Dumbledore's Secret

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Postby ermintrude2003 » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I'm so glad u like it! i really like this forum every1 is so nice! On others u can get some really nasty comments! thanx 4 all ur great replies, i'll post more tomorrow!

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Postby Shadow » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

That was really good, but I got a little lost about what was happening at the end.
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Postby ermintrude2003 » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Chapter 6 – Christmas Surprises.

The weeks flew and before they knew it everyone was leaving for the Christmas holidays. Hundreds of students climbed down the stairs with their trunks and walked towards the lake to get the boats to Hogsmeade Station. Harry, Hermione and Ron were in the Great Hall playing wizard’s chess.
“Checkmate” called Ron.
“Oh not again!” Exclaimed Hermione. “I’m never going to beat you Ron!”
Harry was so glad they were back together again, even though he had to sit through them kissing in the common room and their lengthy goodbyes every night and before class. But it was worth it just to sit with them and talk.
Harry was so excited about Christmas. Sirius was free and he had no worries whatsoever, he was safe in Hogwarts and he had everyone around that he loved. Things couldn’t be better.
That night, after they had been fed and watered they climbed the stairs to Gryffindor tower and sat in front of the fire in their usual comfy armchairs when all of a sudden a head popped in the fireplace!
“Merry Christmas everybody!” Exclaimed the head nodding back and fro.
“Sirius!” Cried Harry in excitement. “What are you doing here?”
“Well I couldn’t leave my godson without saying Merry Christmas could I?”
“What do you mean leave Sirius?”
Harry, to be truthful there are dark goings on round here. Nowhere is safe now, Voldemort is more powerful than ever and last night something happened, something bad.”
“What Sirius? Tell me”
“I cant just now Harry, but just be careful ok? Promise me you wont go looking for trouble!”
“I promise Sirius but you know I never intend on getting into trouble, it always finds me!”
“You just look after yourself, and remember no-where is safe! Merry Christmas Harry! I hope you enjoy your present!”
And with that Sirius’s head popped and disappeared.
“He always manages to make you feel dead scared your Godfather! I mean telling someone that You Know Who’s gotten more powerful just before you go to bed, that’s bound to give me nightmares!” Said Ron a note of panic in his voice.
“I’m not worried about nightmares Ron, I’m worried about what’s happening out there, in the world. I mean it must be a right mess now. I’m dreading going back to the Dursley’s, and not because I hate them but because of what I might see on the way there!”
“Too right Harry, I hope mum and dad’s alright, I mean they don’t know what to do against a Dark Wizard, they could just…” But Hermione didn’t finish, instead she just wept silently in Ron’s arms.
“These are dark days Harry, Sirius is right you should be careful, you could be our last hope you know!”
“Yeah, I know, let’s go to bed, we have Christmas to look forward too!”

Please read and review!
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Postby Shadow » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

That was really good!
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Nice! Its brilliant! I'm gonna post mine now :razz:
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Postby Evil Sailor Saturn » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Wow! Awesome fic!! Keep postng the good work
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

pleeaase? post some more?
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

On 2002-08-12 13:55, Wedge wrote:
pleeaase? post some more?
what he said ^.^
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Postby ermintrude2003 » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Hey guys! back from my Hols, they were great! So now u can have another installment. Glad u like and thanx 4 all ur replies! keep them coming!

Chapter 7
Harry and Ron slept soundly until Harry woke abruptly his scar searing with pain. White light flashed across his eyes and he felt he would soon pass out. But then he heard movement outside, below their dormitory. Harry managed to climb out of bed and look out of the window, blinking away the pain. What he saw next made his heart race. A huge black chariot was gliding slowly over the lake driven by huge winged stallions. Other horses followed, ridden by rugged figures in black cloaks, their hoods drawn up. But what scared Harry most was the thing floating above them, something vast, green and glittering, the Dark Mark. Harry gasped Voldemort had come to Hogwarts. This could mean only one thing, Voldemort wasn’t afraid of Dumbledore any more; he was more powerful than ever! Harry shook Ron hard, waking him up.
“What the…? Harry what’s wrong?”
“Voldemort, quick get up.”
“What?” Ron was sleepy and confused.
“Look, out there, he’s come to Hogwarts!”
“Oh my God!” Cried Ron, “What do we do?”
“Go get Dumbledore”
The two of them raced down the stairs.
“Hang on,” said Harry and he ran back up to their dormitory.
“Now what?” Said Ron, terror sweeping across him.
Harry came back downstairs grasping his invisibility cloak.
“Just in case”
“Oh that’s really gonna help fight Voldemort!” Said Ron sarcastically.
“Oh just come on!” Harry yelled grabbing Ron and pulling him across the common room towards the portrait hole.
“Just where do you think your going?” Harry and Ron swept around wondering who it was.
“You’re not leaving without me!” Cried a very flustered Hermione.
“Hermione just stay in bed, it’s too dangerous,” said Ron “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Ron I’ve never done what you’ve told me to and I’m not about to start now, besides I’ve helped you the last times Harry’s faced Voldemort and I’m definitely not going to stand aside this time!”
“She’s right you know Ron, we would never of beaten him before without her help. I mean she was the one that helped me through the fire to Quirrel in our first year. And she was the one who found out what the Monster was in the Chamber of Secrets and where it was. I think she’s meant to come.”
“Ok, Ok but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
And they left out the portrait and headed for Dumbledore’s office. But they didn’t quite make it for they met him in the corridor to the Entrance Hall.
“Harry there you are, I was coming to get you.”
“I know,” said Harry, “he’s here isn’t he?”
“I’m afraid so, do you know what you have to do yet?”
Ron looked first at Harry then Dumbledore in a bemused expression.
“I have to fight him, don’t I?”
“Yes Harry I’m afraid you do, you’re one of the only people left who is capable of killing him.”
“But how am I supposed to?”
“I don’t know Harry, for once in my life this is something I don’t know how to handle. This is up to you, you will know how to when the time comes it’s all up here Harry.” And he pointed to Harry’s scar.
“You always said scars were useful didn’t you? But I always thought mine was a warning, not that it would tell me how to defeat him.”
“Of course Harry,” exclaimed Hermione, “You have a little bit of Voldemort in you, remember. The sorting hat said to you It’s all in your head, when he wanted to sort you into Slytherin!”
“So you’re saying Harry knows how to kill Voldemort?” Said Ron, a puzzled expression on his face.
“Yes, believe it or not Harry you know lots of magic that you have never heard of, the same amount that Voldemort knows.”
“And a bit more,” added Dumbledore, “You’ve got good magic in you too Harry, from your mother.” A smile spread across Dumbledore’s face.
“So when I need a spell it will just come to me?”
“Yes Harry, so now what do we do?”
A loud bang echoed through the castle, the main doors had opened and a great gust of wind swept through Hogwarts.
“He’s here, he’s gonna come after us Harry, what do we do?” Cried Ron shaking in fear.
“Ron go get McGonagall and Snape.” Ordered Harry.
“Why Snape? What good is he, he used to work for Voldemort remember?”
“Just get him Ron, Hermione I need you to send owls to the ministry and anyone you can think of that can help.”
“Right” and with that Hermione headed for the Owlery.
“Wait!” Called Dumbledore and he gave her the invisibility cloak, “share the cloak until you go past Voldemort, then split up.
“Be careful you two” called Harry.
“Good luck Harry,” they said in unison and they throw the cloak over themselves and were gone.
“Are you ready Harry?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be. Lets go.” Harry let out a large breath and walked towards the Entrance Hall where Voldemort and his followers were waiting.
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

OoOoOoOoOo excitement. Get the next chappy up fast, that has left me wanting more, MORE! *cough*
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Postby ermintrude2003 » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Chapter 8

Harry led the way round the curving corridor and into the Entrance hall. They reached the top of the stairs and sure enough Voldemort was waiting at the bottom surrounded by his followers, who were snarling at the sight of Harry and Dumbledore. Harry recognised a few of them at once. Lucious Malfoy was standing next to Voldemort, obviously his right hand man now, he looked at Harry with glistening eyes filled with excitement at the thought of getting revenge. Crabbe and Goyle's fathers stood on the other-side of Voldemort. Others Harry didn’t know stood lined up next to them.
“Well, well, we meet yet again Mr Potter. I believe this time, luck, won’t be on your side.” Voldemort hissed, Hatred flowing through his words.
“I never needed luck,” replied Harry aggressively, “and I wont this time!”
“Well you certainly seem sure of yourself Harry, but lets see how brave you are when were face to face.” And with that Voldemort waved his wand and ropes clasped around Harry’s arms and chest and pulled him forward, towards Voldemort. Harry’s scar seared with pain again and he flopped forward held only by Voldmort’s magic. Voldemort grinned at this and began to drop him to the floor and pick him up again and again.
All of a sudden Dumbledore’s dry voice rang out into the hall.
“Leave the boy alone, it’s me you want Voldemort.”
“Don’t be stupid old man, why would I want you when I can finally defeat the one who made me weak for all those years?”
“Because I am the wizard everyone knows you truly fear, he is just a boy, and anyone can kill a boy.”
“Fine have it your way you fool, first I defeat you then I have my revenge on the boy.”
Dumbledore flew down the steps brandishing his wand. Voldemort withdrew his ropes from Harry, who collapsed to the floor, and took a new position towards Dumbledore. Luscious Malfoy swept towards Harry guarding him in case he moved.
“Ready old man?” Hollered Voldemort.
“I’ve been ready and waiting for years, Riddle.”
“You shall suffer for calling me by my fathers name Dumbledore, just like he did in the end.” And with that he lunged forward, but Dumbledore was too quick for him,
“Expelliarmus” he cried and Voldemort flew backwards hitting the wall, his wand laying forgotten at his side.”
“I hate it when wizards do that, it’s such an easy spell.”
“But it works to great effect Riddle” Dumbledore said in argument.
In a flash Voldemort raced to his feet, grabbing his wand and shouted
“Imperio.” Dumbledore was startled by his quickness and was hit hard by the curse. He flew back, slumped against the steps, but he fought it off quickly and raised himself again to his feet.
“Impedimenta” Cried Dumbledore, and with that Voldemort froze stuck to the spot. There was an almighty crack of the ice surrounding Voldmort’s mouth and he managed a few words.
“Seize him” and with that 5 of his followers including Crabbe and Goyle surrounded Dumbledore and cornered him. Lucious waved his wand and Voldemort was freed of the curse.
“Master, he is stirring. Come quickly.”
“Guard Dumbledore tightly, I will finish this one of first.” Voldemort swooped down on Harry brandishing his wand.
“No I cannot kill him this way, he is too well protected from the killing curse. No matter I came well prepared.” And with that he pulled a gleaming silver knife from his robes. “Get ready to die Potter.” Voldemort lunged holding the knife to Harry’s throat. Harry immediately opened his eyes and stared Voldemort in the face. Harry struggled trying to throw Voldemort off, but he was too strong. This was it; this was how it was going to end.
Just then Ron, Snape and McGonagall arrived at the top of the staircase. McGonagall raced straight to Dumbledore’s aid and tied up Voldemort's followers, freeing Dumbledore. But Snape had better targets in his sight. Seeing Harry and Voldemort in the corner by the Great Hall, he leaped and swooped down on Voldemort making him drop the knife, which only scratched Harry’s neck. Snape grabbed Voldemort and they rolled in a great scuffle, Harry couldn’t believe it Snape had saved his life. Voldemort forced Snape onto the ground and grasped for his wand in his robes, he aimed it at Snape's forehead and yelled
“Avada Kedavra” a jet of green light escaped Voldemort’s wand and went straight into Snape’s head. Snape lay limp on the floor, a trickle of blood running down from his head, over his crooked nose and into his open mouth. Everyone looked on in horror except Harry who was racing towards Voldemort his wand out in front of him.
“Crucio” yelled Harry, still running forward in determination. But Voldemort was too quick for him. He dodged the spell and flipped sideways. He swung around and yelled
“Avada Kedavra” and again a swarm of green light filled the room; Harry fell to the floor writhing in pain.
“Nooooo” shouted Ron running forward, only to be held back from a very stern but frightened McGonagall.
“I have to do it Minerva, I have too.” Dumbledore spoke suddenly.
“But Dumbledore, we still have a chance, Harry still has a chance.” Ron slid to the floor weeping.
“He will amount to great things Minerva. I have done many things in my time and now it’s his turn to take my place. And besides, I’ve wanted to finish him off for years!”
“But sir.”
“I’m doing it Minerva, no matter what you say to me, it’s what I have to do I know it.”
“Ok” McGonagall sighed holding back tears. “I will miss you, we all will”
“I will always be in these walls Minerva, always, remember that, tell Harry that.” And with that Dumbledore whipped around and was gone in a flash. Ron looked up astounded, except that Dumbledore wasn’t gone, Ron could hear a faint buzzing and saw what looked like a Bumblebee heading for Voldemort, and sure enough it landed on him and sunk its tail deep into his neck. Voldemort stood up, his whole body rigged; he shook violently for a second and then collapsed in a great heap on the floor. His followers looked at him amazed. Voldemort was dead.
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Postby Melody Granger » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

THAT CANT BE IT there has to be more is there please poast
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Postby ermintrude2003 » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Of course thats not it!!! This story has 15 chapters! (but there could b more!)

Chapter 9

Just at that second Hermione appeared at the top of the stairs, the invisibility cloak strewn to her side.
“Oh My God Harry!” She screamed and ran towards him but Lucious ran towards her and grabbed her round the waist and carried her towards the large main door.
“No Hermione!” Screamed Ron who was now petrified, not only was his best friend lying on the floor next to a dead Voldemort, but now his girlfriend was being taken away by Lucious Malfoy. Ron hurried after him as Lucious flung the door open and cried;
“Now I can have revenge on the mudblood who puts shame to all us purebloods with her intelligence.”
“Let her go now Lucious!” Cried a desperate Ron.
“And what are you going to do about it young Weasley?” He spat back. And with that Lucious fled the castle. Ron chased after him, although he knew he was right, what chance did he have over him.
“Ron help me, please help me!” Hermione cried tears running down her cheeks. She kicked Lucious madly yet he still continued to run on.
“Outta the way Ron!”
“Hagrid! Thank God!” And Hagrid bounded past Ron his giant feet thudding against the damp ground. Hagrid whipped out his pink umbrella and shouted
“Locomotor Mortis” and with that Lucious fell to the ground with a large thud and Hermione escaped from his grip.
“Good one Hagrid” she called running towards Ron.
“Look out” called Hagrid sharply as Lucious reached for his wand and pointed it straight at Hermione’s back.
“Avada Kedavra” shouted Lucious his eyes gleaming with power. The stream of green light hit Hermione Square on her back and she collapsed in Ron’s arms unconscious. Hagrid charged at Lucious and piled on top of him pinning him to the ground, grabbing his wand and snapping it in half.
“Now lets see you do any more of ‘ur dark magic ya slime-ball!” Meanwhile Ron collapsed on the floor with Hermione in his arms.
“What’s happened to her? Is she, is she dead?” He said swollowing a large lump in his throat and looking up at a red faced Hagrid. Hagrid reached down and felt Hermione’s neck.
“No she’s not!” Said Hagrid in a whisper, relief flooding over his expressions.
“Why isn’t she… surely?”
“You protected her Ron,” came a voice from behind them, “just like my mum did me.” Harry stood behind them, weak and panting but there none the lease.
“Harry your ok!” Exclaimed a very happy and relieved Hagrid.
“Yeah, takes more than that to get rid of me,” said Harry jokingly. “Now lets go get the rest of them. Hagrid take Lucious to your cabin and lock him in, then take Hermione to Madame Pomfrey. Me and Ron can take care of his.”
“Yeah”, said Ron, “It’s payback time for 7 years of disturbed learning!”
Harry and Ron strode back up to the castle and entered the Hall only to find McGonagall and the rest of the teachers guarding the tied up followers.
“I’ve got to send an owl to Percy” Ron exclaimed and left crashing up the staircase. Harry walked up to McGonagall and asked
“Is Voldemort…”
“Dead, yes he is, you’ve finally defeated him Potter.” She told him. Ron came flying back down the staircase,
“He’s on his way.”
“Good” cried McGonagall; I don’t know how much longer we can hold them here. Harry can you help guard that one over there.” She turned round to Harry but found him lying on the floor, his scar bleeding.

more to come but first i need replies b4 i post more!
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Oh my god.
More. please. !. I. need. more.
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Postby Melody Granger » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

O good good good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more more more !!!!!!!!!!! :jump:
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