The Inquistional Squad (book 5 and beyond)

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

Do you think the 'Inquistional Squad' of Slytherins will turn into a counter-group to Dumbledore's Army in future HP books?

Total votes : 25

Postby fred » Monday 14 June 2004 8:06:58pm

i think yes and no but i put yes this is y. i think we will see a squad like that but it will be diffrently organized especally without umbridge
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Postby niki_192 » Saturday 9 July 2005 1:24:01pm

i think yes coz i always heard malfoy saying how he hated harry hermione ron and dumbledore and that harry and dumbledore were the worst thing that happened to hogwarts (HP&CoS) so i think malfoy will convince them all to go against "dumbledore's army"
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Postby Eol » Saturday 9 July 2005 1:40:08pm

As Sirius said "The world isn't just split into good people and death eaters"

Yes the Slytherins have proven to be quite a foul bunch. Unpopular and snobbish. But not all of them are Voldemort supporters. The qualities that Slytherins possess, intelligence, ambition and even self preservation are not negative ones. In OotP Dumbledore's Army were the one's rebelling against the establishment. The Slytherins were following the one in charge, ie Umbridge. For them to rebel now, when Dumbledore is back in favour is unwise and so won't be followed by the majority of them.

The rivalries will still be there of course but the only one truly likely to actively go after Harry are Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Nott. My view of the situation is that Most of the Slytherins will no longer look up to Malfoy as his father is a known death eater and is currently in Azkaban.
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Saturday 9 July 2005 3:36:16pm

I said yes. I dont think they'll be death eaters... well... not all of them, but i do think that they will stick together against dd for a bit... its bound to add flavor to the books
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