Dobby, the Free Elf

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

Here here!

Postby DDforever » Friday 3 August 2007 10:48:43pm

Ah to an eight hour HP movie, the idea is torture cause you know they'll never do it. I wish they had marathons at the theaters before they released the next. At least we have two more movies.

Glad to see that JK is sticking her nose in to the process when necessary.

Speaking of Kreacher, oh you know before I start that discussion I ought to check to be sure there isn't another thread. Be back later:)
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Postby DucksRMagical » Saturday 4 August 2007 2:37:15am

Yeah, she's been very involved in the movie making. That was part of the contract. She had to okay everything. She even turned down Steven Spielburg directing because he wanted that kid from the Sixth Sense to play Harry. :eek: That kid's a great actor, but wouldn't make a good Harry! I love how JKR insisted that all the actors and actresses be British.
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Postby Simatra » Friday 18 January 2008 3:48:51pm

You mean Haley Joel Osmend? That'd be weird... :o He was Sora....

Yesm Dobby's death was very sad. And it makes me mad to see they don't have the house elfs in the movies....they need to be longer. 8 hours sounds fine to me! :grin:
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