Harry Potter Romance?

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby bewitchin » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

So what do you think is going to happen in the romance department...who's going to end up with who??? :wink:
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Postby bewitchin » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Well, since nobody has replied yet, I will post my own humble opinions.

I think that Ron likes Hermione in more than a friendly way, as he has shown many times before. I'm not sure if Hermione likes him though; I think she likes Harry. There is no mention of her kissing Ron on the cheek in the end of Book 4, but she does give Harry a kiss. On the other hand, Ron and Hermione often quarrel, which is often a sign of romantic feelings...hmmm.

I think in the end, though, Ron and Hermione will end up together. As for Harry, maybe he'll end up with Ginny, or someone who we haven't been introduced to yet. Please let me know what you think...:smile:
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Postby Fenny » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

i agree about Harry ending up with Ginny!!!but I think Hermione will end up with somneone who is as smart as she is, maybe with a prefect... Who knows?!?!
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Postby harpotgoddess27 » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I just finished readin the fourth book, and I honestly think that Ron and hermione have something there, but I kinda wish, that Draco and Hermione would get together, they hate each other so much that it could turn into something else, what do you guys think???
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Postby KoolKev » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I don't know, but I think Harry is going to die in the 7th book.
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Postby Weaselly Weasel » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I agree about harry dying. After all, there is only going to be seven books, and people will be whinging for more after they have finished. Harry and Cho will, obviously, get together, as Cho has always been really nice to him, and did not wear a support cedric diggory badge, even though she was going out with him. I don't think that voldemrt is related to harry, but something must have happened to his brain, or something must have been passed through them, as they have same wand from fawkes, and share stuff. I don't know why voldemort (vm) is so anxious to see harry dead and buried, as dumble dore would do much better on the revenge list, in my humble opinion. Dumbledore is not perfect, either, he made a mistake on letting the fake moody in.
It seems that Jk follows fairly traditional ideals, and you know the old saying that people fight because they care about each other. Also, if snape likes malfoy so much, then shouldn't he not like him so much now, as he knows that malfoys father has turned coat. He must have the idead that vm wants him dead. Also, i think that crookshanks is animagus, and may be mrs. figg (the cat lover.) Hagrid and M. Maxime are going to dragons, snape is NOT going to the dark side as a spy, but probably dies saving harry. Dumble dore may do, as well, as his famous speech of, to the well organised mind, death is but the next great adventre, must have something to do wiith it.
I also thin k that snape loved lily as provideas logical reason to hate james.
thats it from me.
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Postby Shadow » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I agre with bewitchin. Ron and Hermoine quarrel a lot which is often a cover up for deeper feelings. As For Harry, who knows. Maybe Ginny.
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Postby Quicksilver » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Ron and Hermione!
Harry and Ginny!
Malfoy and a Blast Ended Skrewt!
*smiles evilly*
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Postby Evil Sailor Saturn » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I think that Harry and Cho will get together, I dunno why but I just cant see Harry and Ginny together. Ron I dont know about, but I think Hermione will be with Viktor Krum. I dont know but those three just dont mix in my mind romantically.
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Postby LadySnape » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I think Harry will meet someone totally new. Ginny is not for him, she is just "crushing". Ron and Hermione DEFINITELY, because they are always fighting and don't forget Ron's reaction in GoF at the Yule Ball!! :smile: Who knows, though, maybe we are all wrong. Those HP books are so full of surprises.

Actually, I think Harry will die in the final book. That is sometimes what authors do so they can't write about the characters anymore.
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Postby Gryffindor Student » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I Think Harry and Cho should get together and I defaninatly Ron and Hermione should get together! I dont know how some ppl can say Harry and Ginny! I hate Ginny she is too annoying! And I dont think it will be Harry and Hermione or Hermione and Draco. I dont think Draco will end up with anyone becouse he is so cold hearted and sour so I dont think anyone will have him. And I dont see how some ppl can think that Harry and Draco go together! Harry is not gay! HE likes Cho! And Draco is not gay, he went to the Yule Ball with a girl i think it was Pansy Parkinson ...SO neither of them are gay ppl!
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Postby Shadow » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I was thinking about how Ron reacted at the Yule Ball in GoF myself, and I couldn't decide if Ron was upset because he wanted to go with Hermione, or if he was mad that she was going with someone who was playing against Harry in the Tournament.
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

how about we wait and see what happens...and personally...i AM a harry and ginny shipper...the thing w/ cho is just a crush...they don't even really know each other and may never...cuz harry gets choked up real easy around her...he reminds me of Yamcha from DB
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Postby HermioneSkywalker » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I agree, I think that Ron and Hermione will get together. I don't think Cho will go out with him...but who knows...
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Saturday 31 August 2002 4:08:33pm

jk knows....jk knows...darn her....
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