Hogwarts Spring Dance

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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Thursday 5 October 2006 8:00:27am

Steph looked around...
Exactly how were they...standing...or rather I'm sitting...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 5 October 2006 8:15:44am

I'm lost.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Thursday 5 October 2006 8:49:24am

She looked up at Morphena, niether person had said anything for the 30minutes they had been here.

"Morphena, where the hell are we???" Steph said in a bitter tone.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 5 October 2006 9:08:25am

"As a matter of fact, actually... we're sort of... nowhere. Smack-bang in the middle of it too, I'd say," Morphena replied slowly.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Thursday 5 October 2006 9:17:59am

"Oh brilliant...any idea on how to get us out of this...place!!!" Steph said even more bitter...holding her teeth closer together for emphasis...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 5 October 2006 9:34:50am

"It's not a place. It is in fact the complete absence of place. It is as darkness is to light."
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Thursday 5 October 2006 9:51:27am

"Well I don't bloody well care!!! JUst get us away from here now...and got back to our normal lives, where we only saw each other in the hall ways and nodded for a greeting...I'm calling an end to all our stupid pranks...we're 6th years forgoodness sakes...Harry Potter was chasing Dark Wizards at our age!!! Not pulling pranks on fellow classmates!!! Are you willing to acccept this??? or do you want to play silly games?? " Steoh said...putting every ounce of strength and emotion she had left in her into that paragraph, speech whatever want to call it...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 5 October 2006 10:40:53am

"DON'T YOU DARE MENTION HARRY POTTER TO ME!" Morphena Dumbledore roared. " I'm fifty times more powerful than Potter was or ever will be!"
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Thursday 5 October 2006 10:47:54am

"You think that you're as powerful as him...at least he's capable of loving someone for longer than a day...that's your greatest and Voldemorts, your not capable of loving...so don't you ever think that your more powerful...maybe at the Dark Arts...but at least Potter has class...which I don't think you have got...actually I KNOW you don't... "

Morphena's face went almost purple in hatred...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 5 October 2006 11:19:30am

He raised his wand, and then froze. His eyes seemed to glow.

"DON'T YOU EEEEEVER COMPARE ME TO VOL-DE-MORT!" he spat the syllables out in rage.

The son of Albus the Wise.
The former-murderer of Harry Potter, before he turned time back.
The greatest singular wizarding power alive and not out of school.
He opened his eyes to the truth.

Morphena Dumbledore put his wand to his head.

He closed his eyes.

His thoughts were projected clearly into Steph's mind:

Never before has the Age of Magic been contested by another power. Hidden in secrecy though the ages of humanity, Slytherin's heir rose up to take the glory of the Throne of Wizardkind - the Azabael. The Man Named Not failed and perished into darkness.

The Azabael - the Immortal throne of glory - to watch over and be the guardian of all magic everywhere. The title of the Throne and the Monarch.


I have disappointed you!
He screamed as though pain was searing through him.

Take me...

He put his wand to his temple, and opened his eyes.

Steph saw his fear, and Morphena shake.

He muttered some words under his breath, and turned his head upward against the darkness.

There was a flash of green light.

The body crumpled to the ground that was not a ground.

The soul rose to the sky that was not a sky.

The mind departed to a place that could not exist.

--Such was the death of Morphena Aberforth Nicolas Brian Dumbledore--
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Thursday 5 October 2006 11:44:14am

In the nothingness there was a book.


There was a note on it:

I have served my purpose. I have fulfilled the destiny for which I was intended to. Azabael. This is your name. You have the power to make things right - to repair a broken world separated by the good and evil in magic. You are Azabael. The Immortal One, given the right to live through the personal sacrifice of another to extinguish every spectre of himself from the world. You have the power to do all. Open the door.



Azabael opened the door.

She saw the light.
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