Hermione isn't supposed to be adorable.

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Hermione isn't supposed to be adorable.

Postby Un'Anima Persa » Friday 3 August 2007 12:11:18am

Isn't that the whole point of her?
She's unattractive. It seems to me that she gets more beautiful with each movie. I mean, it's great that she draws attention to the movie, but it irks me that they're doing that to her.
It's just NOT meant to be.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Friday 3 August 2007 2:07:14am

No I think just like in the movies Hermione gets better looking in the books too. In the first book she starts off unattractive but gets better looking and in GoF Harry and Ron are amazed at how attractive she can be when they see her at the Yuletide Ball.
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Postby Simatra » Friday 3 August 2007 2:26:21pm

I think that like Run Away said, she gets more beautiful in each book, it's just that Harry and Ron (along with everyone else) are oblivous to it because she first saw her as bushy haired know-it-all..... and I bet Emma really doesn't want to have them make her look ugly all the time. Plus, Herminone is a shining student, if she were pretty too in the movies, kids will more likly look up to her.
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Postby Scellanis » Friday 3 August 2007 6:51:21pm

I don't know, the first book does say that but isn't that Harry's first impression and take into account these are boys and girls ....natural reaction of boy at that age is to think eeeew girl! Yuk! Maybe she does get more pretty but Harry and Ron's impression of her doesn't change untill they get interested in girls, they take her for granted untill she puts on the dress and then they see her for what she really is...Malfoy's opinion of her is always going to be eeew mudblood! and everyone else's opinion of her will probably always be know it all untill they hit the last few years of school
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Postby Run Away!!! » Friday 3 August 2007 11:13:30pm

Yeah the students at Hogwarts have known hermione for years and know her personality and probably don't really notice anything else. But think about it, when completely new people came in to the school in GoF Hermione was liked for her looks (Viktor Krum) and thats the first time Ron really noticed her as a girl.
I'm pretty sure the fifth book was suppposed to mark a turning point for hermione's character and I think thats when JK was trying to show that she was good looking.
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Postby **Tonks » Sunday 5 August 2007 2:46:31pm

I agree with run away. She does get much prettier as the books go on. Peolpe really start to realise in GoF that she is a girl and not just a swot. They had to make her look really pretty for the Yule Ball and i'm glad they did, even though they got the colour of her dress wrong!! :lol:
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Postby the_roof_is_leaking » Sunday 5 August 2007 7:26:27pm

I think she looked best in the first movie (by best I mean, like, how the book described). Her hair suited the description but it's now getting sleeker and sleeker as the movies go on!! :)
But on the other hand, there's not too much that can be done to hide Emma Watson's natural beauty yet keep her how she's described in the book. I mean, for example - they can't go giving Emma scars to 'ugly' her up as Hermione isn't described as having scars, you know?
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Postby DucksRMagical » Monday 6 August 2007 4:17:46am

I like how she's gotten prettier. I agree with Run Away, Harry and Ron don't really notice she's pretty until the Yule Ball.

But also, don't you think as she got older she would have learned some kind of spell to make her hair less bushy if she didn't like it? So, maybe they're assuming as she got older, she'd do more to make herself look prettier. I have really bushy hair and I'd love to have a spell to make it sleeker.
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Tuesday 7 August 2007 12:41:11am

DucksRMagical wrote:I have really bushy hair and I'd love to have a spell to make it sleeker.

Same here.

I find that gel works nicely when you're fresh out of the shower. =]
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