Hogwart's Spring Dance RPG scenario has been split through the middle. Everything relating the the murderous, vengeful Morphena Dumbledore has been sent, or will be sent, into the Rebellion of Souls scenario. Asphodel and ~Crookshanks~ in particular, I suggest you create characters in there before continuing, just to be on the safe side. However, it's currently locked, so progress on that RPG will have to be stalled for however long it takes.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
Now, what to do about Hogwart's Spring Dance:
Pick up where we left off. Asphodel, I suggest you change WGWGEs name, but don't make him Ian like we know him. ~Crookshanks~, it's already late for Steph and Morphena, so all I'll be doing is having Morphena go under cover of disquise (Metamorphmagus) and change his name so he won't have to live with himself being Harry Potter's murderer (which I've left in the RPG by the way), and he can enjoy the rest of the night.
So, from now on, Hogwart's Spring Dance scenario is to be strictly aobout the dance!