Some say there may be a portrait of him at Grimauld Place...and there might be another mirror...I'm hoping but somehow not clinging onto that hope...

I never know whether to believe Luna or not as she lives in her own fantasy world but something was definitely behind that veil and I still want to know what!!
By the way getting back, I said earlier in this thread that PP must have built up some loyalty to LV but I'm not sure that's right. I think PP was under the Imperius for a year before Lily and James died and if you are under the Imperius you are not doing stuff of your own free will.. when he passed that info to LV he didn't mean to (or at least so he said)...
Also in GoF, Wormtail didn't join the circle he was inside it. If he was a DE wouldn't he have returned to his place after he got his hand. I think he only searched for LV because he had nowhere else to go, he'd been sprung and was after protection. The only person who would do that would be LV because he had once passed information to him. It is interesting though because when Wormtail found him, you would have thought that LV would have reprimanded him because the situation Wormtail put him in cost him his body, but I guess that was made up for because Wormtail helped him regain his body - make sense
One thing that goes against this is that in PoA, I think he calls him the Dark Lord - a term only used by DE's.