just one qurestion....

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just one qurestion....

Postby threejjj » Friday 5 August 2005 6:12:44am

In book one didn't harry's mother did in front of him or not?
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Postby Bextra » Monday 8 August 2005 9:35:29am

If you meant died in front of Harry then yes she did. She died protecting him, and thats how he got that power so that Voldemort couldnt touch him.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Monday 8 August 2005 9:37:44am

Yeah what Bextra said... :grin:
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Postby threejjj » Monday 8 August 2005 5:25:50pm

When I was reviewing the books I realized something. We know the in first year Harry took a boat with the rest of the first years to get to school. In second year the flying car. Now in third year he was able to ride a carriage to the school, and if his mother died in front of him like book one said then shouldn't he have seen the horses in his third year? ( I can remember the name of those things)
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Postby Phaerie » Monday 8 August 2005 8:13:32pm

I think JK said somewhere (possibly ion her sight) That you had to understand death. Sort of let the idea sink in. And whilst Harry most probably saw his mother die- (for all we know he could have been asleep at the time he was a baby.) He was too young to really remember it properly, so until he saw cedric die he hadn't actually seen death. If you'll recall he doesn't actually see the thestrals till Oop not at the end of GoF. WHich according to JK is because the idea hadn't sunk in yet.
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