Idea: Triwizard Tournament? Restart the Quidditch?

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Idea: Triwizard Tournament? Restart the Quidditch?

Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 4 January 2006 3:01:10am

Just discussing a few options.

We could start a Triwizard Tournament year, the only problem being that many more people than 3 would wish to compete, which is actually a big problem as I see it.

If you haven't noticed, an old RPG was a Gryffindor Vs. Slytherin quidditch match.
I'm sure we could restart it. Keen?

Ohhh! I have an idea! :D

How about we have a Quidditch World Cup that way there won't be any competition for roles on a team or anything.
1 person per team, to make it easy! :grin:
I'm sure I could devise a draw of some sort possibly...
But how would we play fair? :grin:
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 12 January 2006 7:20:04am

RPG participants? Are you there? :???:
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Friday 13 January 2006 3:12:55am

I'm here!

And very much asleep... (or at least I'd like to be) i really dont know, i like the idea but draws would be hard... so would the competition.

maybe have separate games... assigning a winning team to each (four games, four different house winners?)

I dont know lol
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 13 January 2006 5:50:24am

I think it would really difficult to do...even if it sounds like an awesome idea!!! :grin:
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 13 January 2006 6:53:41am

Don't worry about the draw. That is one thing I'm good at doing.

The "How to play" is the thing that interests me...
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