
Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby LadySnape » Wednesday 20 November 2002 8:53:41pm

What kind of nicknames can you come up with for the different characters? Make them funny! :lol:

Here are some I've hear, that I didn't make up:

Snape: Sevvie

Hagrid: Haggy

Dumbledore: Dumbly-Dorey

LOO! :lol:
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Postby Cokey Kitty » Sunday 24 November 2002 2:45:44am

Peeves: Peevsie

Hermione: Hermy, Herm-o-ninny (Krum's nickname!)

Krum: Krumbly

Minerva McGonagoll: Minnie-Me (hehehe)

I know, those probably weren't too funny, but I've referred to each of those characters in such a way before.
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Postby Wedge » Sunday 15 December 2002 12:26:32am

Well im not gonna post any, but this topic made me think- why havent the students of hogwarts made up Nicknames for each other and teachers? In most schools students are reffered to in nicknames... hmm :???:
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Postby Hermione » Monday 24 March 2003 2:09:45pm

Wedge . . . . I don't think that's true for most schools, or even many schools :grin:

Harry: Scar face
Hermione: Einstein
Ron: uh . . . I don't know, Carrot Top?

Okay, I know, I know, I'm not that funny . . .
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Postby azn wizard » Monday 24 March 2003 6:34:22pm

the one i use most often
hufflepuffs=huffies or hufflers...
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Postby Hermione » Monday 24 March 2003 10:30:46pm

In Spanish class, I just learned that Quique is a nickname for Henry (in Spanish), and since Harry is a sort of diminutive of Henry, wouldn't Harry basically be Quique in Spanish? With that logic:

Harry= Quique Potter. What cool name would that be? :lol: :razz:
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Postby MikeT » Tuesday 8 April 2003 6:25:24pm

lol, Wedge that goes on in our school. We have these Food and Textiles Technology teachers who all have nicknames! (Mainly cuz they're nasty!)

lol, we have this teacher who gets called a few nicknames (not gunna say em tho..who knows, she might come online!)

Most of my friends have, yup! (full stop)
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Postby littlelib » Thursday 10 April 2003 1:13:18pm

i would call
ron=that really adorable, cute, possum of a boy

but thats just me
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Postby pym-wizard » Friday 11 April 2003 10:00:54am

well i would call

Harry; Hairy
Dumbledor; tumbler
Hermione; heamoride
Ron; cabbage
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Postby Beccaroo » Friday 11 April 2003 11:45:17am

HA! Hemerroid! HA HA HA!

I'd call

Harry-Harry because it's too nice a name to change
Dumbledore-Bumblebum :???: :???:
Hermione- mi own knee *giggle*
Ron- Turdy (but then i call everyone that!)
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Postby Female_alien » Sunday 28 March 2004 4:40:24pm

Dumbledore - Dumbo
Fudge - Corny
professor Sprout - Spout
Snape - Seve

O.k. these weren't funny either. But, hey, I tried
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Postby Nobby » Sunday 28 March 2004 7:49:51pm

hooch- hoo
remus- re
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Postby Ferrus » Sunday 28 March 2004 8:09:31pm

In Spanish class, I just learned that Quique is a nickname for Henry (in Spanish),

Thats right, although its more like a diminutive (kinda like William=Bill).

Like the idea! you could have Quique Potter and el Goblet del Fuego!

(Oh my god, the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language would like have my head on a silver tray for doing that :lol: :lol: )
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get it

Postby Lone_Buck » Sunday 4 April 2004 10:29:40pm

does anyone else think it be hilarious if sirius's middle name was Lee.
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Postby Valeria » Monday 12 April 2004 7:08:44pm

I've heard Ronnie-Puzzy for Ron
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