For Those Of Us Still In Denial Over Dumbledore

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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 1 November 2005 7:57:37am

I am under the impression that AK is the only curse that cannot be blocked. If there was another, then all one would have to do was to hit someone with it, and eventually if they coudl not get healed, they would die depending on the effects.
Avada Kedavra just kills efficiently.
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Postby Asphodel » Friday 4 November 2005 5:13:25am

It is impossible for Dumbledore to still be alive. Don't you see what J.K.R was doing? She is opening the field for Harry to die, and she needs to keep that field open.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Friday 4 November 2005 9:08:00am

I doubt that she's going for Harry's death... It is more of a way to leave him all alone in the last trial sort of to say... Like all this people have helped him grow up, and now it's his turn to prove what he can do, what he has learned. She made all his mentors step aside so he can face the worst enemy on his own.
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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 5 November 2005 1:49:25am

That's plausible, but simply put, I don't think Harry stands a chance against Voldemort. All the time, Dumbledore's been watching over him. They probably will die fighting each other.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Saturday 5 November 2005 10:00:24am

How about the duel in the forth book? Doesn't that show that he stands a chance? A bit of practice and learning some new triks ... a bit of love (you know how Dumbledore always said that is something that will help him agains Voldemort) and I think he has quite a big chance....
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 5 November 2005 10:26:19am

One cannot live while the other survives! Yes, this can technically mean that they could die together, but doesn't that make it all pointless!? After all, then neither of them will be able to survive... It defeats the purpose of the prophecy.

Anyway, this conversation is for those who are still in denial over Dumbledore, and I for one think he's completely and utterly dead in the natural side of things. Maybe not in spirit, and all that blah-blah about being there when those are still loyal to me, but to be honest, he's gone, and I think we have to get over it.
Fawkes' lament confirms it for me, and that's that.
All we can discuss is why he had to die.
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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 5 November 2005 6:12:46pm

I agree with Phoenix in the Ashes. We cannot dwell in the past, and forget to live. That is what Dumbledore would say.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 6 November 2005 1:55:16am

Well said, and Phoenix with do, or PINA. Much shorter than typing out the whole thing.
Personally, I would have liked a bit more detail in terms of the funeral. But it's probably because there wasn't much else to say. Sad, really.
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 6 November 2005 4:09:42am

Yes, J.K.R did a great job making the funeral seem real sad.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 6 November 2005 8:39:00am

I particularly like the bit after the funeral with the Minister, and Harry saying he's Dumbledore's man through and through for a second time.
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Postby darkcloak » Wednesday 9 November 2005 10:09:02am

Now that Dumbledore has gone, are we any closer to discovering what he truly saw in the mirror of erised in the first book?

Was it Harry free of his burden?
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 20 November 2005 4:53:56am

Maybe Dumbledore told the truth. Maybe it was socks, but some special kind of sock or something. In other words, he wasn't lying, but he didn't tell the whole truth either.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 20 November 2005 9:45:07am

Do we know where the Mirror of Erised is now, by the way. Or do we assume that it's still where it was left in the 3rd Floor Corridor. What about everything else. Were the spells removed and everything?
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Postby Asphodel » Wednesday 30 November 2005 3:51:12am

Yeah I was wondering about that. When it's done with, where do these spells go? Like, is the devil's snare, or the chess set still lying there. Did they just dissappear? But things don't just dissappear...
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Postby hagrid_fang » Saturday 3 December 2005 4:29:16am

Phoenix in the Ashes wrote:Well said, and Phoenix with do, or PINA. Much shorter than typing out the whole thing.
Personally, I would have liked a bit more detail in terms of the funeral. But it's probably because there wasn't much else to say. Sad, really.

there was one pretty big detail in the funeral! what about when the body went up in a white flame?? and harry was sure he saw a phoenix fly out into the sky? Phoenix's are reborn from their ashes remember? i'm still not sure what the theory is behind this, but i think it is an interesting one and would be curious to know what others think about it.
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