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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Wednesday 30 October 2002 6:53:00pm

okay...so today isn't halloween but i won't have the chance to say this for a while to you all...so yeah. :D
have some fun
anybody dressing up?
i'm gonna be a king
gs is going as a witch i believe...or a japanese person (both look REALLY goof)
trick or treat
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Postby Luna_Puella » Wednesday 30 October 2002 10:34:12pm


I'm gonna be a rebel and not go Trick-or-Treating--I'm staying home and watching The Nightmare Before Christmas...

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Postby Wedge » Wednesday 30 October 2002 10:52:55pm

hehe, me neither. i am always boring on Halloween... :-/
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Postby Paul » Thursday 31 October 2002 1:26:37am

Yahay, it's 31sy October here in England now, so happy Halloween for later today everyone!
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 31 October 2002 5:10:59pm

hehhah *turns into a Vampire and eats everyone*
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Postby Broccoli » Thursday 31 October 2002 5:11:46pm

[color=red]Yeah, HAPPY HALLOWEEN, everyone![/color]

I am not dressing up tonight, unfortunately, though I do have a witch-hat. I am staying at my parents' and they won't enjoy a witch in their house that much I am afraid...
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 31 October 2002 5:20:33pm

ok :-P I will dress up as myself, which is enough to scare anyone. lol
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Postby LadySnape » Thursday 31 October 2002 7:52:48pm

Being the Mad Hatter 4 years in a row gets a little repetitive... plus I am too old to go trick or treating. S'okay though, my parents buy tons of candy so there is lots left over. Tonite I am going to Glenn's to watch a few horror flicks. Hopefully they are about bugs of some sort, because creepy crawlies are the only things that scare me. Any suggestions for good bug movies?

(I've seen Arachanophobia) :eek:
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Postby Shadow » Thursday 31 October 2002 11:31:22pm

Happy Halloween. I'm not going Trick-or-treating either. it's like 15 degrees here! I'm going to a carnival at my church. I have to help people paint pumpkins.
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Friday 1 November 2002 5:20:58am

okay...i didn't go trick or treating but that was cuz i was spending time w/ gs...next year though (even though i'll be in college) i'll be trick or treating. heck...even when i'm 90, in a wheel chair, and on medication i'll be trick or treating. ^.^
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Postby Scellanis » Friday 1 November 2002 3:44:15pm


i didnt go trick or treating but.....

my hall of residence decorated the dining hall with bats and a witch and skeletons and pumpkins and a massive spider sat on the salad bar and the people serving food were wearing masks and cloaks...and quite a few residents dressed up for dinner so i got grabbed by a demon in the dinner cue who was trying to spook the serving people....and i ate dinner at a table with this girl dressed in white and coated head to foot in fake blood...which was still wet so was dripping like real blood.....and im squeamish.....and it looked so realistic...anyways...

after that there was pumpkin carving in the common room so we now have heaps of carved pumpkins sitting round the common room....

i actually dressed up as a witch at the last minute and went out with my friend to a pub and then went onto a halloween party...and then zig zagged home at 11:30 (after having a little bit too much cider) cos i had class at 10am this morning.....hehehe

u should see me....im still covered in glitter today :grin:
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Postby Wedge » Friday 1 November 2002 4:23:01pm

;-) Everyone had a much more interesting night that i did, then. I. Stayed. At. home. lol
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Postby Broccoli » Friday 1 November 2002 8:52:50pm

Yeah, so did I...
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Monday 10 October 2005 3:44:50pm

thats time's coming up again!

anyone doing anything?

only 21 days left over here!

i think ill be sitting around all day, as usual!

sounds fun, eh?

maybe ill get out a few horrow flicks and watch them a few times over?
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Postby Broccoli » Tuesday 11 October 2005 10:37:09am

I'll have to check if there are any parties!
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