Phoenix Filming Taking Place in Itaiy

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Phoenix Filming Taking Place in Itaiy

Postby SEAMUS » Monday 19 June 2006 2:29:07pm

I heard this as a rumour that they filming the 5th film in Italy.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 19 June 2006 3:02:04pm

Hi, Yeah I think was leaked but they are now not going to film there apparently because it was leaked. said this anyway.
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Postby hagrid_fang » Tuesday 4 July 2006 12:02:44am

one of their locations is in Turkey. It's on IMDB, i go on there for all my film info, saw this thread and just looked on there, it's a good website to know about fave films and stuff!! you can find all the locations that they are going to use for the harry potter films!
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