ginny's possible heartbreak

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do you think this could be true

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Postby Person1 » Wednesday 10 August 2005 12:32:00am

Hey threstral, you seem quite good at fining these little hidden things :grin:

See if ya can find any more RA.B. relationships while ur at it. :)
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Postby thestral » Wednesday 10 August 2005 11:54:55am

well thank you person1. :) what can i say, i like the little details.

and i'm digging on RAB but i'm finding so little it's frustrating :x
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 10 August 2005 12:17:32pm

Yeah it is isn't it. I skimmed through all of the books immediately after reading HBP and the only one I could find was Regulas - I just wish we knew his middle name!
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Postby pheonixrising » Wednesday 10 August 2005 6:01:35pm

talk to raluca agusta black when she comes on on ginny's birthday you'll all see why we are believed toi have seer blood
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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Friday 12 August 2005 1:20:34am

My dear neice got a bit ahead of herself with the "emailing her daily" part. It was meant to be a joke, but it seems to have gotten rather out of hand.

My "abilities" aren't "lucky guesswork and a spooky manner" but attention to details and an intuition that has never failed me.

I claim no connection to JKR, nor do I particularly want to have any connection to her. Of course there is always the possibility that whatever force that's speaking through her is talking to me as well.(If you can't see the snarkiness in that last statement, then I'm afraid I can never successfully converse with you.)

However, in all my predictions/speculations/guesses, I'll admit to being wrong once. I knew for sure that Dean Thomas was going to bite it in HPB, but lo and behold, he didn't.
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Postby Tanuki » Friday 12 August 2005 1:35:49am

You think Harry's the last Horcrux? And what's your stance on Snape?
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Friday 12 August 2005 11:06:32am

maybe phoenix rising just comes from the future and she has already read all the books.. and that's how she knows... :o

just kidding....but seriously would you actually like to know for sure what will happen (before u read the books?)....i mean for someone to tell you that snape's for sure evil or good...or to enumerate all the horcruxes? i for one enjoy all this speculation thing... :grin: it must really be one of the elements that make HP so succsesfull....what would be all talking about now if we knew exactly how things are going to happen?

as far as ginny is concerned...don't you think she should be expecting harry's possible death? she should know better that their relationship might be without a future...but then is one powerfull magic.and might blind her...
Last edited by SunsetG|rl on Sunday 14 August 2005 7:49:21pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Friday 12 August 2005 11:22:51am

I just hope JKR doesn't do a Matrix on us and say that Trelawney has predicted Ginny would fall in love with the Chosen One and that the Chosen One cannot die...!!!! :double jump: :double jump:
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Friday 12 August 2005 11:29:37am

i'd find that quite optimistic...and nice... wouldn't you like the love story to end like ... they lived happily ever after...

ps: snow_patrol...ur from romania too? :o
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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Saturday 13 August 2005 2:38:15am

May I first say that I had a great post, then lost it. This one will probably be mediocre at best and not make nearly as much sense as I would like.

You think Harry's the last Horcrux? And what's your stance on Snape?

I do not think that Harry is a horcrux and I'm getting sick of people thinking he is. First let me remind everyone that Voldemort could not posess Harry because Harry's soul was so pure and Voldemort's soul was so tainted. Even if Harry was made into a horcrux(I'll tell you why I think it's completely unlikely in a minute), that portion of Voldemort's soul would have already been expelled or destroyed by the prolonged contact inside his love filled body. This says nothing about Harry's scar being a horcrux, which I think is equally unlikely because of the nature of the how a horcrux is made, but it is possible that if it indeed a horcrux that it would have not already been destroyed. Also, it would be an insult to Dumbledore if it is a horcrux because he is the one that would not heal it, and for him to not destroy something that evil when he had the chance would taint his memory and that would be very, sickenly tacky of JKR.
A horcrux is something so horrible that it requires real work and thought to be created, and is not something that could be made by accident. Voldemort may have already fulfilled the murder quota and would have been prepared to take the necessary steps to create a horcrux, but his mind would have been in a state of upheaval with his body being torn away from him in what he even describes as a violent and painful way and therefore unlikely to be able to focus enough to perform such a powerful magic. Magic, even accidental magic, requires a great deal of concentration even if you're not concentrating on the actual spell, i.e. Harry wanting nothing more than for his hair to grow back so it did, Harry wanting nothing more than to get away from Dudley so he appeared(apparated?) on the roof, Harry wanting to punish Dudley and setting a huge snake on him, and Harry wanting nothing more than to make Aunt Marge pay for what she was saying about his parents so he inflated her. It's not likely that Voldemort would have been all consumed with desire to produce one more horcrux but more likely to make the pain end or something along those lines. I'm sure he could have cared less about one more horcrux because he had enough to keep from really dieing and he knew it. Also I imagine that it takes more than just concentrating on wanting to make a horcrux to make one, such as concentrating on what should be a horcrux. Voldemort would have never wanted Harry to be a horcrux because it's just a bad idea. For one thing Harry is mortal and once he dies, there goes his seventh horcrux. Voldemort would never kill Harry knowing this and this would give Harry the ultimate power over Voldemort which is surely the last thing he would have wanted to happen. To put things simply, I believe there is much too much involved in making a horcrux to allow it happen accidentally regardless of the situation. People also say that Harry being a horcrux explains how Harry was infused with Voldemory's powers, but it's clear that the soul and the power are not connected, because then by splitting your soul seven ways you're splitting your powers seven ways and Voldemort is obviously not wanting for power. It's more likely that the transfer of power and the connection that was forged had more to do with the backfired killing curse that resulted in no death than a bit of Voldemort's soul being passed into Harry. Now really, enough of this rubbish. It an unlikely and, in my opinion, stupid theory that is incredibly tacky and morbid.

Now onto Snape. Snape is evil. No question about it. The kicker is that he's not evil because he's a death eater. He is completey self serving and will do anything to put himself ahead or atleast in a more favorable position. He was playing both sides until Dumbledore's murder, ensuring that he would end on the right side of things no matter what. He's not loyal to either side, but I believe he has more interest in the Death Eaters than the Orders, just because they are more in his mind set, he has more to gain, and if he was against them in any real way Voldemort would know and kill him on the spot. When he came to Dumbledore and warned him about Voldemort going after the Potters, I think he did this more out of concern that Voldemort was going to be defeated and he wanted to make sure he'd still be okay after that happened. He killed Dumbledore because if he didn't he'd die, not because he was listening to Dumbledore's orders(which I think show that the Prophet was at least partially right about Dumbledore going senile, but that's a different discussion), because he wanted to please Voldemort, or because he had any concern for Draco. He made the Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa because he knew that Bellatrix was nosing a bit too much for his comfort and he wanted to make sure that no one else would be doing anything of the sort. I don't think he wanted to kill Dumbledore only because now he can't be on both sides now. I've always thought he was evil, and not because Harry always had, because Harry's a bit mad with all that and he just wants to hate Snape. Snape has always had an evil air about him. I expect Snape will try to be redeemed for his own selfish reasons, but he'll never be redeemable because an evil leopard can't change it's spots. So, yes, Snape is 100% evil and not misunderstood or some underdog or any of those other romantic thoughts people like to have because they hate seeing the worst in people.

maybe phoenix rising just comes from the future and he has already read all the books.. and that's how he knows...

just kidding....but seriously would you actually like to know for sure what will happen (before u read the books?)....i mean for someone to tell you that snape's for sure evil or good...or to enumerate all the horcruxes? i for one enjoy all this speculation thing... it must really be one of the elements that make HP so succsesfull....what would be all talking about now if we knew exactly how things are going to happen?

as far as ginny is concerned...don't you think she should be expecting harry's possible death? she should know better that their relationship might be without a future...but then is one powerfull magic.and might blind her...

Firstly, PhoenixRising is a girl and I think it would be awesome to have a neice that can travel through time.

Secondly, I do like knowing what's going to happen. Not knowing what to expect causes me anxiety, so I find already knowing things amazingly comforting. Knowing that I'm right isn't too bad as well. I enjoyed reading through HBP and knowing exactly what was going to happen next. (The bit with the Felix and Ron threw me, but that's one of the few things that did.) I could see the things falling into place, including my speculations, and I was just over the moon. Of course I could have imagined knowing what was happening because I started reading it at 2 in the morning after waking up at 7 the previous morning then staying up through the night and day until 8pm, not eating the whole while. Perhaps it was hallucinations or perhaps there is truth to the idea that exhaustion and no food opens your mind to psychic waves or whatever.

It's impossible to be wholely prepared for a loved one to be murdered. You may know that said loved one often puts himself in danger and there are people that want to kill him, and you may very well expect his death, but it will still be devastating when it comes. Ginny knows as well as everyone else that there is a big honking chance that Harry could die at any time, but that doesn't mean that she would be upset(what an understatement) when it happened. All of Harry's near misses with eminant death have given those around him a belief on some level that he's basically invinsible. In other words, they know he could die, but they aren't actually expecting it to happen. I know that in some point in the book, there will be people who believe that Harry is dead for whatever reason, and I truly believe that Ginny is among that lot. The only question I really have about it is it's portrayal. I personally hope that she's going to make everyone, including the reader, believe that he is dead and most likely died because he had to (perhaps this is the reason people are getting all wound up about Harry being a horcrux), and switch from his perspective to someone else's. I'd hate to it be something like we're with him continually then he arrives in a group of grief stricken loved ones that have thought him dead and Ginny comes up to him crying and gives him a snotty kiss because she's so happy he's not dead. (Although it would be hilarious in the most disgusting way if she was kissing a Death Eater impersonating him, but I'd be upset if that happened.)

Anyway, hopefully this enormous(it's shorter than the last) will actually go through and I won't have to try again.
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Postby Person1 » Saturday 13 August 2005 4:07:17pm

wow...i would never type that much...shortened version???

And i think there is still some mystery on Snape, even as he left Harr, he gave him some advice, saying that he wouldn't stand much of a chance w.ou knowing how to create spells w.out speaking.
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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Saturday 13 August 2005 4:31:21pm

Err... shortened version... does not register... *head starts to smoke*. Needless to say, I'm a bit long winded, to say the least.

But basically --

Snape = Evil

Harry = NOT a horcrux

Ginny = unable to prepare for loved one's murder, just like everyone else
Ginny (and probably everyone around Harry) = lulled into security by Harry's constant escapes from certain death

I'm afraid if you want the details, you have to read the novel I posted last night.

I saw Snape's comments on Harry's lack of Occlumency to be more of a taunt. "Haha! You'll never get me because I always know what's on your mind because you suck." Not true advice because it's obvious throughout all of the books that Snape thinks Harry is a subpar wizard, and why bother giving advice to someone who could never achieve it, especially when you hate that person (Don't try telling me that Snape does not hate Harry).
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Postby pheonixrising » Sunday 14 August 2005 6:57:08pm

[quote="SunsetG|rl"]maybe phoenix rising just comes from the future and he has already read all the books.. and that's how he knows... :o

just kidding....but seriously would you actually like to know for sure what will happen (before u read the books?)....i mean for someone to tell you that snape's for sure evil or good...or to enumerate all the horcruxes? i for one enjoy all this speculation thing... :grin: it must really be one of the elements that make HP so succsesfull....what would be all talking about now if we knew exactly how things are going to happen?

as far as ginny is concerned...don't you think she should be expecting harry's possible death? she should know better that their relationship might be without a future...but then is one powerfull magic.and might blind her...[/quote] this is pheonixrising speaking and i am female thank you very much!!!! im was born in 1991 thanking you very kindly and last of all i would like to say hahaha i told you so all who doubted!!!* grinning smuglyat those who doubted her aunt's and her own abilitys*
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Sunday 14 August 2005 7:52:11pm

really sorry phoenix rising...i had no ideea (i mean your name doesn's suggest either the fact that u are girl or a boy...and it doesn't say your birth year) i was only kidding (about the time travelling thing)...anyway i edited the post now... so u are a she... my mistake....sry again...hope u don' get too upset.
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Postby Person1 » Sunday 14 August 2005 10:35:07pm

Just say "It" next time lmao :grin:
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