Snape's final hour

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Snape's final hour

Postby Tanuki » Thursday 4 August 2005 12:59:26am

Here's an image I have of Harry's final confrontation with Snape:

Harry sees Snape and turns his head away. As much as he hated him, he had more important things on his mind.

Snape: Do not ignore me boy! I am Serverus Snaspe, the Half Blood Prince, the most talented Sorcerer Hogwarts has seen in a-

He stared down where a smoking hole was in his robes. Potter's wand was smoking, but he had neither looked at Snape, nor slowed down

Harry: shut up, you're in the way

Harry walked on. Snape inflated in rage and rushed at him. Without even looking, Harry lifted his wand at Snape and fired a beam of gold light at snape's chest. He gave pause for just a moment, glowing a bright gold, then fell to the ground screaming

Harry: For a man who bragged so much about how impressive you were, in teh end you are nothing more than a pawn...pathetic

He walked on, ignoring the screams of indignation, pain and rage from Snape; his next goal Voldermort
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Thursday 4 August 2005 3:12:15am

well, i like it... very straightforward, and i like that snae dies... please tell me hes dead! or does he not die?

lol, and i also like that harry kills him. almost everyone i tell that i think snape is gonna be killed by harry says "no way" but not you, you agree!!!!! i hope... hes dead right?? :grin:
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Postby Person1 » Thursday 4 August 2005 4:06:02am

Well done :D

Seems too dark though.
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Postby Tanuki » Thursday 4 August 2005 2:26:39pm

I never said he killed him, just that he hurt him. It's worse to completely disable a man and hurt him instead of killing him, especially if humiliation follows. No matter what, I don't think Harry is intentionally able to kill anyone except Voldermort. I don't know what to call that spell.
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Thursday 4 August 2005 5:06:20pm

Oh poo. It said "snape's final hour" so i thought he was dead... ah well.
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Postby dibble2 » Saturday 6 August 2005 11:27:56pm

Tanuki wrote:I never said he killed him, just that he hurt him. It's worse to completely disable a man and hurt him instead of killing him, especially if humiliation follows. No matter what, I don't think Harry is intentionally able to kill anyone except Voldermort. I don't know what to call that spell.

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Postby Fantasy girl » Monday 8 August 2005 8:05:12pm

i like it but harry is a tad bit too dark. i also like that snape is injured, ahhhhhhh what bliss :grin:
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Postby Tanuki » Tuesday 9 August 2005 12:19:20am

In my head. He's just walked through a gauntlet of Death Eaters, not even bothering to slow down or stop. He's come into some ancient magic; at this point, Snape is barely a blip on his radar
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Postby Mistress Siana » Friday 12 August 2005 12:36:03am

Well done, Tanuki, now I've got a very evil picture in my head.

Harry on his way to kill Voldemort...Snape walks between them.

Harry: Out of the way, you stupid man!

Snape: No, not him, have mercy! Take me instead!

Harry: Hm..Okay...AVADA KEDAVRA

Snape dies, protecting Voldemort. Harry grins a very evil grin and points his wand at Voldemort.

Harry: Now I'm going to finish you off forever! AVADA KEDAVRA!

Green light shoots from his wand, hits Voldemort, backfires and varporizes Harry.

Voldemort, rubbing the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead: What the hell???
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Postby Tanuki » Friday 12 August 2005 1:18:11am


That actually bruoght a tear to my eye in laughter. Hoo man (totally sincere)

Here's another image

Harry sat there, beaten and bloody. His scar had split wide open and blood was pouring onto one eye. He thought it was finally over, then he heard a sound from behind him.

Snape: I must thank you boy, you've done exactly as I had hoped.

Harry turned and stared. Serverus Snape was standing right behind him, staring at the destruction around him with a satisfied smile on his face.

Harry: How?

Snape: Easily boy, just sit and bide my time. According to that prophecy, you were the only one who could kill Voldermort. All I had to do was get rid of Dumbledoer and let you get rid of Voldermort and the path would be clear to me. Yes, now is the age of the half blood prince. His soldiers are mine, his powers are mine, and now, I will remove his killer. And thus, the Half-Blood-Prince secures his place in the wizarding world... on top.

Aveda Kedaveda!!!

The last thing Harry saw was a jet of green light shooting at him
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Postby Mistress Siana » Friday 12 August 2005 4:24:43am

Eek! Actually, that's a horror vision of mine. The scary thing is that I can pretty well picture Snape planning such a thing. That would even be too much for me, and you know how much I like Snape. :D A happier ending, please!
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 14 December 2005 1:48:35am

Totally Snape. I can clearly see that being his motives.

I think this could almost be started as a semi role-play sort of thing. Short versions of how we think it'll all end for each character.

Say, a quick 100 words or shorter?
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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 17 December 2005 5:57:53pm

Cool, you might want to use quotes rather than chat-style writing, but good nonetheless.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 19 December 2005 10:05:31pm

It'd probably work best in Zonko's.
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Postby Asphodel » Tuesday 20 December 2005 11:15:39am

Well... it would work in RPG forum, even if it were funny and stuff. I think Zonko's would work if it was very silly.
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