For the last time people, Harry is NOT a Horcrux!

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Postby Mistress Siana » Wednesday 31 May 2006 2:27:42am

Holes, yes, grrr...this subject in annoying... :)

I for one am pretty sure that LV went to Godric's Hollow with no other intention than killing Harry and using his death to create another Horcrux, as DD said. We do not know if he actually got around to perform the magic necessary to create a Horcrux, simply because we have no idea if you have to do it before or after the murder. To me, it seems as though JKR deliberately left that open, which makes me assume that there's going to be another twist concerning the creation of Horcruxes. But remember that the reflected killing curse took the whole house down, quite uncharacteristic of Avada Kedavra.

What bugs me is this: if LV went after Harry that night to make a Horcrux, he would have taken the object he meant to bind his soul to with him, right? What happened to it? Wormtail may have taken Voldemort's wand, so theoretically, he could have taken any other object, too, but then, he must have known about LV's intention for it, and I highly doubt LV would have shared that with someone like Wormtail. And DD would have investigated, of course...that doesn't quite make sense...

And you honestly believe DD is right about Nagini? I mean, in HBP, we see Harry go through all those memories to discover every little detail about Riddle's past that could be a clue, a lot of suspense is created because we're repeatedly told that Horcruxes are the key to destroying Voldemort but we just don't know what they are, then the big revelation, the guessing, and then DD says something like btw, Harry, Nagini, too. Just like that. What an anti-climax. Really, when did JKR ever tell us something right away? I bet the only function of that assumption is to tell us that, yes, a living being can be a Horcrux. Foreshadowing, anyone?

My problem is that Horcux!Harry is simply the perfect way to explain Harry's and LV's unusual connection. But yeah, the holes.

And you don't think Harry could be an accidental Horcrux? Even Voldemort himself might not have realized it, after all, he doesn't feel the pieces of his soul anymore. Consider this: He was after Harry all the time, until he tries to possess him at the end of OotP. Suddenly he changes his goal and goes after DD instead. Suddenly he realizes that his connection with Harry is danger to him, why exactly? He explicitly tells his Death Eaters to leave Harry alone.

Again, arghhh!
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 31 May 2006 9:48:51am

Hmm I think he asks his Death Eaters to leave harry alone as this is a personal vendetta and no more than that. In fact I think he would be annoyed if anyone tried it on.

The only reason I can think of that would have made the house collapse as it did is if LV was trying to make the house a horcrux. Godrics Hollow is the village we know as JKR has told us on her website, but did anyone famous live in the house they were at? Godric Gryff himself? To me this is an unlikely theory but we don't know to what extent the house was destroyed. If Harry is going to go back there, then there's got to be something for him to look at so maybe it still stands but is just a burnt out wreck, a derelict property. Perhaps it was just struck like a bolt of lightning? Hmm maybe that's a bit too corny! :lol: :lol:

I know what you mean about Nagini as well, does seem a bit lame
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Thursday 1 June 2006 1:32:36pm

selene wrote:i thought he needed the blood of an enemy
and by using harry's blood he could bypass the problem of harry's protection (the one that he got when his mother died)

as to why voldemort didn't use a horcrux, do you know how hard it is get past the protective layers he placed arround them. and he's already weak. and he probably doesn't want his deatheaters about them either they might tell someone)

and to your question: is harry a horcrux? please discus this on one of the already opened threads. there is no point in opening yet another one

Hi, just trying to continue a similar subject in here. Selene, I don't know if the horcruxes get spent like a cat's 9 lives. I think they just sustain the soul. Also I think he didn't have to use the blood of the enemy but he chose to have the blood of the enemy because of the protection within. I think DD was triumphant because now he has chosen the blood of an enemy, there is now potentially a weakness. If you think about it, they are now blood brothers, spooky. But one is whole and the other is not. That must be a weakness in itself.
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Postby Chimera » Sunday 4 June 2006 10:30:40pm

Mistress Siana wrote: But remember that the reflected killing curse took the whole house down, quite uncharacteristic of Avada Kedavra.

I disagree. James fought to try and hold Voldemort off, if you're protecting your child you're gonna let off everything in the arsenal and not care if the house gets trashed. Maybe he transformed during the fight, and a big stag in a house is gonna cause a wee bit of breakage too. Maybe the reflected curse was enough to finish the house off, but I reckon it did so because James softened the house up in the fight, and it was waiting for one final push.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 6 June 2006 1:41:57pm

Uh :???: :???:

Chimera, really don't know where you get your info from but I'm pretty certain that every description of the Avada Kedavra says that death is instant. I'm not sure James would have had time to transform into a stag but also if he was a stag at the point when the curse was cast, how could he have shouted to Lily in plain English, "It's him I'll try to fend him off" or words to that effect.

I also don't believe James would have trashed his house to the point of almost destruction if his wife and kid were in it at the time.
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Postby annachie » Sunday 11 June 2006 10:08:21am

Not that I agree about James fighting Voldy, but iirc, the fight in the Ministry between Voldy and DD (HP&tOOP) involved DD blocking that spell and it causing damage.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 12 June 2006 11:34:14am

Hmm yeah that is interesting but I think it involved DD casting a spell to stop it. Harry on the other hand at the age of 1 probably didn't cast a spell unless it was unintentional magic we heard about in Philosopher's Stone (PS).

That's going off track a bit though I guess back to the subject. Anyone else have a theory on Harry as a horcrux???
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 12 June 2006 2:30:33pm

Avada Kedavra cannot be blocked. DD escaped it by odering one of the statues to go in the way, once Fawkes took it and 'died', and once I think DD disapparated. Anyway, the house was still standing when Voldemort came for Harry and Lily.
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