by Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 16 January 2006 11:29:16am
"According to history, you see, I died. And it's true. Before 3 seconds were up I destroyed myself and this room. I did that so it would not impact upon history, and no one could alter it, until I could come and claim it through this portrait."
"Oh..." Steph said, sighing. She never got want she wanted. Not even an answer.
"See these scrolls in my hand?"
"Yes, Gringott..."
"I myself painted this portrait. Have you not wondered at least once why I painted scrolls in my hand?"
"A lot of portraits have scrolls, Gringott..."
"Yes... of course they do. Well these ones make me who I am. They give me a solid identity as me. I'm not just an ordinary portrait. I truly am Gringott himself. Until the time I awaken myself, of course."
"So...? Didn't you say you killed yourself?"
"Yes. So one day when my enemy returned my portrait could awaken and free me from my casket."
"Didn't you say this place only existed for 3 seconds? We've been here a lot longer for 3 seconds."
"We are at a set moment in history. But so far, only as observers. The spells I placed here were complex. Are complex. From the moment you take one step toward the casket you have 3 seconds to communcate with my past self. My future self. That is all that will be necessary. It will change history the moment he sees you. He will be expecting you."
"You? Us? We're not doing it."
"Well, how can I? I'm but a portrait. I do not hold a 3D wand. I can take you anywhere you want, and will shortly make you appear right next to the coffin, but as soon as you do you only have 3 seconds to cast this spell."
Portrait Gringott turned the scroll around.
"Alohomora?" The two of them said in unison. "That's one of the simplest spells in the world!"
"Oh, really? That's nice to hear. It wasn't then. I invented it for this purpose."
Steph and Ian just rolled their eyes.