What Must Harry Sacrifice?

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Postby sirius_lives_forever » Sunday 31 July 2005 7:29:01pm

I think it very unlikely that Harry dies. "One cannot live while the other survives", I don't think both Harry and Voldy would die. And Voldy has to die, right?
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Postby digby202 » Wednesday 3 August 2005 8:47:47am

Very good point sirirus_lives_forever!! You just gave me a glimmer of hope that HP might actually survive againts all odds, I really dont want him to die :(
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Postby sirius_lives_forever » Monday 8 August 2005 8:26:56pm

Well, I think that Harry will join the OotP right once he turns 17 and becomes of age. Do you guys think that the OotP will be at Sirius' house still? I think it will be.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 8 August 2005 9:16:03pm

dibble2 wrote:I don't think that Harry surviving would make it a cliche ending. I mean, ever since I started reading stuff fans write about the series people have been saying he's going to die. The hero dying would be just as cliche as him surviving. And another thing I don't get is how Harry surviving means no closure to the series. We already know there's an epologue, we can pretty much assume Voldemort goes down. What more do you need?

Harry's sacrifice. Well, so far he's lost his parents, his godfather and his mentor. Maybe he's made the better part of his sacrifices already.

I hope you're right! He's lost so much already, surely there has to be some peace for him at last!! Don't get me wrong, I don't want to see him die either because despite OOTP I like the guy and want to see him do great things as Ollivander put it!

I don't think he'll join the Order (if it still exists in the next book - remember the Phoenix isn't around any more, it might be called something else) but I do think he will remain in close contact with them in the sense that he will know what they are doing etc. I just cannot see Harry telling the world he is going after horcruxes that people don't necessarily know he's created. The risk is too great, what if any one of them is put under the Imperius and is forced to expose his strategy?! I think the Order (or whatever the new alliance will be) will be there at the final confrontation though, if only to take on the last DE's. I can't imagine Harry turfing them out from Grimauld Place either by the way, at the end of the day he's got other things to be worrying about and they're his friends and on his side at the end of the day.
Last edited by Snow_Crystal on Friday 12 August 2005 11:09:15am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Amythest » Thursday 11 August 2005 5:41:02am

Harry, I beleive, will slip into the melodrama that everone seems to be building up around him, materializing in these posts. Yes, I'm sure that he will think all of these things, and, in the middle of the night, he will sneak out, leaving behind Hermione and Ron to face vold on his own. dramatic climax building, blah, blah, blah, enter some voice saying that the MoM is sending out secret messages to his hunchmen throuhg the color of his cloaks or something, and we find Luna with Neville, Ginny, Hermione and Ron. He's tried to give them the slip before. He's given them the option to turn back. He even kept the whole mind control thing to himself as to protect his friends from worrying about him(OotP). And how did that turn out? Ginny stood there and told him off for bring such a melodramatic loner fool and not asking for help from the people that could help him the most. Please, after all of this and Harry's friends are really going to let him off that easy, to just sacrafice his life? No way.
Hey, maybe all the sacraficing is done. Really, who else would take over for Harry now? Clearly his parents, and therefor Sirius as well, would try and do this task, even though they have no right to pretend they have that power. So they would die then anyway and inhibit him from growing and learning and being aware of all the facets of the situation. And DD has always been noted as the only other wizard that Vold feared, so there has been that little safety cushion in the back of everyones head the DD would have the final battle with Vold.
Now, however, harry no longer has these inhibitions holding him back. Like, if he was at jedi camp, he would totally be floatin Yoda.
It's like frodo and sam walking into an empty mordor, its just a matter of time to reach mount doom. Then there is ofcorse the final battle scene, and who knows what stops are going to be pulled out, but at that point its just going to be a jinx--off. If Harry is carrying a bit of Volds soul in him...then why cant he just keep on truckin like he has been for the past 16 years? Maybe nothing is goign to happen as long as he stays away from the dark arts, so vold can fully die whenever Harry gets around to being really old.
Yes I think that he will be damaged from the final fight...actually my theory is that the scar is goign to disappear, no longer giving him that brand of "special"; but I also beleive that he's got enough friends with enough fire in them that he can float out the end of his days just chillin in the joke shop and raising a family, or whatever he cares to do.
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Postby Tanuki » Thursday 11 August 2005 4:01:41pm

I never thought I could feel this much annoyance at anyone, but you've taken the cake. Congradulations; you're now my least favorite person here
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Postby Person1 » Thursday 11 August 2005 4:37:36pm

Well, who thinks arry's invisibility cloak will bve lost/destroyed, like he'll thrw it over some object to hide it, then forget where he put it :razz:
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Postby Barny The Barn » Monday 7 November 2005 9:58:12pm

Thought I'd re-open this one for everyone to debate this again.

Harry's sacrifice... JKR has said that the last word in the final book is "Scar".

If Harry died in the final book, why would the scar be of any interest?
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Postby Asphodel » Tuesday 8 November 2005 2:50:48am

Maybe the last sentance is something like:

As Harry's knees thank to the floor he remembered what had protected him from this moment for the past 17 years, his scar.
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Postby Barny The Barn » Wednesday 9 November 2005 12:44:09pm

ooh I like that!
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