The Forbidden Forest

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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 26 November 2006 4:57:05am

Bair wished at moments like these that he had been given a little more strength and a little less of other senses.
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Postby choki » Wednesday 29 November 2006 12:44:57pm

Noticing Bair was still lying on the floor surrounded with two chimeras, Tales charged his way, swinging the fishing rod in front like a fencer.

Upon closing up, he realised one of the chimeras was significantly bigger than the other. He charged towards the bigger one, body slamming it in the process.

He threw the fishing rod at Bair and shouted, "What are you waiting for? Sunrise? Get up and fight!" before engaging to a fight with the big one.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 30 November 2006 4:47:34am

Bair tried - he really did. It was just that every time he got up to fight, he would get knocked down again.
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Postby choki » Sunday 3 December 2006 1:14:42am

Tales continued to battle with the other chimeras. He ocassionally looked back at the rest of the centaur herd to make sure they were alright. But Bair was not. With all the fightings, Tales almost forgotten Bair was younger, a lot younger. Though Bair often acted like an adult centaur would behave, he was still a young adolescent.

Kicking the big chimera away with a few seconds to spare before it recovered, Tales dashed towards Bair with the intention of getting the young one back to safety - by directing him towards the treetop.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 6 December 2006 5:54:11am

Bair backed away from the chimaeras slowly, edging his way up the tree to the top. He hated doing this, standing by whilst all the action happened around him.

But perhaps he could use his skills another way...
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Postby choki » Saturday 16 December 2006 2:29:19pm

"Throw me my bow!" Tales shouted to Bair who was on the treetop platform.
"And don't forget the arrows!"
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 17 December 2006 1:18:46am

Bair groaned - his throw had landed the bow frive metres to Tales left, and the arrows scattered around.
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Postby choki » Thursday 21 December 2006 8:20:54am

Tales almost slapped himself in the forehead. But there was no time to spare. He quickly retreived his bow and the now emptied quiver. The bow was made of the finest wood and was strong enough to banish it like a rod. Using it in the same manner as he did with the fishing rod previously, Tales fought his way, slowly but surely, driving the chimeras further away.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Saturday 23 December 2006 2:52:25am

While all this had occured, Kiro slept in a corner of the Treetop Hutt. Once again dreaming of his Sister....

Nothing phased his sleep.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 24 December 2006 6:34:35am

Bair followed the action with a keen eye.

"Duck!" he called to Tales. A chimaera had leapt at his head from a stunning ten metres away.
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Postby choki » Saturday 13 January 2007 3:57:22pm

Tales managed to avert the midair strike as the outstretched claws of the chimera narrowly missed his vital spots. However, it did managed to land a tear wound on his back. Hissing in pain, he wheeled around just in time to deliver a nasty kick on his attacker.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 18 January 2007 1:03:26am

Slowly the larger group of centuars managed to fight back the chimaeras. After the initial period of fierce fighting, it all started to calm down as the monsters fled back into their corner of the forest. The centaurs assessed their injuries.
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Postby choki » Saturday 3 March 2007 2:57:39am

"A breather at last!" Tales gave a relief. A fellow centaur walked up to him with a clean bandages taken out from his small pouch. Tales gave an appreciating nod, as the medic centaur started to dress his wound at the back.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 3 March 2007 6:49:32am

Bair fainted with all the blood. He had been okay in the heat of battle but now... but now it was all just a little too much for him.
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Postby choki » Monday 12 March 2007 4:22:32pm

Slowly, one by one, everyone soon crowd around the fainted young centaur.

"He looks weak," said the centaur with silver hair.
"I say terrible," someone added. The mumblings continued as the medics tried to revive him by fanning.

"Just stand back everyone. The young one needs some fresh air," the leader of the group spoke at last. Tales then noticed the leader, Hildor the Elder. Surprised initially, Tales then walked towards him in great respect and bowed down, greeting his maternal grandfather. It had been years since they last met.
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