Horcrux Counting

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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 10:08:37am

He's got to have some close connection as it is obvious that he doesnt want to be seen co operating with the ministry directly (probably a little bit through Mr W) so HW must have the one of the biggest libraries in the wizarding world. Also apart from Harry's new pad ( the Orders hideout ) its the only place he can use as a base of operations!
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 19 July 2005 12:12:38pm

This is sort of related and has only just dawned on me whilst writing in another feed.

Can anyone tell me why Dumbledore only realised that Voldemort had used Horcruxes in the 6th book. As a Death Eater, he would have known the measures Voldemort took. If Snape was so loyal, why didn't he tell him earlier? He could have been working on this theory for years!!!

If Snape turns out to be good, he will help Harry find the horcruxes before the final showdown.
Last edited by Snow_Crystal on Tuesday 19 July 2005 1:14:16pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 12:18:11pm

Snape may not of known as DD says he has no friends just servents. Plus he may not have trusted Snape as well (LV that is). also i doubt LV would trust anyone with that information, and it doesnt seem to be an area that alot of wizards know about
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 19 July 2005 1:20:49pm

Hi Stumpy

I had to re-read the last couple of chapters of GOF to find it but LV definitely says to his Death Eaters "you all knew the steps I took to ensure my immortality" or roughly that anyway. So we know that he at least told his Death Eaters.

Of course we don't know what they knew and to how much depth. But he would want to demonstrate his power as an immortal, and as a show-off, LV almost brags about it to his DE's at the end of GOF - the fact that he is back, he was right, etc all just to scare his DE's for not being faithful and believing his immortality.

I agree that LV might not have trusted Snape with this info though because he also says in GOF that "here should be someone who I believe has left me forever" that could have been Snape. Incidentally he says that 1 was too cowardly to return - that was Karkarov who died in HBP and 3 died in his service. I think Regulas was one of these 3 but this is confusing to me as he seems to suggest that he was still in his service when he died? I would say that if he was backing out he wasn't in his service but what do I know? Don't know who the other 2 that died are - I'll have to read them again as I'm now curious about this.
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Postby thestral » Tuesday 19 July 2005 1:30:07pm

hmmmmm interestin snowy, i assumed he'd have the wit not to tell all his DE's the method of his immortality. but i guess his flaw has always been his ego. it was that, that allowed harry to escape in GoF, his need to show off. well everyone has a flaw you just need to exploit it.

and remember how in the pensive how quick he was when he found out he was a wizard to say i knew i was special. he has such a pride, ego and belief in himself that has been there from a young age. he has alawys considered himself superior. compare that with harry's humility and modesty and you can see that VD always underestimates others cos of his own belief in his superiority. he's never attributed harry's escapes from himself to be in any way skilful, he's mocking of them saying they were luck, circumstance, his mother, DD or something else. anythig but the fact that harry is brave powerful wizard. and VD seemingly still refuses to acknowledge harry as an equal and that i think will be his downfall.
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Postby Kalessin » Tuesday 19 July 2005 1:35:50pm

Yeah, that sounds perfect tbh... oh, I can't wait for the 7th book!!
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 19 July 2005 1:38:16pm

Thanks Thestral!

I agree with you - I reckon that it will definitely be those traits that will play a part in his downfall.

I just hope Harry recognises and exploits this to his advantage. I certainly don't believe LV will know that Harry is going after his horcruxes and I don't think he will anticipate this at all - that will certainly contribute to a fear welling up in LV in the final confrontation.
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Postby Kalessin » Tuesday 19 July 2005 1:41:58pm

Yeah, do you think the sword of gryffindor will play some part in the 7th book then? I'm thinking it might be used to destroy a horcrux of another founder, maybe founder's objects are powerfully magical and it will take another equally or more powerful object to destroy one? Dunno, just speculation really...
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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 2:01:10pm

definately as i doubt LV would of wanted to use godric's sword as a horcrux because of there big falling out and the disagreement plus it has been with DD the whole time.
I think it could definately be used either with the horcuxs or even wit LV
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Postby thestral » Tuesday 19 July 2005 2:06:58pm

maybe harry will become an aragorn, ranger figure, roaming the land, with a great big dirty sword strapped onto his side. :grin:

i love men with swords who can fight....ahhhh so manly *drool now hitting the keyboard*
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 19 July 2005 2:13:38pm

Thestral - I totally agree - drrrrooooolll!!!!

yeah how on earth is he going to destroy them?

I'm not sure about the Sword theory destroying another horcrux. Riddle/LV loved Hogwarts, it was his first real home. This is where I struggle because I can't work out whether his allegiance is greater to Slytherin or to Hogwarts.

I'm inclined to think it's Hogwarts because we think Dumbledore has worked out a few of the horcruxes, the Slytherin ring and Locket and the Hufflepuff cup so I'm inclined to think that LV would regard any physical symbols Gryffindor or Ravenclaw as trinkets for his collection.

I can't believe he would use a rival house trinket to destroy his horcruxes.

Here's a thought - while I'm on this! What if Harry has to reunite LV's soul before he can destroy him - i.e. bring all of the horcruxes with him to his final duel????!!!
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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 2:27:08pm

i dont think that could be possible as he only knew he had the Diary had been used and destroyed cos of lucius Malfoy! if it had returned to him u'd think he would be becoming more human!?
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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 2:30:06pm

As far as the sword goes, it took the most potent poison too destroy the Diary, took DD arm to destroy another. He would need to use some mighty strong magic to destroy the rest!

and ladies please behave with the drooling
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Postby Kalessin » Tuesday 19 July 2005 2:31:55pm

I think that once a horcrux is made, that part of the soul is now seperate. Once a horcrux is destroyed I think that part of the soul is lost... therefore, no matter how powerful LV is, without his six horcruxes, he only has a seventh of a soul, rather than the magically powerful seven parts of a soul. I think? :S
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Postby Stumpy » Tuesday 19 July 2005 2:35:49pm

It depends how much his magic depends on his soul, this could be where harry gains his advantage ove LV with the constant mention of Love in the story. i think these two things could be connected
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