my own book 6 ending

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my own book 6 ending

Postby Salazar Slytherin » Sunday 14 August 2005 1:58:57am

i was not very happy with the ending of book 6 so i decided to alter it to my fancy as you will see in the next post.
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my version

Postby Salazar Slytherin » Sunday 14 August 2005 2:00:46am

ok so in my version snape has still killed dumbledore but the death eaters were not let in by draco malfoy, snape killed dumbledore on orders from Voldemort. Snape however did not want to kill dumbledore as will be quite evident throught my story.
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Sunday 14 August 2005 2:19:07am

im moving thios to the fanfiction section after boook 6 with spoilers.
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Sunday 14 August 2005 2:19:36am

oh wait... i cant lol, im not a mod of this section lol

Paul, can u do it??
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snapes demise

Postby Salazar Slytherin » Sunday 14 August 2005 3:08:09am

Harry foolishly closed his eyes as he attempted to sleep in the momentarily silent Gyrffindor common room. No one had known of Dumbledores death yet it had happend in the night and Harry was the only one who had seen it, as he lay paralyzed by fear beneath his Invisibilty cloak. Harry kept having reacurring visions of Dumbledore taking his last breath as he was struck with the Avada Kedavra curse and his eyes went blank. He could not help but blame himself for the death of the Headmaster, after all it was he who had not been able to help Dumbledore by casting a spell from underneath his cloak as he sat their immoblized by fear. Just then it hit him, he knew what he must do, he must avenge the death of the Headmaster, he must kill Severus Snape.

Harry swiftly jumped off his bed and began to rifle through his trunk looking for the Maraduers Map, his cloak, and wand. The noise of Harry throwing his things about had woken Ron who looked at him with an inquisitorial glance. "B-Blimey, Harry what are you doing up so late?" stutterted Ron who was still half asleep. " It's nothing Ron its just an upset stomach nothing to worry about go back to sleep." muttered Harry. Harry was happily suprised to see Ron had drifted back to sleep. He had no time to waste as he slipped his invisibilty cloak into his bag, put his wand in his cloak pocket and ran through the porthole with the Marauders Map in his hands. As he reached the outside of the porthole he gave the oath " I solemly swear that I am up to no good" the map unfurled as he finished the last word and he poured over it looking for any sign of Severus Snape.
There he is, sleaking through the dungeon hallways going twoards his study.

With no time to waste Harry stowed the map in his bag and slipped on his cloak. He sprinted down the abandoned corridors as he saw the lantern of Argus Filch edging around the corner and in its dim light saw Filch's cat Ms.Norris. " I know your here, I hear you creepin, ya can't escape old Filch!" As Filch's voice echoed through the corridors Harry hid behind a statue of armor. Harry was relived to have seen Filch's light pass him going down the opposite corridor. Filch was now searching the passageways opposite of Harry, Harry decided to take this as his chance to run. Filch was the least of his worries he thought as he sprinted down the stairs to the dungeon corridors past the Slytherin common room. He
stopped in mid-run as he saw the haughty shadow of Severus Snape edging down the corridor twoard the massive wooded doors of his dungeon study. Snape swung open the doors as Harry just barely slipped into the room slamming his foot into the door on the way in, he let out an unvolontary muffled scream as his food ached with pain. Snape spun around and snarled "Potter". Harry's heart raced as Snape approached him with wand drawn, drawing closer and closer. Out of instinct Harry's hand flew to his cloak pocket and reached for his wand just as Snape had pulled the cloak off of him.

" I should have known it would be you sneaking around after hours Potter, missing your old pal Dumbledore are you?, it's a shame he had to go so fast, quite like your old godfather Sirius eh?" "You are a coward" bellowed Harry, his voice exuded a strength he had not known himself to posess. "Nothing but a coward." " WHAT DID YOU CALL ME POTTER?, HOW DARE YOU, YOU ARE SPEAKING TO SEVERUS SNAPE, THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE!!" shouted Snape. Harry shuddered, could it be, could Snape the man he had loathed for so long really be the one who's instruction he had followed so willingly throught the year? Before he had any more time to ponder this idea Snape had drawn his wand and was muttering a curse under his breath, out of instinct Harry pointed his wand at Snape and shouted "STUPEFY!". The spell missed Snape and hit a shelf of potions, the jars shattered and the contents drenched the floor, although he had not hit Snape he had effectivley broken his concentration.
Harry took this chance to swoop at Snape shouting curse after curse as Snape blocked them all with ease.

"Stand and fight you coward!" shouted Harry. "Avada Keda---" Snapes spell was cut short as Harry yelled "Sectemsempura." Invisible swords cut through the air at Snape's flesh and newly opened wounds spattered his robes with blood. Snape fell to the floor as Harry stood over him and raised his wand to deliver the final blow. "Please Harry don't" begged Snape. Could it be for the first time that Snape, the one who had attempted to thwart Harry at every attempt at glory could now be begging for his life. Harry's wand dropped in horror as he realized that he was about to lower himself to the level of the man who had killed his parents, was he really prepared to kill a man? to be on the same pleateau as Voldemort? "I know you will not forgive me Harry but i have not acted on my own whim in the killing of Dumbledore, it was the Dark Lord he did this to me" pleaded Snape. A wave of pity swept over Harry as he looked at the man laying on the floor in a pool of blood, deep incisions across his body and for the first time, he could not belive he had not noticed it before, a bright silver scar across his cheek which glowed in the dim light of the dungeons. Harry had could not belive he hadnt noticed it before, Snape had been under the Imperius curse, and the scar he bore marked the punishment Voldemort had given him for failing to help retrive the Philisopher's Stone.

Just as Harry had realized this his scar began to burn with more intense pain then ever before. He looked up to realize that Voldemort had entered the room and was standing over Snape. " I have no more use for a snake like you Severus." said Voldemort " Please Master, forgive me i beg you... please" pleaded Snape Voldemort snarled as he pointed his wand at Snape's body and yelled "AVADA KEDAVRA!" Snape was hit by a jet of green light, his body shuddered and his rolled back in his head then he went limp and his eyes blank. Voldemort stepped twoard Harry, his eyes burning into Harry's soul " As for you Potter, I will deal with you when the time is right, as for now i will let you live" Then just as quickly as Voldemort had appeared he dissapeared into the darkness.

The door was flung open as McGonagol and the rest of the Order came running in, with their wands drawn. " We saw what has happend to Dumbledore Harry, we will attend to that later, what has happend here?"
Harry told them the story as he watched the stunned look on McGonagol's face " Voldemort here, in Hogwarts, I-I- I can't belive it" Harry get to bed we will deal with this. Harry did as he was told not wishing to start any more problems or create anymore hostility.

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Postby Paul » Sunday 14 August 2005 6:57:12pm

Moved to the Harry Potter Fan Fiction containing Half-Blood Prince References or Spoilers section. Thanks, Un'Anima Persa for doing the post-report-button thing. :)
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 8 October 2005 7:04:32am

That's some really good thinking in there, are you going to do more?
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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 3 December 2005 11:25:46pm

You're a pretty good writer. You might want to improve your spacing though :grin: .
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Re: my own book 6 ending

Postby magicboy » Monday 18 August 2008 12:19:55pm

very magnificant, keep it up
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