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Postby Simatra » Saturday 28 April 2007 8:01:06pm

Yea Paul! We only wished that you would have been here sooner. But now he's gone and I can sing happy songs again! :grin:
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 30 April 2007 9:19:41pm

GodrictheGriffon wrote: Aberfourth ratted them out to Umbridge.

no. Willy Widdershins did so he would get off from doing the regurgitating toilets.
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Postby Petronella_Pettigrew » Tuesday 1 May 2007 9:36:21am

Sorry if I'm being dumb, but who's Willy Widdershins?

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Postby Simatra » Tuesday 1 May 2007 2:06:59pm

He's one of those obscure charactors that are only mentioned a couple of times, but I can't really remember him either. The names familer but I can't think of who he was. :-?
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Tuesday 1 May 2007 10:34:08pm

he was that heavily bandaged guy at the hog's head. he was behind the regurgitating toilets, but he got off because he ratted out harry to umbridge. *see page 613 in OoTP, paragraph 8, sentence 1*
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 2 May 2007 6:28:34am

Willy Widdershins and the Regurgitating Toilets, a spin-off could be made. I'm sure there probably has been a fan-fic made somewhere :D .

Yes, Arthur had a bit of trouble with him...
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Postby Simatra » Wednesday 2 May 2007 2:10:20pm

Ahhhh, yes, of course. Tee-Hee! Toilets.....

Anyway! RAB:
I still think it's much to obivous to be Black. But I also don't think that DD Brother is likely either. Amilea Bones was ruled out, (her middle name's Susan) So I still like to believe it's Uncle Black.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Wednesday 2 May 2007 8:46:55pm

Well considering that Regulas Black is the only RB in the whole series I doubt its him. I mean, JK obviously would know that there would be a lot of people rereading the whole series trying to find RB's, she wouldn't make it so easy for us to find! It might be an AB, but possibly not that either. I can't help thinking there must be something more complicated to it... perhaps RAB doesn't stand for the initials for a first, middle and surname but is a nickname... Like H.B.P would be Half blood prince, it could be an alias that someone has, not their actual name.
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Postby Simatra » Wednesday 16 May 2007 6:29:17pm

Yes, my sister knows someone who read the entire seris over again just to find RAB's the only one they found was Black. but I just really don't believe she'd make it that simple.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Wednesday 16 May 2007 9:12:50pm

Maybe someone scrambled their initials or that was a little used nick-name.
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Postby youknowwho » Wednesday 16 May 2007 10:51:09pm

Then there's always the possibility that it's just someone with the name of Rab.
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Postby Simatra » Thursday 17 May 2007 2:21:03pm

Or bar.....

Still I've looked though all the books over again as well, no scambled initles found.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Thursday 17 May 2007 5:58:36pm

I think it stands for a nickname... but what? but WHAT?
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Thursday 17 May 2007 7:31:56pm

Maybe an organization like VFD in the Series of Unfortunate Events!
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Postby Simatra » Thursday 17 May 2007 8:50:47pm

:lol: You read those? They're good!....back to business.
Maybe, but it can't be too hard. LV is supposed to know who it is.
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