Snape's deeds

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Snape's deeds

Postby Mistress Siana » Saturday 26 April 2003 2:10:44am

Before working for DD as a spy, Snape belonged to the upper ranks of Voldemort's death eaters...i wonder if he did anything special to achieve this? Maybe, he used to brew an important potion for the Dark Lord , one of those that he needed for his attempt to become immortal? What do you think?
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Postby Neo » Saturday 26 April 2003 6:59:50am

That's a possibility, but I'm not sure if Voldemort acepted help when he was so powerful (he had to acept it from wormtaill because he was so weak); but Snape defenitely played another role than just killing muggles.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 27 April 2003 8:29:13am

Have we ever really been told that he was in the upper ranks of the Death Eaters, or is this something that we have all just assumed?

Yes, there is that bit at the end of the fourth book where Voldie is going around the circle, but he doesn't mention Snape by name or anything... I assumed him to be talking about Snape when he said 'one who I believe has left me for ever... he will be killed' because the cowardly one was Karakoff, right? But, that could be anyone, couldn't it?

Or... on another line of thought, Snape could have actually been there... because before taht, it says...
'Some of the Death Eaters he passed in silence'... how do we know that Snape wasn't actually one of those Death Eaters?

:-? Now I just dont' know what to think anymore!!!
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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 27 April 2003 11:22:10am

We assumed that Snape was in the upper ranks because he has the dark mark. The hp lexicon says that only the higher ranking Death Eaters get it.

'Some of the Death Eaters he passed in silence'... how do we know that Snape wasn't actually one of those Death Eaters?

That's really a good point...
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 27 April 2003 1:55:43pm

Oh yeah, that's right, I remember now...

Those with the mark were all supposed to disapperate and go to his side when it burnt black or whatever! And since Snape had it, he must have been one of those people who should have been there...
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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 27 April 2003 8:11:38pm

But I really liked your comment on how we can be sure that he wasn't one of the DEs Voldie passed in silence...we simply assume he was "the one that I think has left me forever" my opinion, the interesting thing in Snape is that just when we think we know what he is he turns out to be something different... :-?
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Postby Neo » Monday 28 April 2003 1:52:33am

That's a good point, but how did Sanpe went with Voldemort, if none is able to disapparate in Hogwarts?
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Postby Yoshi420 » Monday 28 April 2003 6:59:46am

Every book I always feel Snape is bad but I just don't see him like that anymore. Of course my judgment could be wrong and he could be involved in a huge plot twist later but I don't think so.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 28 April 2003 7:27:02am

I think that he's a nasty kind of guy, but not bad such as evil... he's the kind of guy who you always suspect to be the evil one, but really isn't...

And about the apperating thing.. well, Snape wasn't there for a time, now was he... I looked up the 4th book again, and it says that 'Hagrid, Professor Moody, Prof, McGonagall and Prof Flitwick' were the ones walking around the maze with the red stars and stuff. Note, Prof Snape wasn't there... he could have cought a taxi, or the wizarding equilivant, to somewhere in which he coud apperate and yeah... provided that he knew about Voldie coming back beforehand... hrmm, seeming much less likely now, isnt' it... :-?

Oh wells, I never really believed this theory anyways, just thought it interesting to speculate over!!! :D
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Postby Yoshi420 » Monday 28 April 2003 7:30:43am

I cant remember but when Voldie says something like we have this today because of my most trusted follower does he say crouch? Because if not maybe we are supposed to assume it is crouch because he infiltrated the school, but maybe it was Snape who has been a spy for voldie all along.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 28 April 2003 8:05:46am

I think that the "most faithful servant, who has already re-entered my service" and is at hogwards it barty crouch. The one who made it available for him to be there to day as such was Wormtail, because it was his flesh that helped Voldie get his body back.

I think that we were supposed to think that the one at hogwarts was Snape the first time we read it, just like in the first book, we were lead to believe that it was him all along, when really it was quirell... it's just JKR's was of throwing you off the track and keeping the suspense!

But you never know... so you!!!
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Postby Yoshi420 » Monday 28 April 2003 8:09:01am

She is also really good at doing it :D . I remember thinking in my head, "I knew it was Snape all along".
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 28 April 2003 1:31:21pm

think that he's a nasty kind of guy, but not bad such as evil... he's the kind of guy who you always suspect to be the evil one, but really isn't...

Yeah, that's what everybody I#ve talked to so far says: We're supposed to believe he's bad, but in fact he isn't ...maybe that's what JKR wants us to think
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Monday 28 April 2003 10:26:34pm

if he knew about voldie coming back he would have also known about Moody/Crouch, and would have told b/c he's not evil
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 28 April 2003 10:38:23pm

Only if voldie trusts him
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