Mint, choki and anime!!!

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Postby Mint » Monday 21 November 2005 8:17:12pm

Anime on Demand channel for some reason went from "Awsome!" to "There is nothing on" XP sucks, I wonder why...
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Postby choki » Thursday 3 August 2006 3:47:03pm

so sorry to keep this thread inactive for so long, i guess none of the new members watch anime. LOL

Mint! Missed me???
Let me see what animes I have watched in this inactive period.

Gundam Seed Destiny which is basically another Gundam Seed (same lame ending)
And wheee nothing else... I hate it when work takes up all your time
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Postby Mint » Thursday 3 August 2006 4:21:52pm

Of course I missed you!!!!! :D

I watched.....nothing :grin: lol. I think I saw 2-3 episodes of Ys and 2 episodes of Lodeless War. I think that sums it up XD
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Postby choki » Thursday 3 August 2006 4:54:26pm

haha well does the live action sailormoon counts?
I finished it long time ago... and the acting were pretty good except for lame ending
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Postby dark wizard » Thursday 3 August 2006 9:25:18pm

i love anime, i realy adored pokemon and beyblades when i was younger, now i like "ghost", still watch pokemon tho :oops:
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Postby choki » Saturday 5 August 2006 1:37:26pm

hmm yeah pokemon did start out as a japanese animation until the american took over and resulting in too many seasons with too many pokemons
too much of something spoils the whole franchise
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Postby Mint » Thursday 10 August 2006 12:48:25pm

Really? US took over pokemon production? o.o i didn't know.
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Postby choki » Friday 11 August 2006 7:17:45am

^I think so, afterall I nv heard of a japanese dubbed Pokemon version

Death Note had came to an end. :cry: The ending could be a little bit out of characters and I hate it when at the end, the main chars isn't the main chars anymore... (you know wat i mean)

Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden is still erm slow in progress (cos it takes a freaking 6 mths for a book to come out) but at least Takiko and Uruki have confessed their love for each other
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 15 August 2006 7:51:59pm

Oh I really really hate when the main character becomes secondary D< Its like after i think book 4 of HP people were suggesting that Neville is the "chosen one" and HPotter is just there as a mistake VD made. Once you got used to the main character - it better stay main XD

lol 6 month to release a book ^-^ thats...frustrating!

I haven't read a manga book since .... a year ago when we were discussing it all. See what happened Choki? You disappeared and I stopped reading manga/watching anime XD
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Postby choki » Wednesday 16 August 2006 3:13:34am

Awww~ I din know I had such great influence on Mint. Haha
Same too, I haven't been watching much of the new animes...

Only managed to complete Full Metal Alchemist anime, Gundam Seed Destiny. Naruto is still on-going... but the filter episodes are getting on my nerve (-_-;) And I have yet lay my hands on Sailor Moon SuperS

Actually there is a hidden meaning to the main chars being non-main chars... they died :-?
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Postby Mint » Friday 22 September 2006 9:16:17pm

oh....well if they died.... then i guess its ok XD

Sailor Moon SuperS anime or the live action? o.o
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Postby choki » Sunday 8 October 2006 3:22:10am

of cos it is SuperS anime (the one with the annoying chibi-usa as the focus)
haha that is the only one season I have not yet watched... I've checked with many stores but sadly none had that dvd... guess my only chance will be to go overseas and get it while I'm on a holiday

the live action only consists of the 1st season and some special acts -
1. 4 years after the ending where Mamoru and Usagi finally marry
2. a few months before the starting about how Minako became Sailor V
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Postby choki » Wednesday 6 June 2007 3:32:51am

~time to revive the thread~
where are you, Mint? Heard u been hiding out in the Slytherin common room

Death note has the anime version... so far so good... the characters are drawn nicely (v similar to the manga version)
Oh yeah, it was also made in movies (2 part movies). I have watched both and the storyline was changed a fair bit. Despite that, the story was good and it had a decent ending.

Been reading and watching Magister Negi Magi or Mahou Sensei Negima! in jap, both manga and anime version. I prefer the manga though... more character development plus it is still in press (anime had ended w/o proper ending - as usual)
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Postby choki » Wednesday 19 March 2008 3:42:04pm

nobody likes anime around here anymore???
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