Was it Voldemorts soul?

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Was it Voldemorts soul?

Postby noris » Sunday 22 July 2007 10:32:58am

When Harry talks to Dumbledore inside his head. There is a small, child like thing. Was it Harry's interpretation of what Voldemorts defeated soul looks like? It instantly reminded me of when Voldemort returned to his body.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Sunday 22 July 2007 11:14:07am

I am totally wondering about that too!!!! I think it was probably the piece of LV's soul that was in Harry (Harry WAS a horcrux after all, ... lame.) It really does remind me of LV's form in GoF before he returned to his body, so I'm pretty sure its the piece of his soul.
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Postby DucksRMagical » Sunday 22 July 2007 1:52:47pm

I think it was a piece of his soul. It was just like in GoF when Voldy was a baby-like-thing and the Wormtail had to put it in the cauldron.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Sunday 22 July 2007 8:31:50pm

That's exactly what I was thinking Duckie!

Immediately I thought about the Baby thing in GoF.
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Postby DucksRMagical » Sunday 22 July 2007 9:28:31pm

And perhaps if Harry hadn't finished Vodly off, one of the Death Eaters may have been able to get the baby and bring Voldy back? Maybe that's what happened last time, Voldy went up there and a Death Eater brought him back?
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 23 July 2007 1:32:42am

Hmmm who knows, but it looks like we all immediately thought of the same thing, LV's form in GoF, and at that point he was still just one piece of his soul, just didn't have a body.
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Postby DucksRMagical » Monday 23 July 2007 1:41:39am

I bet that was the piece of soul that was in Harry. The soul got taken out of Harry and both of them went to that place. But the soul stayed there, or moved on.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 23 July 2007 1:48:48am

Thats what I said four posts ago.
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Postby greensock » Monday 6 August 2007 4:53:22am

When Harry talks to Dumbledore inside his head. There is a small, child like thing. Was it Harry's interpretation of what Voldemorts defeated soul looks like? It instantly reminded me of when Voldemort returned to his body.

I think so, because Harry said "I've seen what you'll be otherwise"
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Postby *Riley* » Thursday 3 January 2008 1:56:12am

yes it was, when voldemort killed harry he killed a piece of himslef, so it was in the place whimpering .
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Postby firemal000 » Wednesday 13 August 2008 2:28:58am

DucksRMagical wrote:And perhaps if Harry hadn't finished Vodly off, one of the Death Eaters may have been able to get the baby and bring Voldy back? Maybe that's what happened last time, Voldy went up there and a Death Eater brought him back?
I over looked that part I didn't really think about that baby thing since i thought it was nothing.. but i was wrong!
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Re: Was it Voldemorts soul?

Postby choki » Thursday 14 August 2008 4:53:57am

do you think the image of the soul that was made into a horcrux would take the form of Voldemort when he created it?

for eg, when he first created the horcrux in his diary, his soul appeared after absorbing Ginny's lifeforce.

so at that instance where the fragment of the soul split violently away from Voldemort after being the curse rebounded, it resembled his actual body at that time, which was nothing more than a gruesome sight?
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Re: Was it Voldemorts soul?

Postby salemboy » Friday 15 August 2008 2:56:53am

I actually don't believe that it was the piece of Voldemort's soul, I believe it was what was left of his soul. I mean, only 1/8 of his soul remained, so his soul would have been like that baby, deformed, incomplete, and deeply in pain.
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Re: Was it Voldemorts soul?

Postby choki » Friday 15 August 2008 5:37:27pm

I thought the baby Harry saw at King Cross was the horcrux inside of Harry?
The number 7 horcrux Voldemort intended to make
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Re: Was it Voldemorts soul?

Postby salemboy » Saturday 16 August 2008 12:47:32pm

From what I recall, Voldy didn't want to make a horcrux out of Harry, he just wanted him out of the way, and accidentally had a piece of his soul fly onto Harry. I still think that is what is left of Voldy's soul, because remember, he killed his own piece of soul on accident while trying to kill Harry in DH. So, yeah, I'm going to stand by my opinion and say the flayed baby was not the horcrux, but was what was left of Moldy Voldy.
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