ginny's possible heartbreak

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ginny's possible heartbreak

Postby pheonixrising » Tuesday 2 August 2005 1:49:02am

a terrible rumour i heard was that ginny's heart will be broken inb the middle of book7 . my source says that she is gpoing to think harry is dead but she says jkr will be nice and let harry come back so as always lets hear your oppions
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Postby Dacre » Tuesday 2 August 2005 10:22:52am

It's a possibility, but how much can any source other than JK be trusted?
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Postby pheonixrising » Tuesday 2 August 2005 4:59:26pm

Well I think my aunt is right she is my source. Everything else she has predicted about the books has been true. She even predicted that Snape would kill DD and she somehow thought snape would be the hbp. We think she's phsycic.
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Postby thestral » Tuesday 2 August 2005 5:14:06pm

is your aunt JKR? *squints suspiciously at phoenix rising* hmmmm.... i think we ahould hold you down and torture the truth about your 'aunt' out of could know many things.....
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Postby pheonixrising » Tuesday 2 August 2005 5:17:30pm

no but she emails her daily
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Postby Tanuki » Tuesday 2 August 2005 10:14:30pm

...You know there are laws against that sort of thing, right?
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Postby pheonixrising » Thursday 4 August 2005 8:29:47pm

she is more than likely telling her what she is doing wrong
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Postby Fantasy girl » Monday 8 August 2005 3:34:54pm

i agree with thestral, what else do you know?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? i'll get the ropes!! :D
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Postby pheonixrising » Monday 8 August 2005 4:02:25pm

as i have said before we think my family is desended from seers because my aunt and i "new" about cedrics death, snape killing dd and the first book prediction she made was that after the first book she said and i quote"i hate snape he is definately a voldemort supporter" i predicted that neville was a more competent wizard than he seemed and he turned out to be a very pwoerful wizard
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Postby Person1 » Monday 8 August 2005 4:39:12pm

I too figured that Neville would be a great wizard because "Its always the quiet ones."

But then again, thats a reason i give snape the BotD He seems like an evil character constantly, but there is always more to a character in the Harry Potter books.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 8 August 2005 5:22:04pm

I don't wish to be rude but I think you're trying to deliberately wind people up here. It's easy to say you knew about stuff after they've been published.

JKR would not be as flippant with her work to e-mail it out on the Internet especially when it's not secure, anyone can intercept them. Your aunt may e-mail her daily (or maybe someone who has an e-mail address in the name of JKR) but if JKR's husband doesn't even know, I can't believe she would tell people over the Internet unless it was on her own site or published by a fan site that had interviewed her.
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Postby Person1 » Monday 8 August 2005 6:13:09pm

Ya, have to agree w. that, JKR would prolly tell nothing to anyone, what either you or your aunt says is likely not true. Well, Neville is an easy one to "predict" but about Snape Cedric, nah, sry, can't believe ya, pulling a Trelawny i'd say.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 8 August 2005 9:41:35pm

Thanks Person1! Nice to have someone else think a bit like me sometimes.

Can anyone confirm whether Cedric's name is even mentioned in the first 3 books - I don't even recall it but I suppose it could have been mentioned during a quidditch match. But predicting that Cedric would have become a main character and then die, it's a little bit tall...
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Postby Person1 » Tuesday 9 August 2005 4:04:37am

Snowy wrote:in the first 3 books - I don't even recall it but I suppose it could have been mentioned during a quidditch match. But predicting that Cedric would have become a main character and then die, it's a little bit tall...

Nah, dont think the name Cedric would have been mentioned at all, kinda like how Sirus Wasn't mentioned till the 3rd book. Random new characters.
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Postby thestral » Tuesday 9 August 2005 1:25:29pm

no cedric had been mentioned in passing before GoF, in PoA before the quidditch match that harry lost cos of dementors the girls in the team giggled and said 'he's the handsome one, isn't he?' or somwthing when they were saying who the hufflepuff seeker was. so yes he was mentioned in passing a few times.

also sirius was mentioned right at the start of the HP books in PS, when hagrid drops harry off in sirius's motorbike and mcgonagall asks him where he got it and he said something like 'sirius black lent it to me, said he didn't need it anymore..'

it's a pattern JK has, she always mentions them in slight passing incidents and then suddenly they burst out of the scene as the answer to everything, they are the HBP, they stole the ring, they are the heir of the flaming green torch hahahahah!!!
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