Members names and Houses

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Should members with HP character names be sorted into the same houses as in the books?

Yes, let's stay true to the books
No, members should be allowed to be sorted wherever they prefer
If a member with a particular character's name as their screenname wishes to be sorted into a certain house where their HP character would not be, they should change their screenname to a neutral name or to someone in the house of their choosing
Total votes : 55

Postby Alice I » Monday 17 May 2004 3:13:12pm

Well I just found this thread because Nightcrawler brought it to the forfront by posting.
WTG Nightcrawler!! :lol:
Anyway I answered that you should be in the house you want rather than it being decided for you by the name you chose, I mean after all DD himself said

It is our choices that show who we truly are
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Postby Nightcrawler » Monday 17 May 2004 4:46:39pm

LOL, thanks. :grin:

Nice quote too. Totally agree.
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Postby harrylover » Tuesday 15 June 2004 8:00:12pm

i voted for everybody should be sorted where they want...i joined another hp forum a year ago and i got into hufflepuff( i don´t like it ) and then it always annoyed me and then i left the sounds a bit stupid i know... :D
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hello i want to be a

Postby hermione_granger_1993 » Monday 7 March 2005 6:49:31pm

GRYFFINDOR PREFECT plzz i want to be it plzzz
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Postby Phaerie » Tuesday 8 March 2005 12:05:22am

Hermione_granger_grl1993. You need to get 125 posts to be a prefect. So if you really want it go out and post on the rest of the forum. you hyave to prove yourself worthy of the position.
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