by Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 10 April 2007 5:42:29am
"No, please..." said Arven. "I can play, really."
"I'm sorry, the extent of your injuries -"
"Are nothing compared to what you've let people in the past play on with. It's because of what happened last year," piped up another of the Gryffindor Chasers.
Dinas knew it was true - the injuries were bad, but playable. But he also knew that if Arven sustained another serious injury, he would take responsibility for it.
He shook his head.
"Fine," he said. "You can play. But I'm blowing the whistle in ten seconds, and if you're not in the air, you can't, and the team will have to go on without you."
Terrin blew the whistle, and took to the sky.
McKay tucked the Quaffle under his arm again, and leant low to the broomstick. It soared; the game restarted.