I don't think posters are doing it to be mean, and I certainly don't mean to come across as mean, but PLEASE read what Paul has written at the top of BaO and be careful. I feel I need to speak up for those who haven't finished the book. Paul wrote what he wrote and reconfigured BaO before book 6 came out for a reason. It's tempting to comment on an old topic with your new knowledge, but it spoils people who haven't finished the book and even though it's likely not to be intentional, it still can ruin the book for someone. Before you reply to a thread, look at which forum the thread is in...if it doesn't have Half-Blood Prince somewhere in the title of the forum, it isn't safe to reply to that thread with HBP knowledge!
Seeing the same topic discussed in several places in the HBP is frustrating, but spoilers are just sad...I nearly got spoiled here while reading the book (I should have never logged on), and I was SO upset. If what you are posting has any connection, in the slightest, to anything you read in HBP, please put it in one of the five HBP forums at the top of the page. It just takes a minute to look at where your post is going to end up. The "Theories" forum is NOT the same as the "Half-Blood Prince Theories" forum, as an example. Just be careful, please.