choki wrote:But before do you pronouce those words in Serbian?
Serbians have the rule: ''Piši kao što govoriš'' = ''Write like how you speak'' --> totally phonetic writing system - kinda opposite to English, where you pronounce one letter in many different ways. Serbians write what they hear.
For example: even names - those we all know: they write ''James Dean'' = ''Džejms Din''
George Bush = Žorž Buš
Elvis Presley = Elvis Prisli
Mick Jagger = Mik Džegr
*trying to remember some more names*
ok, some Hollywood tosh:
Josh Hartnett(sp?) = Još Hartnet
Brad Pitt = Bred Pit
Tom Cruise = Tom Kruz
maybe now they write some celebs' names in correct spelling but if they do it their own way, it's hard to figure it out