Harry's Powers

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Harry's Powers

Postby Froggs » Tuesday 19 July 2005 3:27:02pm

I've noticed that Harry seems to be incredibley inept considering the powers of the people around him. At his age, James, Sirius and Wormtail had become animagi (sp?), Lupin was a werewolf (not that that is a great power), Snape was brewing his own potions and making up hexes/curses, Voldemort was enchanting diaries amoung other things, and Lilly seems to have been tops in Charms and Potions. The only thing that Harry has been good at is his patronus (sp), and by now most of the DA members can do that too. Although I do think that his ability to apparate both himself and DD was a good bit of magic, made possible by his love of DD? Is JKR going to push this love thingy to the max in the 7th book? It seems a bit shaky, I'd be much happier if HP had become a bit strronger in this book. I mean, she left a bunch to get sorted out all in one book, don't you think? I thought Neville's plant (OOTP) was going to come into the story this time, but it was never mentioned, nor was the curtain. I guess I put too much thought into it!
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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 3:35:47pm

well you just answered yourself on one bit. when u mention that there might be more love in the next book but u'd prefer to see harry become more pwerful, but then say he could apparate because of his love for DD. So surely the two are connected. I do agree though with the first couple of comments as i'd've thought that he would've tried to follow in his fathers footseps and become animagi!
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Postby Violet » Tuesday 19 July 2005 4:31:11pm

the thing is james and sirius became animagi to help lupin when he transformed during the full moon, not just for the sake of it. Snape got very into the dark art ans was developing hexes, curses etc because there was nothing else ot him, we have already heard that he was a loner with no real friends so he had the time and the desire to make something of himself other than just the loser that he was.
If you think about what the older characters achieved during their time at school that was because they had nothing else to focus on. i mean that harry, hermione and ron have had a constant battle with voldermort through their entire schooling history, so yeah they may no be making up curses or becoming animagi but they have been saving the world.
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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 4:40:58pm

A very good point i spose there problem solving and detective skills would be better than anyont else who had been involved in HW. Plus there ability to think on there think and duel!
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 19 July 2005 4:45:24pm

I do kind of see where you are coming from on this Froggs in that he is completely naive and going through teenage angst. However, you have to remember that he has grown up in a muggle family and not been exposed to the wizarding world like James and Sirius.

He has so far obstructed Voldemort in PS and COS, eluded him in GOF and OOTP and the best is probably about to come as he starts to embrace maturity. So like Violet says he's been rather pre-occupied.
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Postby Froggs » Tuesday 19 July 2005 4:46:26pm

But haven't you noticed how little HP pays attention in classess? Wouldn't you think that he would dedicate himself as much as possible to his studies, knowing what he does about his future? He's always cheating, or sidestepping lessons. As for the older crowd. there was sure to have been at least some talk about LV and the DE crowd rising in power. I don't think they were entirely blissfull during there years at Hogwarts, granted, they did have less on their mind than Harry. But still...I just want to shout "Get to work HARRY! You've got a big bad wizard to defeat!!"
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Postby Violet » Tuesday 19 July 2005 4:52:01pm

yeah but how many of you have had problems going on outside of school when you've gcse's or a levels coming up and u know that u gotta pay attention in class cause they're important, but u cant.
its standard, most poeple tend to prioritise, but that doesnt always mean that they get things in the right order
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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 4:53:32pm

I've mentioned this in another topic so sorry for repeating myself. Harry believed as did everyone that DD was near unbeatable and until this story it doesnt become clear to him that he will eventually have to lead the attack and or deliver the funal blow. And I feel if DD or anyone could've known bout the events to follow his first year they would've geared alot more towards dueling. Saying that who has had more practise than him in being the underdog and pulling through.
I dont think being animagi will help him against LV or being a warewolf
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Postby Froggs » Tuesday 19 July 2005 4:55:47pm

[quote="Violet"] most poeple tend to prioritise, but that doesnt always mean that they get things in the right order[/quote]

Ha! I love that line! :lol:
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Postby Ginny-DA » Tuesday 19 July 2005 5:01:34pm

I don't think Harry really needs to concentrate in class cos Hermione is always there at his side to help out. Plus he does seem to have this natural ability to get himself out of scrapes with the little knowledge he does have.
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Postby blowtorch » Tuesday 19 July 2005 5:10:25pm

I disagree with Ginny-DA here.. when he is chasing Snape and Malfoy at the end of the book, Hermione's not with him.. nor is she likely to be when he faces off with Voldemort.

Harry's powers are too weak, Snape could have easily killed him at the end of the book (assuming that Snape is indeed bad - but this is not the place to discuss that). JKR should have made him an 'intrinsically' stronger wizard (maybe his spells are more powerful than usual - so even a limited repetoire can be deadly).
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Postby Violet » Tuesday 19 July 2005 5:14:56pm

i think this is the point of these books, that it takes more than just to be a strong wizard to get what u want. Voldermort is one of the cleverest wizards going and he still couldnt manage to kill harry. JKR is saying that there is more to a person than simply their magical powers
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 19 July 2005 5:15:10pm

Harry has always been focused on helping to resolve the dark issues in the wizarding world which is only natural considering what everyone expects of him. The previous generation never had such expectations placed upon them and so I don't think it is really comparable.

Also he hasn't really applied himself up until this book I think because he never knew or perhaps was in denial that it would fall to his feet alone to defeat LV. I think the end of the last book signified a change because he started to realise that he would have to lead the way and be the one to do it. Dumbledore certainly impressed this on him. He never thought Dumbledore would die even when he was forcing the poisonous potion. He has also leant on Dumbledore's shoulders right from the start (and then also Sirius and Lupin's) because he felt Dumbledore was invincible.

With shoulders starting to run out, Harry is starting to face truths about what he is dealing with, that people are not around forever and can be taken away at any moment. I believe the next book will set him on a path of discovery and fulfilment.

Can't wait!
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Postby blowtorch » Tuesday 19 July 2005 5:21:54pm

Violet wrote: JKR is saying that there is more to a person than simply their magical powers

I agree with you there, but look at it from another angle, Harry's powers should be stronger because of what he is.. or are you saying that spells and curses may not have a very huge role to play in the final battle between Harry and Voldemort? (like in GoF - Harry only uses expelli... thingie but manages to hold off Voldemort because of the effects of the Priori Incantem).
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Postby Violet » Tuesday 19 July 2005 5:37:53pm

the thing is that harry is only who he is because voldermort chose him to be.
every prophecy has the potential to either be fulfilled of or not, and the reason that trelawneys is being fulfilled is because voldermort was scared that there was someone who might be able to overthrow him. so he jumped into action and went after harry. he made harry his equal and thus made it that he and harry would be stuck in a constant battle until one of them died.
harry never had to be anything extraordinary with his magical abilities, it is just that he is marked as the one who will have to kill voldermort (and as we know it could have been neville in harrys situation; and he isnt exactly the most gifted of wizards)
anyways my point is harry has no more reason to be any more powerful than anyone else his age, expcet that fact that he needs to develop his skills in order to defeat voldermort
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