Hogwarts Spring Dance

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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 23 June 2006 7:19:56am

As Morphena walked past her to enter the Common Room the following day, he had a thought.

Let's add embarrassed to that list.

He waved his wand, and Steph was now dressed in a small chicken suit.

She sobbed some more.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Monday 26 June 2006 7:46:06am

Oh how childish, with a wave of her wand she was in her school robes, she got up and headed to the headmasters office...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 30 June 2006 7:04:22am

"I almost feel sorry for you, you know," Morphena commented as he passed her.


"Well... I don't know if you know... but I suppose I could tell you. The headmaster is out. And so are all the teachers. There's been an emergency in London. We're all confined to our Common Rooms."

Steph started crying again. She suddenly felt quite alone, and trapped.

"All confined except for you, that is, considering you can't get in. And you can't look anywhere or even break any rules, because the teachers put extreme high-teach surveillance that will be able to pick up any michief, anywhere. And I have been assigned the ultimate power of keeping everyone in check."

She stared at him.

"Good day," he said sourly, moving on. "I have business to attend to."
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Saturday 1 July 2006 9:58:37am

"Fine...I'm going somewhere else..."

So she headed towards the prefects bathroom...to take a nice long bath...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 8 July 2006 11:05:01am

"Oh, and don't even think of taking a bath," Morphena continued. "I'm temporarily suspending you of all prefect rights and duties. No proper prefect could forget the password and get locked out of their common room.

"Therefore... the prefect bathroom is out of bounds - for you, anyway. I feel like a good refreshing, soapy swim, myself."
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Sunday 9 July 2006 9:38:33am

"I wasn't..." Steph said, 'damn him' she thought...

I'll just walk and see where my legs take me...and also see if Morphena follows...if he didn't care he wouldn't follow me, but it seems as though he does because he is following me...hmmm...

Steph continued walking..."Morphena" she said, "Are you going to follow me all day long??? Because, I thought you didn't care what happened to me...but it seems you do, as you've been following me for the last 10mins..." She continued walking...spotting the girl's bathroom ahead, she walked straight into them...Morphena followed.

"Hey Morphena, you realise this is the girl's bathroom??? Right??" Steph laughed as Morphena left...
"Finally" she muttered.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 12 July 2006 7:35:17am

Morphena left, happy in the knowledge that Steph was satisfied that he was beaten.

It was sad for her, then, what happened next.

Morphena locked the door to the girl's bathroom.

Steph was trapped.

He went to take a bath in the Prefect's bathroom, quite happily. His work was done. For now.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Wednesday 12 July 2006 7:50:14am

"Hey, not fair!" she yelled when she tried to open the door, using both magic and a bobby pin...Morphena, the name enraged her...what did she ever see in that guy...she shook her head...

"Fine, I'll just sit here...there are other people in this bathroom.."she muttered, cojuring a comfy couch..."You night as well keep comfy, we're locked in, and I wouldn't try unlocking it, Morphena's probably put some other spell on it..." she explained to a Young Ravenclaw as she came out of her stall...

"He is going to pay for this..." Steph muttered under her breath...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 16 July 2006 6:53:32am

"Pine fresh," he told the portrait guarding the entrance of the Prefect's Bathroom.

It probably wouldn't be long before Steph found a way out of the girl's bathroom... so he'd have to enjoy it while he could.

Whilst he filled up the bath, he waited by the sink, thinking.

Did she really deserve this?

Morphena was stumped - luckily, he didn't have to think too hard about it. He disrobed and hopped into the warm bath, and went for a swim.

He decided to let the girls out of their bathroom. He clicked his fingers, and across the other side of the school, the door flew open.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Sunday 16 July 2006 6:59:30am

The door flew open...

"Hmm..wonder who did that??" Steph said to the Ravenclaw girl.."Maybe Morphena felt sorry for me..."

Steph headed back to the portrait of the Fat Lady...and saw a first year coming up...and pretending that she was looking at another portrait, she walked in after the first year had given the password 'Flobberworm'
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 16 July 2006 7:05:25am

Morphena relaxed in the bath, doing a few laps.

Then he heard some footsteps.

Strange, he thought. I wonder.

Oh no!

He made for his wand to charm the door closed, but was slightly too late. Someone entered the bathroom. He ducked underwater.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Sunday 16 July 2006 7:23:56am

Running upstairs she checked in the mirror, "Hmm..." she mumbled brushing her hair.."That's better!"

She headed back out the portrait...'I wonder where that traitor is..' she thought to herself...just wandering around...

A 2nd year bumped into her..."Hey, are you a prefect?? Coz there's this door that's open on the corridor just below us..."

"Yeah, I am...is it the 3rd floor corridor??"

"Yes.." he replied..

'The prefects bathroom...' "I'll go sort it out...thanks for telling me!!!" she said as she ran towards the bathroom... she poked her head into the bathroom...she walked in...no one was there..but there was a wand and robes on the chair over there...

Walking closer to the chair..she saw that it was a Gryffindor..looking around once more she picked up the wand...'Morphena!!'

An idea suddenly struck her...a way to get revenge..picking up his wand, robes and underwear she walked out of the bathroom...locking it behind her...
Outside the door, she called for Dobby, her families trusted houseelf that works at Hogwarts..."You called Master??"

"Yes, Dobby, I want you to take these clothes and hide them in the laundry!!! Make sure that the wand and robes aren't found by anyone other than me...and you can dye these underwear pink...and send them back to Morphena Dumbledore...is that ok???"

"Yes, Master...I'll do that right away..."
...Dobby was sooo...obedient...she walked away..smiling slightly to herself...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 16 July 2006 8:34:02am

Morphena was about to grab his wand to shut the door when he heard more footsteps. He wouldn't get there in time! He dived headfirst into the large bath, but still heard Steph's soft walk as she entered the room.

He peered above the water - slightly high enough to see that she had taken his wand, his robes, his shirt, his pants, and his underwear.

Probably his dignity.

"Hmph," he said. "There goes any sympathy for her."

He climbed out of the bath, and looked around for something to cover himself in. There was nothing - wizards dry themselves magically and he wasn't prepared for this.

Well, I'll have to risk it, he thought, walking over the the door in the nude. But the door was locked; he was trapped.

He would have to wait until some other prefect came in - in the meantime, he'd carry on enjoying his bath.

One way or another, he was not going to let her embarass him like this. Not without even worse revenge. And to think, he was planning on forgiving her.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Sunday 16 July 2006 7:25:24pm

Satisfied that Morphena wouldn't show up untill someone came into the Prefects bathroom, she decided that she would spread a romour around the prefects that the bathroom was being terrorised by Moaning Myrtle..and if they weren't careful she could burst a pipe...yeah that would work...

Walking into the Common Room she saw a 6th year prefect, Michael by the fire...and she told him about the prefects bathroom...and told him to spread the word to other prefects...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 17 July 2006 7:13:44am

Morphena lay back in the bath, thinking over many devious plans to get Steph back.

Aha, he thought. That's it.

Satisfied for the moment, he paused as he heard footsteps.

Many footsteps.

There seemed to be at least five students making their way to the Prefect's Bathroom.


He grimaced, and ducked under the water as the bathroom door opened.
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