McGonagall is a Quidditch player??

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Postby Scellanis » Saturday 8 February 2003 7:33:37pm


theres nothing to forgive.....
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Postby ElvenMist » Sunday 9 February 2003 2:30:12am

ok. i'm glad you're not upset. :)
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Postby star_light » Saturday 8 March 2003 4:31:13am

I think it is somewhat likely that McGonogal partook in Quiditch either that or she just really hates loosing which in my mind is just as likely.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 12 April 2003 2:43:25pm

Just out of curiosity, where does it say that James Potter was a Chaser in the books?

I mean, not that I'm doubting anyone, but I've looked for it, and can find nothing saying that he was either a chaser or a seeker, just that he played?

help me please!!! hehehe
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Postby MikeT » Saturday 12 April 2003 3:59:55pm

ok, for starters that could be Mcgonagall...i mean, they didn't have to be onthe same team! I mean it could be a plaque which has the winnders for different years...ok pretend it's a Wizard Bowling competition which has gone on for years here is what is engraved on the plaque:


Hogwarts - 1990
Hogwarts - 1991
Beauxbatons - 1992
Durmstrang - 1993
Hogwarts - 1994
Smeltings - 1995
Hogwarts - 1996!"

it could've been one of those plaques! James could've won the award one year and McGonagall another year!
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Postby star_light » Saturday 12 April 2003 11:24:12pm

JK Rowling said that James was a Chaser in an interview.
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Postby Cougie » Sunday 13 April 2003 4:55:21am

That doesn't count. Gotta be in the books.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 13 April 2003 6:44:10am

But she was on the yr after James was...

The plaque said 1971 McGonogal, and 1972 Potter...

Maybe it was a relation of hers?
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Postby MikeT » Sunday 13 April 2003 6:10:53pm

aah...i see.

I suppose it could be a relation! ok, I'm stumped :lol:

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Postby MikeT » Tuesday 15 April 2003 8:02:53pm

I've just thought of sumthing....maybe it IS Minerva McGonagall! BUT it isn't James "Harry's Dad" Potter...I mean, Harry's middle name is James...but what if the guy on the plaque is James' father! Sure, it would squash rumours about Dumbledore bein the grandad or summut, i dunno....

OR, maybe it was the whole Hogwarts squad, maybe M McGonagall was the referee!

Or, James might've had a brother!
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 29 April 2003 2:00:38pm

Well, wasn't Harry's dad james Potter actually at Hogwarts at this time though? And I don't really think that he would have a brother with the same name...

I still think that it's more than likely that it's a relation of McGonogalls or McGonogall herself... Maybe there was a teachers v's students game???
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