Yes... it's an interesting point. But whatever you say, the only reason Harry escaped from Voldemort so much was through Riddle's arrogance and ignorance, and then when Voldemort finally did face Harry, Harry had used all that time to get the upper hand, and to learn what he needed to know. And so Voldemort was defeated through his own blindness; he did destroy a part of his own soul when he attacked Harry in the Forest, and then finished himself off again in the castle.
All that time Harry could never die because his blood was in Voldemort's veins, and before the Forest Voldemort could never die because his soul was in Harry. But in (not) killing Harry (but killing his own soul instead), he made it so Harry could live for as long as Voldemort did (as his blood is in his veins), but Voldemort wasn't tied to Harry anymore (because the bit of his soul in Harry was destroyed), so Harry could kill him.
What am I going on about? Sorry, just got a little carried away!
Nothing to do with the topic really, directly anyway.
I suppose I'll say something on the topic so I don't know...
Viva la cloak! Isn't it just awesome!?