Spoiler Alert: OotP movie...Ministry of Magic

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Spoiler Alert: OotP movie...Ministry of Magic

Postby Augusta Longbottom » Thursday 12 July 2007 6:03:17am

Spoiler alert...only read if you have seen the movie!!

I have to say I really loved the MoM scenes, especially at the end. The room with the prophecies was simply amazing when they started to shatter. The scene where Sirius dies is so beautifully done and so startling sad. I had never been fond of Sirius in the books, but I shed a tear in this scene. They did a fantastic job of the scene where Voldemort fights Dumbledore.

Very well done movie IMO.
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Postby Simatra » Thursday 12 July 2007 7:36:30pm

Yes, the MoM was very good! I really liked the fight between DD and LV! And when LV went inside Harry's mind and tormented him....Great! All of it was so well done!
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 16 July 2007 2:53:54am

it was amazing! the only drawbacks were all the stuff they cut out. the thestrals weren't like i imagined them, but they looked so cool in 3-D! and the person who played umbridge is so talented!
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Friday 20 July 2007 6:50:59pm

I was disappointed that they didn't go in more rooms - I wanted to see the baby head on the DE or the brains, or time turners breaking etc. They could have made more of the end - it felt like the battle was too short.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Saturday 21 July 2007 10:19:11am

It was pretty short, but they didn't really have time to include every little detail. And all that parts in the ministry that they left out was basically just action, which is exciting and would have been awesome, but had no plot significance. And since they are trying to cram in as many important plot details as they could (and still missed out loads of the insignificant plot) the action part sadly had to be cut short.
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Postby Augusta Longbottom » Saturday 21 July 2007 11:21:26am

My DH isn't a huge HP fan (doesn't read the books but likes the movies) and from his standpoint (having never read the book), he felt the movie flowed just fine and he didn't feel like parts of the story were missing. He felt it was cohesive. So it's just us geeky fans that notice all that's missing :cool:
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Postby the_roof_is_leaking » Monday 6 August 2007 4:21:24pm

I loved the Ministry of magic and thought it was a beautiful set.

I almost cried at Sirius' death, - with Lupin holding Harry back, it was well done.
And I loved how Mad-eye was so cool - didn't need to wave a wand about, he just banged his stick on the ground :grin:
The fight between Dumbledore and Voldemort was just awesome, I loved it.

My dad (who has only seen the films, not read the books) enjoyed it and seemed to follow things fine.
Well, except for when Tonks appeared. He said, "Never seen her before"
"Er yeah, that's 'cos this is her first appearance".
"Oh right" [pause] "Shut up".
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liked the passage of time

Postby DDforever » Tuesday 7 August 2007 3:30:46pm

I thought they did a cool job transitioning through time. Sometimes I don't like the little "bridges" they use to show the year progressing and what's happening as time is passing. I especially disliked the way they did it in Movie three. I'll always love the way they did it in Movie one , with Hedwig flying.

I loved seeing the daily prophet so much, especially since it has become so important in the books, the way it hurts or helps Harry and the other's images. I also liked the way they used the wall of decrees to show how difficult Umbridge was being.

I don't think they did a great job with her. I think she should have been much worse. I really hated her in book five and I think they ought to have showed more of the interrogation scene in the end. THat is where Umbridge really shows her true colors. THey handled her office beautifully! Gamboling kittens and all!
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