Which girl would you like to see Harry be with?

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Mint, Simatra, Asphodel, Athena Appleton

Who would you like to see Harry be with?

Hermione Granger, best friend
Ginny Weasley, Ron's sister
Cho Chang, his crush
Luna Lovegood, an unusual Ravenclaw
Parvati Patil, his date for the "Yule Ball"
Someone Not Yet Introduced
No One!
Total votes : 207

Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 3 June 2005 6:45:35am

I agree with you about the couples, but I'm going to warn you that some people in this forum can be a little unecessarily and sometimes unknowingly hurtful if you base your judgements solely on movies. They will aregue that it's all completely different and has no relelvenace and everything. While this still may be true, they can mock you quite a lot and sometimes it hurts, so just be careful about what you say when you're basing an opinion of what you think weill happen in the books, on one of the films.I agree with you, but just be aware.
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Postby Snitch_Catcher » Friday 3 June 2005 5:47:33pm

harry and ginny look so good together
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Postby Tanuki » Saturday 4 June 2005 12:09:57am

yeah, ginny and Harry might work... if she weren't over him, and ths was Pride & Prejudice
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 4 June 2005 3:42:28am

Anything can happen.
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Postby thestral » Saturday 4 June 2005 12:18:23pm

tanuki why do you blantantly refuse to see what's in front of you? :-? hermy and ron have to get together, it's soooo obvious for reasons that have already been discussed. and stop being a nay sayer!! be happy for the eventual union of harry and ginny, it WILL happen. and thankfully this is not pride and prejudice.... :lol: be happy allow the love to grow!! 8-) *takes another reek of her joint* :grin:
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Postby Tanuki » Saturday 4 June 2005 10:07:05pm

1) Ginny got Harry, why haven't you guys gotten over Ginny?

2) Cho and Harry was obvious, and look how that turned out. Lovely

3) Ginny is way better when allowed to prosper, not just to be some character's girlfriend. I think she's way more likely to assert herself. Besides, she makes a way better bachelorette; Ron's reactions are classic

4) Ron and Hermione would not make a good couple. Remember, they fight bitterly now, do you think their disagreements are going to go away because they are dating? If nothing, it will just get worse. Why do so few people see this concept

5) Hermione is quickly becoming Harry's best partner and more likely the one who will be most invaluable in the fight against Voldermort. They get along better. Besides, I find best friends get together better than the one you bicker with. I'm dating my best friend, and it's way better than having a layer of rage between you

Should I go on with my reasons?
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Postby Im_a_slave_for_Draco008 » Saturday 4 June 2005 10:12:57pm

yes please stop. lol. just think love doesnt alway have to follow a guidlinf you just because we read that ginny is over harry we dont know if she really is anything can happen
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Postby Tanuki » Saturday 4 June 2005 10:20:05pm

If that's the case, why has no one said Draco/Harry? Sometimes, love DOES follow certain guidlelines, and a healthy relationship is definitely dependant on things
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 5 June 2005 4:51:51am

Right, you yourself did just say that love sometimes only follows guidelines. Who are we to judge whether JK is following a guideline or not.
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Postby thestral » Sunday 5 June 2005 12:20:07pm

errr okay, here goes, (for a second time because this is the 2nd time i've had to write this cos just as i was about to post it, my cousin came in slapped the keyboard and deleted everything. going to kill her :evil: ).

1) Ginny got Harry, why haven't you guys gotten over Ginny?

let me explain something from a girls point of view. ginny has simply moved on, given up hope, she still likes harry, but has moved on. because when you like someone for like 2 yrs and nothing happens you have this voice in your head saying 'you are so pathetic move on you idiot' so you force yourself to forget them put them out of your mind and hep presto you're dating other guys forgetting your heart is aching from your lost love. doesn't mean that the second, harry finally gets a clue (which he will eventually :D ) ginny will suddenly be ttransported back in time and the feelings will come rushing back...

2) Cho and Harry was obvious, and look how that turned out. Lovely

errr, yeah it was his 1st crush, 1st kiss, first experience with a girl, let's face it the first time never goes well does it? also cho was made very obvious by JK, literally spelt out for you, but the ginny thing has actually been quite subtle a few lines here and there, it's only 'obvious' because us HP freaks have dissected every line and come up with a million theories to kill time (which is moving very slowly :evil: ). also add onto that the fact that cho's boyfriend has just been murdered by an evil wizard, and her next prospect for romance is the person who saw him being murdered. it's a recipe fpr happiness, ain't it?

3) Ginny is way better when allowed to prosper, not just to be some character's girlfriend. I think she's way more likely to assert herself. Besides, she makes a way better bachelorette; Ron's reactions are classic

my point corresponds with yours, ginny is independent and assertive, she's doesn't take cr*p. that's exactly the sort of person harry needs in a relationship, someone who won't back down and cower the moment he's starts getting angry, instead ginny will tell him to sit down and shut the hell up. exactly what harry needs (then she'll give a little cuddle to soothe the inner pain :grin:). and ron's reaction. well that'll be great :lol:

4) Ron and Hermione would not make a good couple. Remember, they fight bitterly now, do you think their disagreements are going to go away because they are dating? If nothing, it will just get worse. Why do so few people see this concept
5)Hermione is quickly becoming Harry's best partner and more likely the one who will be most invaluable in the fight against Voldermort. They get along better.

exactly! PLATONIC!! they're good friends, almost brother/sister (which is why when you try to force them together it makes me feel a bit sick) they care about each other. but there is not one iota of a spark between them, not a bit of chemistry. you need passion for a relationship to work, and add to that friendship and hey hey kids!! you get hermione and ron (married with kids!!) because underneath that 'layer of rage' there is true friendship. (and the fighting is called 'sexual tension' fighting is great you get to stand to nose to nose, you get the friction and then there's always the making up...). also i think their fighting is reaching a peak now and once ron finally just grabs her and kisses her, their fighting will subside into gentle, teasing. it's classic pattern, learn to live with it. :D

whew that's me (although i did think that 15mins ago then my cousin barged in and deleted it all..grrr :evil: :evil:) sorry about the long post. and i would say good luck tanuki but you won't need it, i'm glad it's working for you :grin: :grin: :)
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Postby Tanuki » Monday 6 June 2005 12:29:42am

thestral wrote: it's only 'obvious' because us HP freaks have dissected every line and come up with a million theories to kill time (which is moving very slowly :evil: )

And that explains everything I needed you to explain.

Who won't back down and cower the moment he's starts getting angry, instead ginny will tell him to sit down and shut the hell up. exactly what harry needs (then she'll give a little cuddle to soothe the inner pain :grin:). and ron's reaction. well that'll be great :lol:

Hermione seems to be doing a fine enough job of this.

exactly! PLATONIC!! they're good friends, almost brother/sister (which is why when you try to force them together it makes me feel a bit sick) they care about each other. but there is not one iota of a spark between them, not a bit of chemistry. you need passion for a relationship to work, and add to that friendship and hey hey kids!! you get hermione and ron (married with kids!!) because underneath that 'layer of rage' there is true friendship. (and the fighting is called 'sexual tension' fighting is great you get to stand to nose to nose, you get the friction and then there's always the making up...). also i think their fighting is reaching a peak now and once ron finally just grabs her and kisses her, their fighting will subside into gentle, teasing. it's classic pattern, learn to live with it. :D

You guys seem to be putting the sibling thing there. You want them to be siblings, because you are straining so hard to put Ron and Hermione together, and that make ME sick. Its cliche to watch the two people who fought so hard before all of a sudden change and become such passionate lovers. All this passion you speak up is a very thin veil to cover flaws in a relationship. Passion fades quickly. What lasts is communication and understanding. Something Ron is inherrently lacking in. You read way too many trashy novels if you think she wouldn't slap him for just kissing her one day. [/quote]
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Monday 6 June 2005 1:24:47pm

Can I join? :grin:

Tanuki wrote:Its cliche to watch the two people who fought so hard before all of a sudden change and become such passionate lovers. All this passion you speak up is a very thin veil to cover flaws in a relationship. Passion fades quickly. What lasts is communication and understanding. Something Ron is inherrently lacking in.

Have you ever been in love? Communication and understanding is not enough, you need them, yes, but you can have them with friends. For a love relationship you need more and you really need passion (not in the way of romantic novels, two people jumping all over each other) --> that's what differenciates love from a friendship. For me Ron and Hermione are not an impossible couple - I don't think they're fighting, they're teasing each other as many teenagers do (to cover their true feelings). Besides, I believe there's more to Ron than we have seen so far, he's not dumb, he just need to grow up a bit. :D Why do you think he wouldn't be able to understand and talk to Hermione?
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Postby Tanuki » Monday 6 June 2005 3:17:56pm

I think he can't talk to Hermione because they are not as close as you give them credit for. Ron is not dumb, but I sincerely doubt his personality is going to do a 180 degree turn over a summer.

Also, I could see using arguing to cover feelings if there were an initial attraction. However, Ron started off disliking Hermione, and his opinion of her only changed because of the incident involving the troll in book 1. Since then, it has ben a non stop nag-and-idiot-a-thon. Sometimes, I think their friendship with Harry is the only thing keeping them together
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Postby thestral » Monday 6 June 2005 4:44:51pm

well i can see that we are diametrically opposed in our views of what constitutes love, friendship etc and basically we view their relationships in totally different ways. but hey people are different right and different readings are sometimes good:grin:

however i agree with phinea saying that there's more to ron that we've yet to see. he just needs to mature and then he'll learn to communicate rather tha argue (*coughsexualtensioncoughcough*).

[/quote]I think he can't talk to Hermione because they are not as close as you give them credit for

tanuki you seem to view them as if they dislike each other but get over it to be keep things together with harry, but they are obviously good friends, best friends even if you deny romantic feelings they are close, even though they squabble. you seem to give their friendship absolutly no credit whatsoever.

Sometimes, I think their friendship with Harry is the only thing keeping them together
also this is not true because hermione and ron spend lots of time together without harry being there, sure they spent the whole summer at grimmauld place together in OotP, and hermione often gets together with ron during the holidays more often than harry. indeed, in OtP hermione and ron had to stick together to protect themselves from the wrath of angsty harry. harry distantced himself from them more in this book and it was hermione and ron. so no their freindship is not falling apart and non-existent as you so adamantly insist.

ohh there's so much to argue but i can see that you will never shift on this paticular issue (until JK finally writes it and you finally have to admit defeat :D ) so how about we just put a bet on it? some form of ritual humiliation would be good, like if i'm right i change my user name to 'tanuki is always right' and is i'm right you change yours to ' thestral is a god'? how about that would that work? :lol: :lol:
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Tuesday 7 June 2005 9:15:00pm

sorry, but i have made my decision already. i cant decide, and am not going to discuss it. there are lots of angles for both sides, and personally, i think it could go either way. it will be decided, but not until the 16th of july at the earliest. hermione and harry are both friends, but are they too platonic? ginny had a crush on harry, but hasn't she got over it? look, love is unpredictable. if it wasnt, why are we still arguing? because anything could happen, and i cant see a better theory out of the ones presented. i am not convinced by either argument
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