Harry Potter Romance?

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 9 June 2005 5:08:14am

Something's just not right though. The fact is that.. Well... How can it happen? There's got to be some sort of changing event in the storyline to make Harry see differently, about either of them. The way it's going there isn't even really many hints at all for Harry. Even the ones you think might be hints, could easily be interpreted wrong.
Harry's not just going to wake up one day and think "Hey, I might go out with one of my best friends today!" It won't change that much that fast. It mightt be a series of things of course, but even so there'll have to be an exact moment when it hits him.
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Postby thestral » Thursday 9 June 2005 8:11:04pm

sorry tanuki, i just couldn't resist one last little comment :grin: . but it's not really a big deal who gets together with who. i mean the main thing is voldemort dies (painfully, slowly, with lots of blood, did i mention pain and humiliation?). i mean it's not a romance novel 'harry potter and the first date' :lol: . it's just makes it nicer to read for all us romantic saps out there. how about a truce on this issue tanuki? *offers to shake hands* :)
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 11 June 2005 6:06:05am

Thank you! Finally.... I was getting sick of that..
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Postby thestral » Saturday 11 June 2005 3:32:55pm

yeah.. i was getting sick of myself :grin:
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Postby Tanuki » Saturday 11 June 2005 3:43:37pm

Hey c'mon, its way too much fun to argue! I'll take a truce if you want, but I think we enjoy pressing the issue far too much to let it lie for now. Besides, we can still worry about Voldermort. the books aren't 2 dimensional, and neither are the things we can argue about. "Cry havok, and let slip the dogs of war" and all that
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Postby thestral » Sunday 12 June 2005 10:27:56am

yeah it's fun to argue!! :grin: who wants a boring everyone nodding in agreement forum?

also i'll eat my words here....love is important!!! the most important thing probably, because if there was no love and no-one cared about each other then there would be nothing for voldemort to destroy. voldemort attacks and tears apart families and brings grief and tries to make averyone as angry and cruel as he is because he has never known, understood or experienced love. So he tries to take it away from everyone else and make world as souless a place as he sees it through his eyes. he is essentially declaring war against not half-bloods or muggles but against love and happiness and all the things he has never known.

but it won't work cos love is the last hope of the desperate, it's what holds you together right to the very end, and the very thing you will die for. you can never kill the love people have for each other,voldemort can kill the people you love but he can never change or kill the way you love and remember someone. voldemort will fail because you can never kill love.
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Postby Tanuki » Sunday 12 June 2005 2:49:14pm

Sniff *wipes a tear* ...That was freakin beautiful

I love you man/woman/monkey/whatever
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Postby thestral » Monday 13 June 2005 10:35:14am

monkey, that was the result of the thory if you have 1000 monkeys sitting at typewriters they'd eventually produce a work of perfection. yeah i'm one smart monkey :grin:
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Postby Tanuki » Monday 13 June 2005 2:59:46pm

Booya; keep going then monkey-person. Make us proud
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Postby thestral » Tuesday 14 June 2005 12:56:00pm

i tend to get hopelessly sentimental and mushy about love when i read wuthering heights, and i've just finished reading it again (for like the 10th time. best book EVER written :grin: ) so there's probably be another hopelessly mushy sickening 'all you need is love' outburst any time soon. it's a bit unpredictable with me.
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Saturday 18 June 2005 2:35:59pm

I hate to break the truce... but i dont think harry will get together with ginny. Hermy is much more suited for him. Ron and Hermy are obvious and the couple would soon fall apart. i just dont want the ginny/harry thing going on or teh ron/hermy thing...
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Postby thestral » Saturday 18 June 2005 7:30:37pm

you're all blind fools. *shakes head sorrowfully* one day you will see and you'll be forced to grovel at my great all-knowing feet :grin:

i reckon we should take a consensus list, of the harry/ginny and ron/hermione shippers all on one side, and all the harry/hermione shippers on the other side and then when the fateful day arrives when it is written and the truth is revealed whoever is on the winning list will have the right to demand slave favours off the losers. or maybe as payment everyone who was wrong has to change their usernames to 'harry and ginny forever' or even better 'we were wrong, misguided and stupid (thestral is always right and beautiful and great in all ways).' feel free to fit more grovelling in there in you want. i'm sure you'll think of something.

oh and tanuki and dorkwad, your asses will be mine. I'm coming after you two first. :grin: :D
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Saturday 18 June 2005 11:42:03pm

Man I wish everyone on here was active then we could do the first bit of thestrals little plan thing and see who are the H/H and who are the H/G!!! :cat:
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Sunday 19 June 2005 1:31:46am

i dont exactly ship h&h, i am just saying that it would bee better than h&g/Hr&r
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 19 June 2005 7:28:54am

Yeah there's a difference between shipping and just thinking that..
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