of failure, which is a really human quality, i think.
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Postby selene » Saturday 11 June 2005 1:35:50pm

thanks dorkwad

how do you think percy will act now that fudge admitted that voldemort is back? do you think he stays so ... stubborn?

ofcourse voldemort beats them all, hagger, and i too want to know why and what. and i wonder why dumbledore calls him tom in oop
but first i want to know what drives snape. why did he become a teacher? why does dumbledore trust him?
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