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by Snow_Crystal » Sunday 1 October 2006 8:48:24pm
The door's open and apparently the WOMBAT's are back - get on quick!!!

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by Scellanis » Sunday 1 October 2006 11:16:02pm
Whats the WOMBAT thing anyway, I've seen the same message posted on the mugglenet livejournal community earlier today.....

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by Scarlet Lioness » Monday 2 October 2006 3:32:47am
A test thing, when you finish it you're given a codde which you go back once the tests finish and get your results and a special thing...it culd be the title???
I did mine...just guessed every answer...

Scarlet Lioness
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by Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 2 October 2006 4:00:45am
I did mine yesterday... how do you get the results back?

Phoenix in the Ashes
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by Snow_Crystal » Monday 2 October 2006 9:30:45am
I think they post the results on the website in a week or so. You have to punch in your Student Number or something and then you get a little certificate - or at least that's what my friend told me.
Yeah the WOMBAT really is just a quiz - i thought it was quite hard actually.

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by Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 2 October 2006 9:39:35am
Yeah I thought a lot of the stuff was a bit too.. open.

Phoenix in the Ashes
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by Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 11 October 2006 9:20:08am
I got Exceeds Expectations - how did you get on?

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by Scarlet Lioness » Wednesday 11 October 2006 5:59:08pm
*squeaks* OUTSTANDING!!!
I was like...huh..How DID i get that??? But i guess I'm used to fluking tests...I do it all the time..

Scarlet Lioness
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by Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 13 October 2006 6:13:03am
Exceeds Expectations! Could anyone else not get onto BaO yesterday?

Phoenix in the Ashes
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by Snow_Crystal » Friday 13 October 2006 2:04:34pm
Yeah it was a bit odd actually, I thought I got on but then there were no posts that I hadn't read - that's incredibly rare but then again.

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by Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 14 October 2006 4:41:40am
Hey, you're on 1000 posts! Congratulations!

Phoenix in the Ashes
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by Snow_Crystal » Thursday 19 October 2006 3:51:06pm
aww thanks!!!

Yeah I posted in that thread somewhere on significant number of posts - it took me long enough eh!

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by Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 21 October 2006 6:06:31am
Any more WOMBAT results, anyone? There'll be another one in a few months time, apparently.

Phoenix in the Ashes
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by lovegood63 » Sunday 12 November 2006 5:23:44am
How do you get a student confirmation number?

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