Hogwarts Spring Dance

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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Wednesday 18 January 2006 9:42:28pm

"Maybe we accidently, formed a connection between us or something...maybe because we are both Metamorphs...we...Oh I don't know..." Steph was looking kind of worried..
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Postby Asphodel » Thursday 19 January 2006 3:17:38am

Jerry sighed as he loocked out over the lawn, at Morphena and Steph. He smiled, that was fun... he morphed into a tall boy with whiteish-blonde hair and a just barely a whisp of a moustache. He smiled, he never really knew his form, he didn't know how he loocked like before he started morphing. 'Hmm.....' he thought, 'they really don't like Jerry, I wonder how they'll like.... John Holmes, they'll regret making fun of me.... they all will..."
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 19 January 2006 9:37:52am

... To be honest, Morphena didn't care.

He felt incredible.

He could do anything in the world.

Pity the man that got in his way.
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Postby Asphodel » Friday 20 January 2006 6:20:47am

Morphena turned to a tap on his shoulder, "Having fun?" asked a handsome boy behind him.

"What is it?" Morphena asked irritably, not wanting to be interrupted.

"Oh nothing carry on," John said crossing his legs.

"Well we can't really with you sitting here,"

"Why? Do you have something to hide?"

"No- but..."

"Then you'll let me stay,"
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 20 January 2006 7:34:05am

It was extraordinarily unfortunate for John that he was talking to Morphena Dumbledore.

The son of Albus the Wise.

The same boy, it was rumoured, that was known to have recently passed with 16 OWLs, all Outstanding.

The same boy that, it was rumoured, could hit a golden snidget with sparks from over a kilometre of hill away.

The same son that was rumoured to have a number of different prophecies written about him in the Department of Mysteries.

It was even more unfortunate for John Holmes that he had inherited absolutely none of his father's patience.

Morphena pointed his wand at John, and screamed:

"AlakaZAM!" John jumped a mile high, a tad prematurely. A few sparks jittered out the end of the wand.

Morphena and Steph were in a fit of laughter.

John scowled, and drew his-

"Expelliarmus!" Morphena cast lazily, and John's wand flew out of his hand.

Morphena casually flicked his wand, and summoned it from the floor. He examined it calmly.

"Don't go getting any ideas, Jerry," he said slowly in that aggravating patronizing voice that Morphena simply loved to give anyone whose wand he was holding. "Maybe this is why people don't like you, you immature little prat."
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 20 January 2006 8:07:29am

"Do you think we really thought we would fall for your little trick, I already knew you were a Metamorph but I just didn't say anything...didn't want to ruin any fun you thought you were having"Steph laughed...her and Morphena were just as good as each other at patronizing others...
"I just love who you portray yourself as, a little midget 7th year, Huh, what do you really look like???"
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 20 January 2006 8:56:29am

Morphena held Jerry back. He looked as though he was about to burst.

He gave Steph a warning look, that said clearly to stop. She had perhaps gone a little too far.

"Come on, Jerry. Just think for a moment. Take a seat," Morphena motioned for a few chairs, and they floated in the air toward them.

"Go away! I don't need your pity!"

"Jerry..." said Steph.

"Look," said Morphena. "I don't want any trouble from you, and you don't want, or shouldn't want, any trouble from me. I'll help, alright. I know how it feels to be shut out. I barely even knew my father."

"You didn't know your father?" Jerry perked up without realising it.

Morphena gave him a long stare.

"He gave me lessons. Lessons. The old fool forgot he even had a son half the time. My letters got dumped at the bottom of the pile just like the rest of them. I had to grow up with my cousins."

"That wouldn't have been that bad..."

"My cousins were... are... 30 years older then me!" Morphena burst out. "Look... just, think for a moment. Think about why people don't like you. And don't start about your height or appearance, because we know you can alter that."


"-It's your attitude, man. Just take a break. You've got NEWTs this year! You should be starting a career next year! What are you going to do? You can't moan to your boss!"
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 20 January 2006 9:37:51am

Steph stared back at him, with an apologising look...

"Hey, Jerry, we don't want to hurt your feelings, but I think it's time, you should grow up a bit, enjoy your last year at Hogwarts, meet some girls, have fun by being the REAL you..." Steph said softly..."And I'm sorry for what I said before..."
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 20 January 2006 9:50:48am

Jerry was concentrating on a non-verbal spell. Morphena spotted it just as Jerry was reaching for his wand.

Morphena snatched it away.

"Let him go, Steph..." Morphena tossed him his wand.

"It's your choice now," he said.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 20 January 2006 10:01:35am

Steph stood back..."Ok, yup, You're free to go now Jerry, remeber just be yourself...no one likes people trying to be what they aren't..."

Jerry stood up...looked at Steph with a thankful look and then just stared at Morphena with a look that could kill any small living animal...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 20 January 2006 10:17:09am

Morphena just smiled sweetly at him, and turned his attention to the wonderful decorative charms Professor Flitwick had placed around the grounds.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 20 January 2006 10:27:13am

Steph turned herself into a cute black and white kitten and chased her tail...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 20 January 2006 11:09:29am

Morphena smiled at her, and took a seat again... just staring at the sky...
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 20 January 2006 9:36:26pm

Steph looked at the sky, (in cat form) Looked back down, turned round and jumped onto Morphena's lap and curled up and went to sleep...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 21 January 2006 7:21:54am

Mars is bright tonight, Morphena thought.
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