Hogwarts Spring Dance

A home for old scenarios who may have come to an end for RPG playing but whose life and excitement can still be enjoyed in story form.

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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 5 January 2006 4:36:02am

"Care to dance?" He asked a blonde 7th year... who took his hand just a little too quickly.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Thursday 5 January 2006 7:57:01am

Steph looked up...for the first time in about an hour, and decided to go get a drink, leaving Eric alone in the middle of the dancefloor she rushed over towards the drinks table...

She see's a strange pale boy walk in and then go back out again...Shaking her head, she grabbed a drink and looked up again...and saw a 7th year walk in...Very handsome she thought to herself... she saw him ask that blonde chick to dance...

Now where was Eric....
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 5 January 2006 8:56:27am

My this time most of the ground had spotted him. All Morphena could concentrate on was her eyes though. They were sparkling blue.. beauty, he noted, personified...

It was a pity he wasn't having any fun.

Maybe later, he thought.
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Postby Asphodel » Friday 6 January 2006 4:03:18am

Jerry looked at some boy dancing with one of "those" girls. As Jerry was walking away, he failed to notice the table of snacks behind him, and well... you get the rest. They laughed. They laughed harder than they've ever laughed before. He spun around and aimed his wand at one of the laughers, "Whoa!" the guy yelled, and stunned him. As he came to, Jerry could not remember what he had done.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 6 January 2006 6:29:42am

There was a bit of commotion in the room. Some kid had pulled a wand on some loser laughing at himand had been outclassed and stunned.

Morphena spared some pity for him, even though it was the last thing the kid probably wanted. Nobody was grateful, these days. He walked over to the stiff body, and kneeled down.

"Enervate," he whispered. The boy awoke.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 6 January 2006 10:29:15am

Steph searches the hall for Eric, but he was nowhere to be found...

So she went and sat alone on a seat in the corner of the Great Hall...She sighed deeply, thoughts swimming through her mind...'Life is so confusing sometimes' she thought...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 6 January 2006 10:42:42am

Everyone was laughing at the boy. He was moving dizzily, trying to regain full awareness, but it was hard with the ringing laughter.

"You alright?" Morphena asked.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 6 January 2006 10:52:50am

Steph looked up from her shoes, and saw that little boy being laughed at...and that older boy...helping him, she walked over and looked at them...she heard him ask "You alright?"
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 6 January 2006 10:54:33am

"And what about you?" He asked the reasonably attractive young girl that had suddenly appeared at his shoulder. "You seem... a little down."
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 6 January 2006 10:58:48am

Steph looked over her shoulder...The thing she saw shocked her, Eric was kissing another girl...Tears welled up inside her, she held them back, she looked back round at the 7th year, and replied to his question..." Well if you'd really like to know, my boyfirend or ex, is kissing someone else...right behind my back is that a good enough reason...???
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Postby Rachel_Lestrange » Friday 6 January 2006 11:03:19am

Rachel sat on her bed. She was alone.

No-one asked her to the dance. She was different to every one else in her house. She kept herself to herself. To everyone there that was unacceptable.

'I wonder if anyone notices i'm not even there' she thought as she bite her nail for what felt like the hundreth time. Georgie her pet owl gave a small sympathetic hoot as if he could read her mind.

'Man i hate my life' she thought as she crawled between the sheets and fell asleep.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 6 January 2006 11:04:03am

Morphena grimmaced.

"Ouch... umm, yeah fair enough." He got up and wiped the tears away with a finger. "But there's no need for those. Come on, this is a dance. Just go out there and have some fun! Enjoy the time while you have it, exams are on before you know it!"

He took her hand.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 6 January 2006 11:13:32am

He wiped away her tears and put out his hand...taking his hand...he lead her to the dance floor...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 6 January 2006 11:26:06am

"So, what is your name, anyway? You seem... much older than you are. How old are you exactly? You... seem so different to the other girls."

He signalled to one of the girls from the giggling group. They practically sprinted over to him.

His manner changed, suddenly.

"Hey, Esmeralda... you wouldn't mind just getting me a tiny drink, would you? Just a lemonade? Quicky? I've just got this really craving for one at the moment..."

"Sure Emani... Any time!" The girl practically glowed... 'Emani' took her hand and said "thanks", quietly in her ear...

"See what I mean?" Morphena asked the girl.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 6 January 2006 11:30:04am

"My names Stephanie- Fleur but call me Steph, what's your name?? I'm 16...How old are you??? And I also see what you mean...people always comment on that..."
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