A New Thought

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby jeckle_freckle » Wednesday 27 June 2007 2:42:18am

i think that they were just involved in the order. for all we know harry's dad came from a wealthy family and it was inherited money
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Postby Alexandra » Friday 29 June 2007 11:02:56pm

I'm not sure he came from a wealthy family. They were pureblood but I didn't see that they were rich or something like that.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Saturday 30 June 2007 12:55:13am

Well they had to be rich somehow.. otherwise how would harry have all that money?
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Postby Paul » Friday 20 July 2007 2:36:00am

Good point about the money - I'd forgotten that but really hope now that we'll find out how Harry's parents got it all. It's one of the first great mysteries of the books.
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Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 20 July 2007 2:42:50am

I think they did something that was kept secret. I think there's a reason that it hasn't been mentioned in any of the books what they did. I really hope we find out in the new book.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Friday 20 July 2007 2:47:06am

I think its likely that they had just saved up all that money, they probably saved for quite a while knowing that being involved in the order and everything it was likely that they could be killed and if Harry was orphaned they would want to leave him an inheritance. I think they had everything planned if that was to happen, Harry was supposed to go live with Sirius his Godfather if anything happened to them and so it was all set, but then of course Pettigrew screwed that all up so everything happened differently.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 20 July 2007 4:04:06am

They could have inherited the money themselves! But from who?....
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Postby Bextra » Friday 20 July 2007 12:32:29pm

I think J.K Rowling should do a prequel thingy (I think thats what its called) about life before Harry, like leading up to his birth or something, that'd be cool, and it might even turn out to be more popular than the Harry Potter books, that is pressuming that she writes them.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Friday 20 July 2007 2:04:39pm

Bextra wrote:I think J.K Rowling should do a prequel thingy (I think thats what its called) about life before Harry, like leading up to his birth or something, that'd be cool, and it might even turn out to be more popular than the Harry Potter books, that is pressuming that she writes them.

I love the Harry Potter books, but I would lose every ounce of respect for J.K. Rowling if she took the "prequel" route.

I believe she said in an interview long ago that much of the money in Harry's vault was from James's family money. Apparently, if they weren't incredibly well-off, they were financially sound.
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Postby Simatra » Friday 20 July 2007 10:01:29pm

Well, believeing that the Gryffindor line runs deep in the Potter family, they may have that fortune thoughout the years.
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