Just finished - am in shock

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Just finished - am in shock

Postby FB » Saturday 16 July 2005 8:23:25am

Has anyone else finished yet? Am in shock and need to discuss....

(I am in Australia, so have had all day to read)

Postby Bee » Saturday 16 July 2005 10:25:40am

Tell us what happened then!! I am in country WA so haven't got the book yet!! HELP! cos I can't stand the waiting!!!

Postby Bee » Saturday 16 July 2005 10:30:45am

Please share cos mine is in the post and wont get to me til Mon or Tues.

Who dies?? What happens??

Postby Herminny » Saturday 16 July 2005 11:30:53am

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
POOR DD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regulus Black?
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Postby Bee » Saturday 16 July 2005 1:10:54pm

POOR DD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who do you mean by DD??
Come on guys ... noone is of any help so far!! I bet heaps of other people really want to know as well (or they wouldn't be looking at these posts if they didn't want a spoiler).

Postby niki_192 » Saturday 16 July 2005 1:21:48pm

dd is dumbledore .............. ;) :)
i couldnt believe about severus being so involved with voldemort and all.............he is a death eater......ialways thought he was evil in a way but this shocked me!!!!and him taking care of wormtail and all!!!!!!! dd trusted him...... i thought dd would b able to see right through him... maybe dd is just accepting him into hogwarts coz he thinks he can change snape or somethin.... i dunno ........?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! how rude..... i cant get over the fact that he is soooooooo "faithful" to the dark lord!
sorry havinan emotional breakdown
he said to bellatrix that she did a good job finishing sirius off ( :cry: :cry: :cry: )
arghhhhhhhhhh i despise him now.....
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Postby Tanuki » Saturday 16 July 2005 1:28:00pm

So he did betry DD. Well, I guess this proves a lot of my theories on Snape
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Postby BeeHarry » Saturday 16 July 2005 1:36:44pm

So is voldemort @ his full strength through the whole book n then harry fight him again?

Ron or hermione didn't die did they?
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Postby niki_192 » Saturday 16 July 2005 3:05:19pm

dont kno yet......u kno beeharry isnt this spoiling it for u i mean it would for me............. just wonderin ;) ;) :P :P
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Postby Just Mom » Saturday 16 July 2005 3:15:14pm

My copy hasn't arrived yet but should be here, in my hands from the mail within the hour...

However, as a busy mom of 4, I don't mind the spoilers since I'll be reading in choppy spurts here and there and want to know what happens anyway. Even if you tell me, you're only telling the big stuff, and I'm very detail oriented and get more pleasure out of the little stuff.

I must applaud and concede to Tanuki that yes, your predictions that DD had to die appear to be true, (and necessary to the plot) I will still hang on to the, per JKR, "redemptive quality" surrounding Snape and his character which I suspect will come full circle in book 7.

Tanuki, will it impress you to know I've watched the Food Network a lot lately?

Anyone finished with the HBP care to comment on Remus/Tonks?
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Postby niki_192 » Saturday 16 July 2005 3:22:10pm

i havent finished the book yet but i am on i reading frenzy right now and my eyes sting from reading it so much as its 12:30 am here...... is the person who dies dumbledore?????
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Postby BeeHarry » Saturday 16 July 2005 4:02:59pm

It wont spoil it for me because I read the books over and over, and I never get tired of them.

Even with the new books, I read the first chapter and because I know that someone will die, I will go to try and find that part of the book and read it anyway. I cant help myself, because in a sense, it has already been spoilt - the fact that we know that someone that we love is going to die.

People who have the book tonight will not sleep because their eyes will be glued to the pages of HBP.

I am so jealous!!!!! :(
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Postby thestral » Saturday 16 July 2005 7:30:47pm

ohhhhhhh words fail me!!!!!!! i really couldn't believe snape was ACTUALLY evil!!! i was thinking, 'it's a front, it's a front, it's ok, it's just an act' until, AVADA KEDRAVRA!!!!! uhhhh no it's real snape is actually evil. when will people ever listen to harry he's always right!!! "malfoy is a death-eater hermione" *ron and hermione roll their eyes again* "HE IS!!!!!" then the inevitable 'i-told-you-so'. speaking of which.....

hey tanuki..... who's your daddy *whoop,whoop* who's your daddy....(thestral is!!) my ginny/harry shipping was not misguided. we were right. now did anyone actually take me up on that bet cos it's like payment now. just something simple, "thestral is a god and i will never doubt her sacred word ever again". that should do it. and ron and hermione haven't reached the joining of the lips stage but it's looking concrete.

and the HBP was snape!!!! that was a twist!!! ohhh too much. and it was just too sad when DD died. their relationship had gone through so much!!and they were close and it's not fair. that's another one of my predictions true. i knew he would die in this one. i have no favourite characters left to kill. it'll be lupin next. i know it. she's moving down my list of favourite characters and killing them off. damn her wily ways!!!

i loved all the history of voldemort too. at least you can see a way to kill him now. and who the hell is R.A.B????????

and what will harry do next year???? he's not returning??? what? i don't understand, going into meltdown, too much....in..for..mation...

Merged two topics, original post above, second post below ~ Gwared

oops!!! :oops: sorry for the double post and not logging in before i posted. don't know how that happened, normally logs in automatically, but no.... anyways sorry, it's me thestral (harry /ginny yay!!!) and not 'guest'. hem hem.
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Postby Just Mom » Saturday 16 July 2005 7:42:18pm

All those "discussions" we had about Ginny and Harry....every once in awhile, what's perfectly obvious, really is perfectly obvious.

Hey Thestral! How's Jane Eyre coming along? I've had my baby now so I'm in the reading zone... I think of you every time I run across something related to Wuthering Heights!

Even though I know the big events, I'm now thoroughly enjoying all the details of the first chapter...
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Postby Tanuki » Saturday 16 July 2005 7:47:42pm

Go to characters and read my "Eating crow" topic, that is all I'm giving you. Now, I have two crfazy thoughts:

1) Snape might just make one more twist. Dumbledore was weak and dying throughout the book. Who's to say Snape wasn't doing DD's will in letting him die that way. Plus, remember the promise he made, he was bound to it

2) Why do I get the sneaking suspicion that the last Horcrux isn't in Voldermort, but in Harry. I take back my thing on one being alive at teh end of the books. I think Harry has to kill himself to totally make Voldermort mortal and then someone will be able to kill him

Oh Yes and...

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