Zutara-I Never Wanted to Hurt You

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Zutara-I Never Wanted to Hurt You

Postby Simatra » Friday 30 November 2007 3:14:22am

( Okay, so if anyone reads this and says for me to put up more chapters I will. )

Katara sat at the table with Aang, Toph, and Sokka. They were discussing the plan, in which Aang and Sokka would patrol around the area of the Fire Nation that they docked at last night.
“Why do Katara and I have to stay here though?” Toph said with her arms crossed.
Sokka sighed, “Because, we need someone to guard the ship, and you two don’t have proper disguises yet.” Katara knew he was right, they had only a Fire Nation robe to cover up her tattered blue water tribe robes and Toph’s Earth Kingdom outfit.
Katara put her hand on Toph’s shoulder, “They have a point Toph. We would just be too noticeable.”
Sokka rubbed his hands together, “So it’s settled! We men patrol and area and you girls stay here.” He grinned broadly. Katara smacked the back of his head, and he frowned at her.
“Just be careful Sokka, don’t do anything stupid.”
“Don’t worry Katara.” Aang said, “We’ll be fine.”
They all stood up and Aang and Sokka headed for the door, Aang tying a piece of cloth around his head so it covered his arrow. They all walked out to the deck of the boat to say goodbye to Sokka and Aang. Sokka waved a hand as he walked down the bridge, a metal slab between the boat and the shore. Katara hugged Aang in farewell then he said, ‘We’ll be back by tomorrow evening, stay safe.” she broke away from the hug and held him away from her at arms length and laughed.
“Don’t worry, Toph and I can handle anything that comes our way.”
Aang smiled and nodded, then waved goodbye and walked out to where Sokka was waiting. Sokka punched Aang’s shoulder and laughed as Aang rubbed where Sokka hit him and they walked off.
“Well,…This is fun…” Toph said. Katara sighed and looked out at the raising sun. Toph huffed and went inside the boat. “Yeah, well, yell if you need me.” she said as Katara heard the door slam.
‘She’ll be okay,’ thought Katara, still gazing at the raising sun, ‘she’s just mad that she can’t go exploring with the guys.’ Minutes pasted by slowly as Katara took in all her surroundings. Everything on shore was Fire Nation red, black, or gray, so it didn’t keep hold of her attention for a long time. She found herself looking back out into the sea. She wondered if Pakku and Gran Gran were getting along okay, she wondered how many troops her father was finding for the invasion on the Day of Black Sun. She didn’t know how long she let her thoughts float around until she finally looked back towards the shore. She was glad she did and almost lost her breath.
She saw Zuko supporting his uncle as they quickly moved. His gold eyes flashed her direction and Katara stumbled back and ran for the inside of the boat. ‘Please don’t let him have seen me! Why dose he always show up at the worst possible times?!’
“Toph! Toph!” she yelled. “Zuko’s here! With his uncle! I think he may have seen me!”
“If he didn’t see you, he’s probably heard you by now!” she scoffed. They met near the door to the deck and Katara dared to peek out just enough to see what Zuko was doing. Normally, she would go out there and face Zuko, and with Toph there, he wouldn’t stand a chance. But now, if she did just that, she’d expose that she was a water bender who stole a Fire Navy ship. She saw him at the bridge, looking at it with indecision. His uncle still leaning on him. It seemed forever until Zuko finally started up the bridge. The closer he came the more Katara realized how bad the old general looked. He was covered in sores and rags and his hair covered his face, in fact, Katara thought that he was barely conscious. She pitied the friendly, old, man who helped them escape from Azula and Zuko.
“Iroh looks pretty bad…” Katara whispered to Toph. Toph clenched her fists and frowned. She turned back to the door. Zuko and Iroh were now on the deck of the ship, Zuko looked at the door with still indecision.
“Avatar?” he said quietly. It was obvious that he was very uncomfortable. Katara knew he had seen her now. Before she could do anything though, Toph pushed her out of the way and slammed the door open. Katara hit the wall and rubbed her shoulder.
“What do you think you’re doing here?” but she didn’t give him time to answer. She metalbended his feet to the floor of the ship. Zuko looked at his feet in shock, he’d never seen a metalbender before. Katara took a deep breath then crossed her arms and walked out to where he was standing, glaring at him.
“Yes, what do you want from us?” Zuko looked at his uncle with worry.
“I wanted to get him away from the Fire Nation, but he’s not in any conduction to travel.” She could tell from his voice that he was regretting his choice of coming on the ship.
“Well, that’s apparent!” She taunted at him and he glared back at her. When suddenly Iroh coughed from deep in his throat, and Katara felt sympathy and guilt wash over her. She was too busy treating Zuko bad that she’d forgot about the kind man who needed her help.
“Zuko, I’ll look at his wounds, Toph,” she paused to stare Zuko in the eyes and he looked at floor, still glaring. “Let him go, he’ll want to be with his uncle.” His eyes widened and then he looked up at her. She returned it by looking away and making a face. His glare returned, but he nodded with respect. She and him carried Iroh and Toph followed. Katara decided the best place for Iroh was Aang’s room were she spent weeks healing him. ‘Because of Zuko…’ she thought bitterly.
“So what happened to him?” Toph asked. Katara looked questionably over at Zuko. He kept his gaze fixed ahead.
“We ran into…” he looked over at the opposite wall, “obstacles.” Katara sighed, he wasn’t going to tell them anything. Katara could think of a lot of things she wanted to tell Zuko, not many of them being nice things, but kept her mouth shut.
They entered Aang’s room and she turned to Toph as her and Zuko gently placed Iroh on Aang’s bed. She knew the general really was barely conscious now.
“Go get me a bucket of water please Toph.” Toph ran out. Zuko was on the opposite side of the bed, when he looked up at her.
“Aren’t you going to start healing him?! You have water!” he growled, pointing at the skin pouch at her side.
“How stupid do you think I am?! I’m not using up any of my only water while you’re here!” she yelled, fists clenched into balls. They glared into each others eyes, when Toph suddenly came back with the water.
“Here’s the water.”
“Thanks Toph.”
“No problem, Sugar Queen.” she smiled. Katara closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she pulled out some water and made a glove around her hand with the water. Toph and Zuko stood by Iroh on the opposite side of her.
Katara moved her hands slowly over General Iroh body, healing different wounds she found here and there. ‘Much easier than healing Aang.’ she thought. Zuko watched every move she made with interest. His eye’s on her hands.
She felt a movement beneath her hands and saw the general’s breathing had turned quiet and peaceful. She finished and Zuko looked up at her.
“Thanks.” He said quietly. Katara felt a little uncomfortable.
“Um, Toph. Let’s go.” She and Toph left Zuko alone with Iroh as they walked out of Aang’s room.
“So he’s going to be okay?” Toph said. Katara was too deep in thought and didn’t hear the question.
“hmm? What did you say Toph?”
“Is Iroh going to be alright?” she said a little nervously. Katara remembered that Toph had befriended the Fire Lord’s brother just then. She hugged Toph.
“He’ll be fine Toph.” she said. She saw Toph’s shoulders relax a little.
“So what are we going to do with Angry Jerk back there?” Toph said pointing a thumb behind her. Katara didn’t really know what to do. She decided the best thing to do right now was let them stay until Iroh was better. She put her hand on her forehead and rubbed it for stress.
“He’ll stay here for now.” She said. Toph’s arms folded.
“I thought you’d say something like that…”
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