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Postby Simatra » Tuesday 26 June 2007 6:10:41pm

Considering that Dukie is now a mod here, I've decided that this place needs something else to atract peoples attenion!
And the title really says it all, so let's get started!

If anyone needs some KH (I or II) I'd be happy to help!
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Postby DucksRMagical » Tuesday 26 June 2007 7:59:10pm

Good idea, Simatra!

I play Animal Crossing: Wild World, Cars on DS, and Sims 2 Pets on DS, so if anyone needs hints from those, just ask me!
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Postby Simatra » Sunday 1 July 2007 7:32:12pm

By the way, I can't believe I keep forgeting to post here! I JUST BEAT POSTER DUTY IN KINGDOM HEARTS II IN UNDER 30 SEC.!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grin: :grin: :grin: *bounces, dances, and does actobatic trick that I could never do in real life.* My time was 00"29"26 sec. :grin:
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Postby Q.Araignee » Monday 2 July 2007 6:00:21pm

Final Fantasies VIII, IX, X, X-2, and XII are my specialities, along with the PC and PS2 Forgotten Realms games (DnD-based). But if there's any other platforms/RPG's you're stuck with- please ask, because I've played rather a lot of those too, and probably at least know where to find the relevant assistance. :grin:

And well done Simatra- exceedingly impressive time! :drums:
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Postby Simatra » Monday 2 July 2007 7:41:16pm

Well, my best time before that was 31"49 or something like that. thanks!

We have FF XII, is it any good? I've seen my older sister play it and it didn't seem that great compraed to some of the other games....
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Postby Q.Araignee » Monday 2 July 2007 8:40:29pm

Apart from the facts that the graphics are stunning, and that the battle system is really quite cool, I'd agree in saying that the game isn't as good as some of it's older counterparts- which is a shame considering all the effort that went into it.
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Postby Simatra » Wednesday 11 July 2007 1:55:26am

I'm now playing FF XII, it's okay, but I haven't really got into the story much yet.
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